Hi all,
Just thought I post more questions again..
1) Is it possible to have a sustained WLTKD under democracy and republic and still maintain a decent science rate? eg 4-5 turns.
2)How many settlers should I have running around the field doing terrain improvements? I currently have settlers on auto and the AI's always pick them of with airplanes. SHould i not use the auto settler?
3)Is there a strategy revolving around good placements and usage of fortifications in defense of cities?
4)I'm not seeing a disadvantage with Fundamentalism here. It's got creates more gold, has faster production and able to support more units than republic or democracy. The science rate is bad but surely you put gold to zero with all the tithes and the science rate would stay at a reasonable rate. Or you just build million of spys and just steal any tech from the enemy. So is fundamentalism the unbalanced government?
Just thought I post more questions again..
1) Is it possible to have a sustained WLTKD under democracy and republic and still maintain a decent science rate? eg 4-5 turns.
2)How many settlers should I have running around the field doing terrain improvements? I currently have settlers on auto and the AI's always pick them of with airplanes. SHould i not use the auto settler?
3)Is there a strategy revolving around good placements and usage of fortifications in defense of cities?
4)I'm not seeing a disadvantage with Fundamentalism here. It's got creates more gold, has faster production and able to support more units than republic or democracy. The science rate is bad but surely you put gold to zero with all the tithes and the science rate would stay at a reasonable rate. Or you just build million of spys and just steal any tech from the enemy. So is fundamentalism the unbalanced government?