Here is a new units file that was made for the new release of 2194 that is imminent.
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2194 Days of War Gigamap #1
Originally posted by jim panse
Thank you for the hint. Now death will rain from above at the enemies of the Reich *muahahahaha*Last edited by Darius871; October 26, 2003, 01:07.
Originally posted by Darius871
Still... doesn't anyone wonder if the game should continue considering how much and how long this problem has corrupted the civ balance? I don't think anyone here would say the Allies would be where they are now had he been building units all this time. Should Germany be strengthened somehow to make up for it?
But it will be very diffcult to give a fair upgrade of the Axis that would please everyone. And i still dont understand why jim panse havent spoken out about this earlier
So do i play or wait?If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
I suppose an outside player could look at the old saves and roughly guess what he 'would' have built, and then give him a force a little less than that guess (just to be on the safe side), or perhaps just give him some gold for rushing.
However, if Steph truly thinks he can take you on as-is though I'd have no objection to continuing.
Originally posted by Darius871
However, if Steph truly thinks he can take you on as-is though I'd have no objection to continuing.
And where should these forces be placed? If you place them in Berlin, should it be before or after he plays?
And again, whatever we do i wont feel like a winner even if we do win because of this.If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
Originally posted by sas
Off cource he cant, if he could i wouldnt be holding most of Western europe with US support.
Originally posted by sas
And where should these forces be placed? If you place them in Berlin, should it be before or after he plays?
Originally posted by sas
And again, whatever we do i wont feel like a winner even if we do win because of this.What a mess.
Originally posted by Pap1723
I'd say don't even bother...rumor has it that Version 2 of the scenario is going to be ready to playtest within the next 6 hours.
Let me know what you think
PapIf you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
Just FYI, sas have discussed 'replacement' units for Germany, and I think he looked favorably on 5 vet PzIv's, 5 vet FW-150's, 2 Stukas, and 5 or so infantry. This is considerably less than Steph would have built so far, so would you guys agree?
Originally posted by Darius871
Just FYI, sas have discussed 'replacement' units for Germany, and I think he looked favorably on 5 vet PzIv's, 5 vet FW-150's, 2 Stukas, and 5 or so infantry. This is considerably less than Steph would have built so far, so would you guys agree?
I think i can live with that. So i play now, and Germany get the units when its his turn?If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
-In a combined operation, the Australian forces launched a major counter offensive. The newly trained commando units saw action for the first time with great success. Brisbane was sadly burned to the ground under the intense fighting, and all the Japanese defenders where killed.
-The Battlehip Revenge launched a naval attack on Bombay destroying the Japanese airfield and airforce stationed in the city. Once that mission was completed Revenge moved north and sunk a Japanese Transport south of Karachi.
-British bombers and infantry attack and destroy the Japanese forces in south India. The cities should be back under British controll next month.
-Continues advance in Europe, Stuttgart, Munich, Vienna, Prague, Belgrade, Cherbourg, Budapest, Warsaw and L'Vov captured
Attached FilesIf you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.