Okay folks,
This will be the set up for game #1. Unfortunately there are others who want to pay, but not enough for a 2nd game. So, if there are other takers, PM me and we can get another game going.
Case - Soviets
Techumseh - Italians
Anzac - French
Henrik - Germans*
Caspian - Turks
SunTzu - Brittons
Pavlov - Spanish
Academia - Alternate/ Replacement
*- Germans move first.
You are certainly guarenteed a spot in game#2 Academia, and if we have dropouts etc, you will be the first to fill in.
There are 3 zips for this scenario, 1 game, and 2 sounds.
They are available at the finest in Swedish server space:
Game zip updated to 1.2, Sound zips unchanged.
There is no readme included as I haven't written one yet. I'll see about getting a short 'need-to-know' type of one up today, so we take less time familiarizing ouselves with the scenario. Henrik has played it before, and he goes first... so no one get freaked out when he posts his turn so fast. Take your time and make sure you search for bugs and incosistancies. Feel free to discuss things in the thread, or via PM if you dont want to reveal too much about your game. I will be keeping tabs, and posting map changes as countries fall as well.
Have fun boys.