The possibility that the player influences the probabilities related to huts by personal actions is Awesome! That 'keeping NONE settlers reduces the odds for getting another,' or 'researching in a certain pattern increases/decreases the odds of getting a particular tech,' or 'mercenary and money result possibilities wax or wane depending on the player actions related to other probabilities' would be stunning findings if confirmed. It would say that the designers and developers intervened with complex coding to specifically reward some play patterns and discourage others in ways far more subtle than previously realized. For example, the "riot factor" seem to be a design ploy to discourage too rapid expansion. However, the nomad factor in this line of research shows a reward to the player who immediately converts the nomads to cities, thus increasing the chances of finding and converting another (ICS). May be the law of unintended consequences at work. The idea may actually have been to increase the chance of getting another NONE settler if your first was killed. Very interesting.
Anyone actually in contact with the programmers of Civ II? Perhaps we could just ask them.
Anyone actually in contact with the programmers of Civ II? Perhaps we could just ask them.