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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • Have you read his posts from before boann.....this guy has been going off for ages now, and he can't beat anyone, with his map or a random one.

    i personally have defeated a few people who come here spouting off about how good they are....

    wham, i put the wonder lock on, get some respect, and let it go at that......

    but to come into a forum and spout off without the back up of victories is just infact he is foolish...
    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • This has nothing to do with his claims of mastership (which are kind of hollow since he can't beat anybody)

      Or his continued ranting on how if you don't play his way, you suck...

      Or his "look down his nose" attitude that he continues in every post he makes.

      As proof of that, take a look at how long this thead is.

      It has to do with his accusations that people here would cheat. That is a different story... It's a matter of honor, and he obviously has none.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • There are two golden rules here at apolyton.....
        1 dont accuse others of cheating without backup
        2 dont' promote/post links of warez.....

        other than that.....its pretty liberal around here.....

        it could be worse...
        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


        • "This has nothing to do with his claims of mastership (which are kind of hollow since he can't beat anybody)"

          well so far this is hearsay

          "Or his continued ranting on how if you don't play his way, you suck..."

          just bragging and beating his chest...seems ive seen lots of folks come and go and beat their chests...
          esp strat and eyes

          "Or his "look down his nose" attitude that he continues in every post he makes."

          another thing that eyes does constantly and without
          mercy or regard

          "As proof of that, take a look at how long this thead is."

          oh brother, whats this to do with the cost of tea

          "It has to do with his accusations that people here would cheat. That is a different story... It's a matter of honor, and he obviously has none. "

          again i ask ....WHO has he accused????
          he only said that he didn't trust....people he didn't know.
          i don't see how thats twisted into a personal accusation.

          and i don't know how you know he has no honor.
          thats pretty harsh and cold

          well im done on the subject..

          but i think its pretty extreem for a first time offense and appearance
          "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


          • Originally posted by boann
            well so far this is hearsay
            He has been killed in every game that has been reported here... so not hearsay

            just bragging and beating his chest...seems ive seen lots of folks come and go and beat their chests...
            esp strat and eyes
            As I said... this has nothing to do with this. Many people do it all the time, and we find much amusement in joining in the fun.

            another thing that eyes does constantly and without
            mercy or regard
            His condesending posts have led to some typical responses, and it happens here all the time... but again, nothing to do with this situation

            oh brother, whats this to do with the cost of tea
            Nothing to do with the cost of tea ... but does PROVE that that there has been nothing wrong to date with his chest beating and condescending attitude... again, stuff that goes on all the time.

            again i ask ....WHO has he accused????
            he only said that he didn't trust....people he didn't know.
            i don't see how thats twisted into a personal accusation.
            It was directed at all his nay sayers in this thread. He has stated that he wouldn't trust any of us in a game because we would cheat and ignore his rules.

            and i don't know how you know he has no honor.
            thats pretty harsh and cold
            No colder than his accusations that posters here can't be trusted to not cheat... that he has other players that do play with honor... and we aren't amoung them. People around here trust anybody until they are proven to be cheaters... He assumes without even playing that the posters here are.

            but i think its pretty extreem for a first time offense and appearance
            He was given the chance to apologize... and his response was to continue to say that he doesn't trust us and implied that we cheat. All he had to say is that he has no proof that any of us would cheat, and that he should wait until proof of actual cheating occured before continuing with his lack of faith, and it would have been cool... But no... he continued with his crap. Pretty thin apology, and lame at best. If he wishes to apologize for real, he can post anytime... but not until then.

            The accusation without proof rule is the most important rule in an MP gaming forum... He has violated it.
            MP gaming is based on trust... and if he want's to continue posting that he knows we would cheat... that his problem... but he isn't welcome here.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Still, it's a shame he's gone......this was an entertaining thread.


              • My first impressions after reading Boann's post was, she makes a good point. But then I started thinking. (yes I know all of you think that's a stretch )

                Boann said, 'he only said that he didn't trust....people he didn't know.'

                I've probably hosted around a thousand games with probably close to a 100 different players. I only previously knew 3 in the real world. Everyone else, I met on-line. All of them, were through Apolyton or recommended by people here. EVERY time I played with them the first time, my assumption was, that they were honorably and wouldn't cheat. Maybe a bit naive, but it shows the regard that I have for the community here. And with just a very very few exceptions, my initial assumption was correct. This is an honorable community.

                So, yes, I do have a problem when newbs show up and say they don't trust anyone they don't know. To play on-line games with relative strangers you must make that leap of faith if you want to join the community. Those that don't, don't really belong here.

                But yes Boann, there's probably some truth on the other points you make about eyes and strat. But neither has ever questioned my honor. I'm also more willing to tolerate their chest thumping and sneering since they are tons more entertaining and don't take 3 pages to do it. They've been around longer too. If nicosar had been around that long, we probably would have cut him a little more slack on his honor comments and subsequent apology. But as it is, he's just been windy brat that doesn't know squat about the game, doesn't entertain me. He just questions my experience and honor.

                Just this man's opinion, but I will respect your's, Boann.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • well thanks rah i thought i was spitting into the wind all this time..

                  but my opinion still stands firm...

                  TRUST is something earned...not given freely the first time met and not before playing one game with at least.

                  i think we all are on our guard playing someone new.
                  we watch for strangness in the game and will question things that seem not natural , much more than with someone we have played often and TRUST.

                  i don't see anything wrong with his comment and did
                  not take offense to it..
                  i never trust before playing and knowing .
                  and if your all honest with yourselves you will know its damn true.....

                  and he did apologize

                  i think you all just want to see a man grovel
                  i think that pissy and small minded.

                  get over yourselves its rather stinky in here in my opinion...too much bull**** pilling deeper and deeper

                  eyes is no angel and there have been worse who were
                  tolerated much longer and for much worse offense
                  than merly not trusting anyone first...
                  "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


                  • You pathetic bastards.
                    You're all of a sudden worried over your honor?
                    You welcome that scum-sucking EyesOfNight into your arms like he's the prodigal son, but crucify this guy over remarks of his opinion on your honor. That's Rich.
                    Sorry, no pun intended.
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                    • I'm with Dr Spike. Would prefer that my pleasure reading continue... And Boann makes good points.

                      As far as adjudicating whether the punishment fits the crime, my take on it is that Nicosar may have gone over the line, but may be so naive that he didn't know he was doing so. The fact that he addressed the group on the topics of honor and cheating (as opposed to an individual) is the only thing unusual here. Was it an accusation? Well, I don't think it was meant as one, but the bottom line is, it was perceived as one. So the PM of Possible Doom was sent.

                      On the back end, Ming actually threw out a lifeline -- as he often does. Just settle down, apologize, and you're back in business. But Nicosar pulled his punches in the Abject Apology portion of the program

                      The judgment is Ming's to make. Caveat emptor to any poster who can't figure that out.

                      (...and yes, I have gone through that little dance with Ming I unwittingly crossed a 'Poly line, got the PM of Potential Death, and apologized publicly, without conditions or complaints. When a Mod says you're wrong, you're pretty much wrong. It amazes me how many people spend tons of time here yet never figure that out..)

                      If Nicosar's not man enough to admit he crossed the line and offer an open and sincere apology to the group as requested, well then he's made his own bed and shall lie upon it.
                      What's done is done, and I'll miss this thread.
                      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                      • Originally posted by boann
                        i don't see anything wrong with his comment and did
                        not take offense to it..
                        i never trust before playing and knowing .
                        and if your all honest with yourselves you will know its damn true.....

                        and he did apologize
                        Yes and no. I'll actually will start with the assumption that they are honest. But you are correct, if something strange happens in a game with all regulars, I won't think anything of it. If someone new is in that game, I may start keeping turn by turn saves to check out later.
                        BUT my initial impression is to trust. And I will never accuse unless I'm 99% positive.

                        TRUST, but verify

                        As to the apology, I'm in between your's and Ming's opinion. It is an apology, just not a very good one. And for someone that seems to pride themselves for being eloquent, I think he intended it to be half hearted. I personally probably would have accepted it and not banned him, but I will support Ming's decision.

                        And Slow, yeah it's a bit over the top but, every arguement he previously brought up was successfully knocked down (at least in my opinion) so he kept changing to new arguements. Once he was left with an empty bag he used the honor card. How else do you do defend against that. I don't think I reacted as strong as Ming did. In review, I think I just called him a jerk.
                        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • But Ming, if you ban his ass, how can we continue to mock him?
                          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                          • As I pointed out to Chris, guilty or not means nothing in my quest to bug Ming and RAH.
                            Hey! Everyone has goals.

                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                            "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                            He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                            • It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • To be honest reading through his posts annoyed me.....but I would not say they were the same as calling someone a cheat, which is what the rule is against if I understand it correctly. Still, it's a judgment call, and the mods ultimately have to rely on their own.

