We need a new Axis player in the "ZWK World War 2" PBEM. They are in a pretty sorry state as they are stalemated in France, but there still is a chance. If you are interested, post on the thread, or I'll have to play it.
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Anyone want to play the Axis in ZWK thread?
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It's kinda like regression chess, where two people mail each other their moves in a game that takes a long time. In a PBEM, a person plays their turn in .net multiplayer format as one player, saves the turn at the very end of it, and then posts the savegame on the forum thread made for that PBEM. Then the person that is next on the turn order of the game or scenario loads that savegame and plays his turn in .net format as one player, and so on.
The advantage of a PBEM is that you don't have to schedule times and organize people, and also you can do your turn anytime you want as long as you don't take more than about two days. The only disadvantage is that it is a long-term commitment lasting several months (and that is if it goes fast which many don't), and also that it is very, very easy for people to cheat.
This is very general, and if you're interested you can get a better idea of the procedures from this guide:Attached Files
As for Heresson, do you mean you'll be going on a vacation on Saturday and you'll be back or you'll be gone permanently after that?
I guess it'll be CivFan then; welcome aboard. Just load the most recent Minor Allies savegame on the thread and play the Axis turn, and we'll get this going.