I suppose I should come right out and admit it:
I am a BAD PLAYER. I can't play past Prince difficulty level. I love the game, I just suck at continuous warfare. Just a disclaimer in case what I'm about to say makes no sense to veterans.
Anyway, while playing the early phases of the game, before Adam Smith makes a library and a marketplace in every city practical, I often find myself with nothing to build in a city. It'll be too low in production to really contribute regularly to my wonder cities with caravans, too small in size or short on food to safely crank out settlers(or else in the middle of a fully developed area or on a crowded continent), and already supporting a large army. I usually default to a simple trick my brother came up with that he termed "the barracks game": build a barracks in the city, and sell it. Build another barracks, and sell it. Build another, sell it. And so on. At forty bucks a pop, it works like bastardized, low-level capitalization. I have never found a use for barracks, since I always fight for the Great Wall, which ensures a nice non-military period until I can get Leonardo's and start a musketeer rush with a cheap army of suddenly upgraded phalanxes. And past gunpowder they're too frigging expensive. So I use barracks as a crude scam device. My question is, is this wise? Is there anything better to do with a city that can't produce much without becoming a financial burden? What do the better players do?
I am a BAD PLAYER. I can't play past Prince difficulty level. I love the game, I just suck at continuous warfare. Just a disclaimer in case what I'm about to say makes no sense to veterans.
Anyway, while playing the early phases of the game, before Adam Smith makes a library and a marketplace in every city practical, I often find myself with nothing to build in a city. It'll be too low in production to really contribute regularly to my wonder cities with caravans, too small in size or short on food to safely crank out settlers(or else in the middle of a fully developed area or on a crowded continent), and already supporting a large army. I usually default to a simple trick my brother came up with that he termed "the barracks game": build a barracks in the city, and sell it. Build another barracks, and sell it. Build another, sell it. And so on. At forty bucks a pop, it works like bastardized, low-level capitalization. I have never found a use for barracks, since I always fight for the Great Wall, which ensures a nice non-military period until I can get Leonardo's and start a musketeer rush with a cheap army of suddenly upgraded phalanxes. And past gunpowder they're too frigging expensive. So I use barracks as a crude scam device. My question is, is this wise? Is there anything better to do with a city that can't produce much without becoming a financial burden? What do the better players do?