Anyone that has played a few games of MP or read these boards for a while knows that the AI can't hold a candle to human players and won't anytime soon. However, I was wondering if there are some rules.txt mods that some of you have used to make the single player game vs the AI a little tougher.
Here are some things that I have been messing around with in my v2.42 (so as not to screw-up MGE, if I'm ever home long enough to play.)
Adjusting competitors. There are some civs that seem tougher than others depending on your style of play. For me, aggressive expansionist civs blow up my trade caravans and have small cities, so I don't get as much bonus money; and they have more units so are less likely to give tribute, and harass me early so I have to defend better. So I have adjusted the civ characteristics to make the opponents more Mongol and less Babylonian.
AI reseach priorities. I usually go for MC and JSB which the AI almost ignores, so I increased the research priority of these crucial techs.
Military unit adjustments. Howies are too effective when used by a human, I reduced their movement to 1 and dropped the ignore walls flag. Dips and Spys movement reduced by 1, and increase in cost. Settlers/Eng ignore ZOC to keep me from boxing in the AI expansion.
Terrain adjustments. We have all investigated an AI city and seen them prioritze food over trade, it will work fish over whales and a grassland square over mined wine. In order to get the AI to work the high trade squares I have added to the food production of big trade specials like gold, spice, gems etc.
I've done a bunch of other stuff too, but that is a start. What kind of recommendations do you guys have to make the AI more difficult?
If you can not think of a really good reason why you should build something other than a caravan, build a caravan. - jpk
Here are some things that I have been messing around with in my v2.42 (so as not to screw-up MGE, if I'm ever home long enough to play.)
Adjusting competitors. There are some civs that seem tougher than others depending on your style of play. For me, aggressive expansionist civs blow up my trade caravans and have small cities, so I don't get as much bonus money; and they have more units so are less likely to give tribute, and harass me early so I have to defend better. So I have adjusted the civ characteristics to make the opponents more Mongol and less Babylonian.
AI reseach priorities. I usually go for MC and JSB which the AI almost ignores, so I increased the research priority of these crucial techs.
Military unit adjustments. Howies are too effective when used by a human, I reduced their movement to 1 and dropped the ignore walls flag. Dips and Spys movement reduced by 1, and increase in cost. Settlers/Eng ignore ZOC to keep me from boxing in the AI expansion.
Terrain adjustments. We have all investigated an AI city and seen them prioritze food over trade, it will work fish over whales and a grassland square over mined wine. In order to get the AI to work the high trade squares I have added to the food production of big trade specials like gold, spice, gems etc.
I've done a bunch of other stuff too, but that is a start. What kind of recommendations do you guys have to make the AI more difficult?
If you can not think of a really good reason why you should build something other than a caravan, build a caravan. - jpk