Whats up my Civ II peoples?! I love MultiPlayer but the games, especially with six or seven players tend to be very slow. Also, I notice many of these games tend to be city-building contests. He who builds the most (and best) cities the quickest gains a huge advantage.
Of course I wouldn't waste your time with all these details that you probably already knew unless I had a solution!
Here it is, I've created a scenerio. The map is random (large world, small land mass, continents), I did not look at it. Here's what I did do. I gave each Civilization 5 settlers and 2 militia to start. I also made two small changes to the Rules.txt file, the first was eliminating the settlers unit from the game (i.e. : you can't build any new settlers), the second was making Engineers cost 200 shields (you still need Explosives to build them). So basically this is a builder's game, a slow deliberate (very deliberate) expansion is key here. Other than this it is a normal game. The only other change is : no goody huts.
There is only one house rule, one wonder for each Civ. The choice of which one is yours.
Because of the preciousness of each settler and each city I set the barbarian level to Villages Only. The difficulty level with be Diety, the moves and production will be normal.
Ideally I'd like to get seven players willing to meet once a week for about three hours (not too much to ask, right?). So who's down?
- Narz
Note : I have also posted this on CivFanatics.
Of course I wouldn't waste your time with all these details that you probably already knew unless I had a solution!

Here it is, I've created a scenerio. The map is random (large world, small land mass, continents), I did not look at it. Here's what I did do. I gave each Civilization 5 settlers and 2 militia to start. I also made two small changes to the Rules.txt file, the first was eliminating the settlers unit from the game (i.e. : you can't build any new settlers), the second was making Engineers cost 200 shields (you still need Explosives to build them). So basically this is a builder's game, a slow deliberate (very deliberate) expansion is key here. Other than this it is a normal game. The only other change is : no goody huts.
There is only one house rule, one wonder for each Civ. The choice of which one is yours.
Because of the preciousness of each settler and each city I set the barbarian level to Villages Only. The difficulty level with be Diety, the moves and production will be normal.
Ideally I'd like to get seven players willing to meet once a week for about three hours (not too much to ask, right?). So who's down?
- Narz

Note : I have also posted this on CivFanatics.