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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • no i think you confuse the sayens with another tribe.
    the sayens had cold wiz and khanman and ozzie i think and well cold will have to help me out on the rest
    "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


    • just for the record the sayens were: moker, roc_master, ozzy, empress, myself, slowwhand, goody_hut, chuckles (now general maximus iirc), khanman, markus (eventually)... i'm forgetting someone or two.... dark cloud.... oh yeah, species#### too

      Originally posted by War4ever
      PAH, I NEVER CALLED ANYONE A CHEATER...i said i thought they were cheaters.....

      i thought the sayens were eyes, strat, markus, etc....
      tribes rosters to get fuzzy in the old memory don't they

      eyes had his own tribe for a while, i don't remember who else was in it though, before rejoining with kaak. don't even remember if strat was even in a tribe... markus was in another tribe (maybe eyes') and then joined the sayens for a while and then gameleague imploded iirc
      Last edited by ColdWizard; December 20, 2002, 15:09.
      Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


      • Well, you can blame Frank for that.
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


        • People are always drawn to the train wreck War.

          P.S.: What happened to gameleague?

          An interested observer wants to know.
          Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...


          • as near as i can tell (being offline during that period) the 3 admin just up and left (including Frank )
            Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



            • but we had a ressurection of the 8 time gameleague champion.....we all know who he was, he wouldnt' let us forget it haha..

              from what i recall of gameleague at that time, there were alot of "weird" things going on..alot of accusations of "weird" rules.txt, programs, and other various "weird" utilities etc....

              the problem IIRC with gameleague was there was no way to police it and people could also doctor evidence.

              so while the rest of us played "by a different standard" the "elite" played by their own rules....

              this cause a great stir in various forums, with each champ claiming a 90% win ratio over the other

              either that or the games didn't count

              we never did get a good poly system up and running....unlike rts, its damm hard to get people to commit to continuations long enough for a clear cut winner and even though we talked about victory conditions or a points system in the game, we never did figure it all out...

              we know how misleading the pg can be at times
              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


              • I played that scenario and it is tough although the ai still could not compete. But given how easy the ai is in random games, it was a nice challenge. They did get 2 or 3 of my perimeter cities in fairly nicely coordinated attacks, but what can you expect when you're facing several ai each getting a shot at you before you can respond.

                Nicosar, did you do anything with the ai to make them more effective? Greater production? Seemed like they were coming at me as if each enemy city was pumping out an attack unit nearly every turn. I recommend the scenario, it'll get your motor going.


                • leave it to our Berz for an honest appraisal.
                  what a guy
                  "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


                  • Hehe can't wait for the response to this one. I have a megasized popcorn for everyone all ready and waiting.


                    • Originally posted by DrSpike
                      Hehe can't wait for the response to this one. I have a megasized popcorn for everyone all ready and waiting.
                      Ah, I see the 'response' has already occurred......quick work guys

                      I was not speaking to you Boann.


                      • pass the popcorn

                        oh i know....i read it too....
                        man their quick aren't they
                        "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


                        • Fastest mod in the west.

                          A restriction means no posting.

                          Besides rah was laughing his *ss off
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • It's a shame we are deprived of the 'discussion' that would no doubt have ensued.

                            Perhaps if Rah doesn't mind you could put his paragraph is without doubt the funniest thing I have read in ages.


                            • A true classic whine and insult fest... maybe someday he will grow up
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • I assume the DL of Nicosar posted and was deleated?
                                I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                                i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG

