Please come by and check out The Clash of Civilizations.
Clash is a from-scratch version of a civ-like game. Definitely Not a clone.
We have a prototype demo available, although it is just for testing out ideas at this point. (Check out the 'Demo 2' thread if you're interested in what's there) We will release at almost every stage of the game, so we can get immediate feedback from interested players on what works and what doesn't. If its not Fun it won't be in the following version.
Now for some specifics
We already have about fifteen designers, programmers and artists at latest count. All of us are part time, probably 5-20 hrs/ week. If you are interested, we would like to hear what you think about the design as it stands so far. Suggestions for your own thoughts on design / features are also welcome. Or even better, come join the team...
One of our Main goals, in every aspect of the project, is to require less micro-management from the player than is typical in the 4x genre. If you Want micromanagement you can do it by the buckets-full, but its Never mandatory. One benefit of this would be the option of a 4-hr game where you'd go from BC to the present making only broad decisions. These might vary from player to player, but would be something like: your civ's diplomatic stance with respect to your neighbors, direction you want to try to move the economy, culture and government in, and overall military strategy. If we can make it so that this game is possible, and so that the player can "drill down" into any area to a fairly fine level of control, we'll have succeeded.
Clash has an emphasis on better handling of the government and intra-civ political effects. Another distinction of Clash is to include some effects of culture, ethnicity and their ramifications. (Check out our Government, and Social Models in the Status Thread at if you're interested.)
And, of course, better AI than the complete junk (IMO) the commercial games are giving us for adversaries. Our ideas for AI are summarized in links on the Web page, and a rudimentary Map AI demo on the forum.
If you're interested in Clash, first check out the Main Clash Web Site for now at . A new web site design is almost up and running. Our Forum for suggestions and working out a design spec is here at Apolyton: . Please comment on things you like or don't like. Make alternative suggestions, its an open mike ;-).
For a more detailed look at where the planning for each game element is, check out the Guide to Current Status thread at . We are hoping to finish up the initial overall design fairly soon, and are proceeding to coding on areas that are better developed.
There are a lot of ways that good thoughts in the design area can still seriously influence the final game at this point.
We also still need coders, designers, artists... you name it, we can use you
Come Join Us!
Mark Everson
Project lead for The Clash of Civilizations
(That means I do the things nobody else wants to do ;-) )
This Radically different civ game needs your suggestions and/or criticism of our design.
Check our our Forum right here at Apolyton...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited October 27, 1999).]</font>
Clash is a from-scratch version of a civ-like game. Definitely Not a clone.
We have a prototype demo available, although it is just for testing out ideas at this point. (Check out the 'Demo 2' thread if you're interested in what's there) We will release at almost every stage of the game, so we can get immediate feedback from interested players on what works and what doesn't. If its not Fun it won't be in the following version.
Now for some specifics
We already have about fifteen designers, programmers and artists at latest count. All of us are part time, probably 5-20 hrs/ week. If you are interested, we would like to hear what you think about the design as it stands so far. Suggestions for your own thoughts on design / features are also welcome. Or even better, come join the team...
One of our Main goals, in every aspect of the project, is to require less micro-management from the player than is typical in the 4x genre. If you Want micromanagement you can do it by the buckets-full, but its Never mandatory. One benefit of this would be the option of a 4-hr game where you'd go from BC to the present making only broad decisions. These might vary from player to player, but would be something like: your civ's diplomatic stance with respect to your neighbors, direction you want to try to move the economy, culture and government in, and overall military strategy. If we can make it so that this game is possible, and so that the player can "drill down" into any area to a fairly fine level of control, we'll have succeeded.
Clash has an emphasis on better handling of the government and intra-civ political effects. Another distinction of Clash is to include some effects of culture, ethnicity and their ramifications. (Check out our Government, and Social Models in the Status Thread at if you're interested.)
And, of course, better AI than the complete junk (IMO) the commercial games are giving us for adversaries. Our ideas for AI are summarized in links on the Web page, and a rudimentary Map AI demo on the forum.
If you're interested in Clash, first check out the Main Clash Web Site for now at . A new web site design is almost up and running. Our Forum for suggestions and working out a design spec is here at Apolyton: . Please comment on things you like or don't like. Make alternative suggestions, its an open mike ;-).
For a more detailed look at where the planning for each game element is, check out the Guide to Current Status thread at . We are hoping to finish up the initial overall design fairly soon, and are proceeding to coding on areas that are better developed.
There are a lot of ways that good thoughts in the design area can still seriously influence the final game at this point.
We also still need coders, designers, artists... you name it, we can use you

Come Join Us!
Mark Everson
Project lead for The Clash of Civilizations
(That means I do the things nobody else wants to do ;-) )
This Radically different civ game needs your suggestions and/or criticism of our design.
Check our our Forum right here at Apolyton...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited October 27, 1999).]</font>