I am a regular diety player but recently I have ran into a problem. Ever since I played an MP game in which I was slaughtered before 0 AD because the other guy had twice as many cities as I did. Generally what I do is expand, then expand, then expand. It works great! For a while. I get monarchy build warrior settler phalanx settler settler settlers you get the idea. I get wonders and temples. But I ran into a problem. I had just left my island which could only support 10 cities and I built "colonies" on surrouding islands. About when I hit 15 cities there was massive unhappiness, of course I had HG, but it was no longer helping and so I could not have the first guy in the city immeidiatly when it was built working for I needed happiness. Does anyone have a solution for this. I tried getting MC but by then I was so far "behind" the AI I couldn't stand to watch them slaughter my vet cavs with their almighty vet musketeers. This slows me a lot because my research rate SLOWS and I can't build more cities to counteract the effect
. Can anyone help me?
