In some posts, it was suggested that the terrain from which an attack is launched may affect the attacker's strength. As far as I know, no documentation or strategy guides suggest that this is so. Yet, in a current game, barbarian archer on a mountain attacked a city protected by the great wall and some fortified phalanx. The archer won, then won again, even in the yellow. Even at raging hordes which is supposed to increase attack strength to 150%, I don't think an archer should have won. If the barbs had a vet archer(4), increased another 50% to 6, it should have lost to a fortified phalanx behind walls(7).
Because of this, I suspect that there may be something there. If so, my playing strategy could change. Has anybody done some experiments on this?
Because of this, I suspect that there may be something there. If so, my playing strategy could change. Has anybody done some experiments on this?