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AoW PBEM, Third Thread Thereof

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  • Okay... should we just consider having Turkey go to the AI? This is ridiculous.


    • It looks like nobody's taking Turkey, just play on Greeny!


      • Yeah, play on.
        "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


        • okey dokey, playing now
          Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


          • British Armed Forces mobilize for war...

            Thr Prime Minister demands that the illigal and openly provocative Russain blockade of the English Channel be withdrawn immedeatly or be destoyed.

            All British technogy is gifted to our allies Italy and Spain to aid in this war against despicable German Nationalism.

            Does anyone out there want ot play Turkey BTW?

            Who is next?
            Attached Files
            Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


            • FiGu???
              Last edited by Darius871; June 25, 2003, 13:56.


              • my turn after the brits??? omg, sry. ill post it tomorrow
                "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                • The play order is


                  So whoever is currently the Spainish, it's their turn.
                  Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


                  • Attached Files
                    "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                    Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                    Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                    • I think Nibbe was Russia in this game? Or Darius could play the turn again. Either way...bump.
                      "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


                      • The purpose for me in playing geopolitical/wargames is to simulate reality.Putting myself in the shoes of the men at power of the time frame in the game.
                        In my opinion this thread is hopelessly flawed.Why you ask?It has nothing to do with simulating reality in the context of social world structure.When I agreed to play I was under the misguided belief that only the scenario rules text had been altered to restrict the rail problem-not so. There are other reasons and I will list them.
                        1-Germany as intended by Exile the designer starts with 17 field artillery-in this thread they started with 26.Germany as intended by Exile starts with 22 freight-in this thread they started with 31.
                        2-Is it standard in PBEM to delete your opponent's password so you can look at his deployments on the turn you attack?This is my 1st PBEM so I am asking a question.Then my next question would be why bother with passwords at all?This happened when Germany attacked Italy.
                        3-Is it standard in PBEM to attack with your navy.Then on the same turn gift 80% of your navy to your ally?It makes your ships that just launched an attack protected under another national flag.This is bending the intention of that ability in the game till both ends meet.This happened when Germany attacked England and Italy, then gifted most of the navy to the Russians[cheeeeeeezy]-Really simulating the real world huh?
                        4-I have played a grand total of 1 turn-and all this happened on my 1st PBEM-1ST TURN.
                        I have a suggestion.Why dont we just gift Germany with nukes and get it over with.Or maybe we could all play a first person shooter where aliens heads explode and ooze green blood.
                        Choke I am sorry if this response offends you but duuuuuude what is up with you?Does winning mean more than the enjoyment of truly testing your skills?If you lose are you less of a man?Are you more of a person if you win?
                        You have made peace with the evil Wheredehekowi tribe-we demand you tell us if they are a tribe that is playing this scenario.
                        We also agree not to crush you, if you teach us the tech of warp drive and mental telepathy and give 10 trinkets


                        • Ehum, we are playing Chokes version of AOW!!!!
                          in that version does it have more artillerys, more freights and no rr's
                          2- Did you use the orginal Aow? because we are playing aow chokes version, passwords can disappear if you are playing the wrong version.
                          "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                          Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                          Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                          • FiGu wrote-Ehum, we are playing Chokes version of AOW!!!!
                            in that version does it have more artillerys, more freights and no rr's
                            2- Did you use the orginal Aow? because we are playing aow chokes version, passwords can disappear if you are playing the wrong version.

                            1-all the other Civs have the same amount of military units but Germany in Choke's version.If you look at the thread he introduced his version after the sides had been chosen.
                            2-I used Choke's version-thats funny about the password.It remained intact thru French turn and disappears on German turn.Naw I dont believe it just removed itself.
                            You have made peace with the evil Wheredehekowi tribe-we demand you tell us if they are a tribe that is playing this scenario.
                            We also agree not to crush you, if you teach us the tech of warp drive and mental telepathy and give 10 trinkets


                            • Originally posted by beingofone

                              2 - Is it standard in PBEM to delete your opponent's password so you can look at his deployments on the turn you attack? This happened when Germany attacked Italy.
                              WHAT? OF COURSE it's not standard! Why didn't you say something earlier?

                              Originally posted by beingofone

                              3 - Is it standard in PBEM to attack with your navy.Then on the same turn gift 80% of your navy to your ally? This happened when Germany attacked England and Italy, then gifted most of the navy to the Russians[cheeeeeeezy]-Really simulating the real world huh?
                              WHAAAAT? How the hell did this happen?

                              Originally posted by beingofone

                              Choke I am sorry if this response offends you but duuuuuude what is up with you? Does winning mean more than the enjoyment of truly testing your skills? If you lose are you less of a man? Are you more of a person if you win?
                              To be honest I think it's damn stupid to start a war this early, when we're sitting here with almost no armies and piddly-**** 3-citizen cities, but it's his civ and he has a right to do whatever the hell he wants with it.

                              Not ALL games here are meant to recreate history precisely. That only happens when all the players are committed to doing so. If one player decides to attack another when this wouldn't have happened in reality, too damn bad, this is civ. The best you can do is just try to beat the bastard.


                              • "1-Germany as intended by Exile the designer starts with 17 field artillery-in this thread they started with 26.Germany as intended by Exile starts with 22 freight-in this thread they started with 31."

                                This was unintentional, Germany's turn played lots of times, the first turn, when I was making the changes to the scenario because I saved it as a scenario after each round of changes. I didn't think it would make that big a difference and I tried to disband most of the new units, and if you look at AOW #2 CFC, I'm not Germany, I didn't do this to make Germany stronger, it just happened.

                                "2-Is it standard in PBEM to delete your opponent's password so you can look at his deployments on the turn you attack?"

                                I did NOT do this.

                                "3-Is it standard in PBEM to attack with your navy.Then on the same turn gift 80% of your navy to your ally?It makes your ships that just launched an attack protected under another national flag.This is bending the intention of that ability in the game till both ends meet.This happened when Germany attacked England and Italy, then gifted most of the navy to the Russians[cheeeeeeezy]-Really simulating the real world huh?"

                                No one has ever suggested to me that this was against any rule all it does is force England to war with Russia if England wants to attack my navy, Russia will be at war with England eventually I don't see the problem here.

                                "I have a suggestion.Why dont we just gift Germany with nukes and get it over with.Or maybe we could all play a first person shooter where aliens heads explode and ooze green blood. Choke I am sorry if this response offends you but duuuuuude what is up with you?Does winning mean more than the enjoyment of truly testing your skills?If you lose are you less of a man?Are you more of a person if you win?"

                                I have not cheated, I have used the rules to my best advantage, if I did NOT do that then I would be cheating the rest of the players out of a challenge...are you that bitter about Italy being attacked that you want me to simply lay down my arms and allow Germany to be conquered? If I'm not going to try my best to win, why play?
                                "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein

