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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • I already said I made a much smaller map, lets not burden the argument with our bad memories

    and the barb nations i took out, that was actually a new idea I hadnt really played through.... the game i said I play-tested on was on a smaller map, an 80x120.... so you see how your rocks do indeed land in the mud when you thought they'd hit something?

    and events? you gotta be $#!ttin' me!!... (ill pretend i didnt hear that)

    and rah, the fact that you think it takes an hour for each player to move may be an exaggeration, but either way your tone tells you have never played any game of any decent size, otherwise youd know that the trade off of time for depth of the game is not that skewed but actually highly efficient, and highly lucrative a transaction, but even if I couldn't sense your lack of experience through your words I could judge the meat of your words; if you had ever played that type of game you wouldn't have made that crack about my inability to handle war unless I have many units because you'd know that the difficulty in fighting with huge armies increases almost exponentially with the number of units you have.... think about it, is more complexity in a game, more land and more units, going to make war easier or harder? Remember the opposing human would have many forces too, and when your armies are big it is that one unforeseen flank blitzkrieg that can go unnoticed, since things aren't so.... limited and obvious....


    • Jesus, I try to give you some tips and you tell me I'm still throwing rocks.

      At least I'm trying to help, but that just ended.

      I'll let Rah disembowel you on the "Never played in any games of magnitude" comment...

      Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...


      • well good fox, if you are that frustrated and angered by my mild responses than it seems my words were only a spark to a heap of well-dried kindling ready to burst alight....


        • Originally posted by Nicosar
          but either way your tone tells you have never played any game of any decent size...

          We were playing games like that weeks after MP was released... and with some of the REAL masters like Xin Yu (who probably knows about 1000x more about the game than you as a "self proclaimed" master does)

          When you schedule a nite for gaming, and you play for 4 hours, and YOU DON'T EVEN GET TO TAKE YOUR TURN, that's boring, pure and simple.

          You can talk all you want on how the experience of your style of gaming is better than normal Civ II, but the only way I can see that it might be would be under the following circumstances...

          I turn on my computer... load MP... and while 4 or 5 other people are taking over an hour a turn to make their moves, I'm having sex with my wife... Then maybe you would be right about it being a better experience...
          It would be a terrible and boring civ experience, but a far better use of my time and at least fun

          It is obvious from all you say that you seem to be the one with limited MP experience. Some of us, who have been playing it on a regular basis since the day it came out can see just how silly your wordy arguments are.

          Again... oh master, please tell us just who you have beaten in the last 6 months. Everybody that reports having had played you has seen that your knowledge of the game is miserable at best, and that you always get your head handed to you on silver platter. I guess the only chance you have to claim victory is to set up a game so boring that everybody eventually dies of boredom You can keep your supposed and self claimed "superior" experience and find some other people to bore...
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • ah ming, good pal....always can rely on you for some enlightenment


            • Yeah... truth is a wonderful thing...

              You come here and imply that we don't know the game, and that you are "the" master and you know what is best.

              But with every post you seem to prove that you don't really have a clue what you are talking about, but continue to look down your nose at how other people play the game... People who have probably logged over 100 times the MP game hours that you have.

              And you wonder why people laugh and have a hard time taking you seriously. I don't wonder why at all
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • And I will add in. EVEN before Civ. There where many many Avalon Hill games that required moving 100's of units every turn. (most of them in combat). Ming and I used to set them up on a table and a game could go on for months. GUESS WHAT> THAT GOT BORING TOO. But at least those games didn't last that many turns so it was almost bearable. SO don't give me any CRAP about not having played games where turns take long or 100's of units are involved in war because

                as ALWAYS, you have no clue what you're talking about.

                We were thrilled when computer war games came out to handle a lot of the book keeping.

                I've been playing war games for over 40 years, so don't keep harping on my lack of experience. Your posts are showing that YOU are the one that lacks experience.

                And please do let us know when you actually beat someone.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • *SNICKERS*
                  Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                  • Originally posted by rah
                    And please do let us know when you actually beat someone.
                    You know... if you think about it... that's probably why he has had to change the game so much... it might be the only way he has a chance at victory... because it sure seems obvious that he can't win a game under the traditional rules/settings...
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • NOTE:
                      If the large game floats your boat, more power to you. There are many different types of way to play civ, and as long as it's fun, do it. For MP, I don't particularly like playing 1x production. I don't particularly like city bribes. But I'm not going to pass judgement on the way someone else plays. I'll even play different setting occasionaly to accomodate others wishes. (and it usually ends up reminding me why I like the settings that I do )
                      No style is the best for everyone, and I'll be the last one to say that the games I play are the only TRUE CIV experiences. Everyone thinks differently. The only true CIV is the fact that it provides so much variety.

                      But I expect the same respect back. The only reason I'm even responding is your insistence that YOUR way is the only true\best way. Every way is true to the people that play it. I think you'd get a much better reception when you posted if you kept that in mind. I'm always willing to discuss the pros and cons of different style games. Even though, I must admit that I will attempt to use fewer words.

                      Hmmm, maybe exceeded the word count on this one
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • i have a saying about old people, and why that saying about respecting your elders is nothing but a propaganda conspiracy invented by a few old hawks in their basement to try and garner dignity when they had nothing to get for it except their age.... and that saying is:

                        "If you're old your experience might have taught you wisdom or you might just have had longer being stupid."

                        ... which isn't to imply anything so directly to anyone except to say that it is not uncommon for the young to come along with a great innovation born only of originality and not backed by tradition.

                        But I dont contend that you all are below my skill, necessarily, no, not at all, in fact I was probably beaten in those couple games of regular civ because of this fact, that maybe i've been playing custom boards for so long that the mastery of that other field falls to someone else, but you cannot logically denouce my skill until you see the results from the game of which i claim mastery in, and if you say, 'oh, well, a master should be good in all fields'..... then I would say that I was rusty with the default at worst and that a few more games would've sharpened my fine blade....

                        but anyway, id like to take your best player and see how he does in my scenario.... i dont think after that, that he will be able to claim mastery in all fields, despite his profficiency in regular civ.... and im not claiming that same mastery either, but what I am saying is that I am a master of that slower, bigger, customized style of play, and also that this style of play would seem to be better, so I guess that is a slight elitist boast when combined but not as absolute as you make it seem.


                        • so ive played the default and lost... alright... "i was rusty, bad land"... excuses then, ok, thats fine, even though it doesnt bother me much....

                          but now you cannot denounce me further lest you should contend with me in my own arena and beat me there...

                          what do you say?, "you do not wish to play in my dumb scenario"? well, welllll....that is your wish then, but then i should think that you would also have to be silent about things you were too unwilling to prove....


                          • Originally posted by Nicosar

                            but anyway, id like to take your best player and see how he does in my scenario....
                            I'll check back in 12 months and money is on anyone who accepts the challenge.......the basics don't change on any settings.


                            • There where many many Avalon Hill games that required moving 100's of units every turn. (most of them in combat). Ming and I used to set them up on a table and a game could go on for months. GUESS WHAT> THAT GOT BORING TOO.
                              The good 'ol days of Panzer Blitz, hell, we'd buy several games and combine them, we'd even make our own units to expand the war. And then there was Jutland, just move the furniture and play all over the floor. Hell, when I was a kid, we'd buy those mini models and wage wars all over the house and end up in arguments about how fast a tank should be able to move across the floor and if he got hit when the tank's owner simulated explosions all around the tank as it motored around, lol. Yup, the good 'ol days of armchair generals...


                              • Nicosar, where is the dl for the big map you made? I have a slow connection so dl'ing that 108m scenario??? is unfeasible, but I would like to try your big map.

