The Big Little Ice Age - by St. Leo - Third Place
I absolutely love this scenario and would immediately consider it for first place - IF - it wasn`t so imbalanced. As noted the the ReadMe, the Hapsburgs are a NPC civ and not mean`t to be played. Their power at the start of the game is utterly overwhelming, and within a few game years they immediately amass enough power to wipe everyone else off the map. Otherwise, the scenario is very well done and much fun to play. While not directly PBEMable, it is an indirectly nice game because it presents a situation where players may take the lesser powers and "gang up" on the Hapsburgs. Only through this method can they [the Hapsburgs] be defeated. This is interesting because it truely limits to game to the PBEM scenario sector. While not as good as Imperial Ambition, nonetheless a worthy scenario.
I absolutely love this scenario and would immediately consider it for first place - IF - it wasn`t so imbalanced. As noted the the ReadMe, the Hapsburgs are a NPC civ and not mean`t to be played. Their power at the start of the game is utterly overwhelming, and within a few game years they immediately amass enough power to wipe everyone else off the map. Otherwise, the scenario is very well done and much fun to play. While not directly PBEMable, it is an indirectly nice game because it presents a situation where players may take the lesser powers and "gang up" on the Hapsburgs. Only through this method can they [the Hapsburgs] be defeated. This is interesting because it truely limits to game to the PBEM scenario sector. While not as good as Imperial Ambition, nonetheless a worthy scenario.
Valois: FiGu
Tudors: mordhiem
Jagiellonians: conmcb25
Ottomans: MagyarCrusader
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