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Name your city in MP

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  • #46
    I didn't think my trick about city with blank name would generate such a long discussion.
    I just liked to let you know this trick,
    but I didn't mean to suggest to use it.
    Just to warn you that it exists.


    • #47
      gambler, it's like you built Manhattan Project or something, hey?

      Xin Yu, how does first 3 letters technique confuse your enemy? I would think it would just confuse you, trying to figure out where your units came from? Here's a thought, what if you name a city "NONE"?
      "How victory may be produced for them out of the enemy's own tactics--that is what the multitude cannot comprehend." -Sun Tzu


      • #48
        Anyone remember how "quickstarting" killed Civnet? I suspect city renaming will do the same.
        We'll just have to have different types of games. We'll have our "win at all costs to reality" games, and the "lets have fun with the classical strategy" games. You'll find me in the latter.


        • #49
          IntgrSpin, I'll see you there! (And clean the floor with your face, of course) Ah, I look forward to this. I like bragging arrogantly, it makes the other players enjoy it that much more when they pulverize me.
          "How victory may be produced for them out of the enemy's own tactics--that is what the multitude cannot comprehend." -Sun Tzu


          • #50
            Gambler: I personally don't think you have the credit. I posted the idea 5 days before you. Please check the 5th post of this thread.( It was dated November 20th, yours was November 25th. )

            Orcus: If a spy checked your city and found some units supported by other cities, he could first attack the city which supports the units--after that city's occupied, the units disappear. However he can only figure out which city supports the units by the first three letters.


            • #51
              IntgrSpin: What is this about "quickstarting" killing CivNet? I never actually played CivNet (Civ2 arrived too soon right after).


              • #52
                In Civnet, you could sell your palace right away for a lot of money. If you used that cash to buy settlers, you could have about eight cities before your opponents had three. Your tech then went like gangbusters to chivalry. If you tried to play against a quickstarter, you would find your coast flooded with knights. It was impossible to defend against it, and most people lost interest in playing (who wants to play a game that is over so quickly?).


                • #53

                  What sort of dirty tricks would be banned on multiplayer? With reference to obtaining nukes before everyone else, that would completely screw everyone. Else, that is. All you'd have to do to capture any enemy city is nuke it, then send a tank in to take the city. Distance and ZoC don't matter, a transport/ paratrooper and spy can easily get around them. And hey presto, you have any city you want. The only thing you'd have to worry about is a violent retribution when they get the missiles themselves.

                  Oh, and b-t-w, for even for fun with renaming, use your spies to investigate enemy cities, and then rename them YOURSELF. Your human enemies might get quite confused and fussed by this. How many of you knew that???


                  • #54
                    Xin Yu,
                    You are right. I didn't notice your post. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to "steal" your idea.
                    Well, I think it's better I'm not the father of this idea. I have begun to feel like Fermi and Oppenheimer after Manhattan Project...


                    • #55
                      [quote]Gambler: I personally don't think you have the credit. I posted the idea 5 days before you. Please check the 5th post of this thread.( It was dated November 20th, yours was November 25th.)[quote/]

                      Regarding this kind of thing above I have long had some things to say.
                      Xin Yu is a respected and accomplished player, and I have valued your comments on this forum tho never had the pleasure of enjoying a game with you yet. So I mean only to take this subject as oppertunity to express myself, and in no way intend anything critical for Xin Yu, Gambler or anyone.
                      The first posting on this forum for a strategy can documentably be the first place to EXPRESS an idea, even if it has been used for years by many others who have never said so.
                      EACH of us has found some satisfaction in finding on our own something new and innovating that was not in the book of rules, or even to find a bug! Xin Yu has found so many that someone reccomended him to test games!
                      Many of us realized that for example when rushbuying something in a city with many shields, it was a waste and learned to shift to working trade squares to lessen this waste for that turn..It is now called "micromanaging" and has been expanded greatly, but was born from getting in a pinch and looking for stretching every possible fibre...just like racing to complete a wonder the sacrifices you make and details you tend to. Now it has a name, but before then it still worked!
                      Or in old Civ you could reactivate a settler over and over in same turn and turn swampland into grassland in 1 turn, and even railroad the ocean for more trade! (bug)
                      One guy adamately claimed to have been the originator of city "overlapping" strategy!
                      Not just the first to post the idea. He only used this for more production of military units, and a way to defend in duel 2x2x games! He could not comprehend that many others stumbled on to same idea on their own for other and the same reasons just like himself and perhaps much earlier, so first posting is not = to first concept. And no one will ever know who the first on concieve of something is.
                      Myself for example in those early days with no access to a forum of ideas, could not effectively work gold near early cities until irrigating and higher government alowed this without stagnating city growth. So I started to build temporary cities that only worked the gold or whatever untill my permanent cities could cover it and then disbanded the temp cities. See I did not want city square overlapment to minimize ultimate size of my cities. This was an early stage of developement of my strategies. Then meanwhile built caravans or units or more settlers untill city would be disbanded. Well guess what? My civ advanced WAAAY faster because of MORE reasons than just utilizing the gold sooner.
                      1)The temp cities were built sooner and had no coruption do to distance from capital.
                      2)More squares than intended were worked at a sooner time.
                      3)Extra settlers and unit production allowed quicker growth of permanent cities!
                      4)Defense against enemies was greater do to closer inter-city travel, which also spawned the keep a dip handy to buy back a fallen city instead of trying to keep them all packed with defenders and sapping shields.
                      It is great to have the first post on an item and it is indisputable in this way. But some one on a little Amiga 500 may have been doing it years or months before the post and never knew it had a name! We have all been their in our own way. The first post is very important on an idea and I have benifited alot from all your contributions. If you kept them to your self we would be left with only ideas our own minds come up with.
                      *Thank you all for your contributions to the game and its experience.
                      I hope to continue the same since playing online for less than one year and remember counting the days for seemingly years till a multyplayer version came was Civ Net!! With the funny looking tanks and new wonder benifits! We had no local internet connection in our little town so my sons and I played hot seat and savored being able to at last play other humans. Remember Civ Net?? Now we have MP Gold and TOT.
                      And the Journey goes on...

                      The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus

                      [This message has been edited by Crustacian (edited November 05, 1999).]
                      The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus


                      • #56
                        Crustacian..... very good points and well articulated.... i agree with you 100% and keep on civing... i will see you sunday night for our game

                        When you wake up and and are still alive and at war, that means you won the night before.

                        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                        • #57
                          This subject is colorless. (there that helps) Now here is my two cents. Anything that will help you win is not only good for you but it is the only way to go. If I were to play lets say Ming, or Xin Yu or my wife hates CIV I would get my @$$ kicked. But if they exploited no trick or bug and I exploited ALL of them I might live to see the birth of Christ .
                          [This message has been edited by Caesar the Great (edited November 07, 1999).]
                          I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


                          • #58
                            One more thing I would like to say. Just yesterday I was making a scenario and something happened to my cities.txt file. All cities were under the title of Aztecs. (I was playing around with rules.txt) So when I tried making the scenario all cities names were blank except for the Aztecs (who were in the scenario), so I decided to play a game (on Diety of course) and the comp was really screwed up. Barbarians wouldn't take cities only attack units (but not inside cities) the AI players wouldn't negotiate but somehow I always had alliances or treaties with them. The weirdest of all I built the Collossus (for a science city) and its affects spread into ALL my cities. Can someone tell me what was going on. Has anyone actually tried naming all their cities the same name or not naming them at all. Thanks again, just my third cent. Now I'm poor
                            I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


                            • #59
                              AH, the controversy! I DO miss Civ2 so! LOL Put me in the camp of those who would feel a strong urge to attack the "uni-city" trickster. Of course this urge could be overcome if the benefits were great enough.

                              PS WIth a game of many bugs, cheats, and loopholes--as Civ2 is-- I DO NOT believe that anything you can do, you should feel free to try.

                              PPS Hey MWHC and other "warriors", ever thought of a "no bribery" or "no diplo/spy" 2x2 game. Double movement units and no diplos to defend against. Seems like it would be one HECK of a great war game! What do you think?


                              ICQ 38179420
                              aka "der Kaiser" (Civleague name)
                              "smixsell" (MSN gaming Zone name)
                              Steve Mixsell (Real life name)

