I notice a lot of strategies seem to involve military destruction of the other civs, then heading off to AC as a sort of afterthought.
It seems to me that anybody with a bit on the ball can handle that, but how about a more peaceable strategy? No wars of aggression, just a constant advancment of technology, aimed at eventual space flight.
Now, notice that I didn't say "no wars." That would be kind of unrealistic, not to mention fatal. If someone attacks you, you're free to go after them until they've had enough.
It might even be a good thought to insist that you have to fight as a Democracy as soon as you can get there, so that you'll have a government back home impeding any wars you might want to wage.
The challenge is still to build yourself up well, defend yourself, and get to AC first.
Is that a challenge, or is it too simple? And if it's too simple, what have I missed? I'm still learning this thing.