Agreed rule:
deity 1* 1*
no wonders except appolo
no foreign trade, city bribing, alliance, tech exchange, "passive" tech exchange
allowed tech stealing
map is medium islands
The game is barely started as it took 5 restart to have a fair start for everybody (cap or 2nd city taken around 3500BC).
When do you guys want to continue?
I can play friday night or for 3-4 on th e week.
Next week any night except wed.
deity 1* 1*
no wonders except appolo
no foreign trade, city bribing, alliance, tech exchange, "passive" tech exchange
allowed tech stealing
map is medium islands
The game is barely started as it took 5 restart to have a fair start for everybody (cap or 2nd city taken around 3500BC).
When do you guys want to continue?
I can play friday night or for 3-4 on th e week.
Next week any night except wed.