Science and culture are flourishing in Muslims empire.
No announcement yet.
Mongols PBEM?
One question: Where are the maps?
Feel free to make one
I'll play my turn when I get home tonight.'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
Muslim Lancers have defeated an attack mounted by Ethiopian Infantry. Meanwhile, the siege of Preslav continues.Attached Files'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
I'm back, just for the record.
Am I hearing slightly hostile tunes from my Khwarizmian brother? Be aware that no Indian troops will get near the passes unless any Khwarizmian ones should do that.
But if any barbarian force should do so, they will be intercepted mercilessly.Follow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
To my Indian brother: no, there were no hostile tunes!
But allow me to remind you that I am doing you a favour by freeing the passes for your caravans: the 2 passes belong to Khwarezm and were occupied by Khwarezm troops!
So I just freed them to let your freight pass, BUT I'm in no way surrendering my autorithy on them: they are mine, and should it become necessary to reoccupy them (because or barbarians or other), I will do it myself and I'll see any foreign intervention as a declaration of War... Unless I ask for it, of course...
But, once again, no hostility: I just needed to clarify the situation!Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
Discworld Scenario:
POMARJ Scenario:
---------------------Karakorum Times--------------Jan. 1213---
Karakorum(Gobi Press)- The Palace at Karakorum has announced the coronation of Genghis as Mongolia's new Khan! Palace spokesperson Avi Darkhan announced the joyus occasion. He indicated that the newly crowned Khan was open to experimenting with a new form of governance called 'Monarchy'. Although it remains to be seen if the beloved Genghis will adapt to not being able to decapitate nobles who displease him at will, the mood at the Palace is upbeat. The nobility is especially pleased.
Beshbelik(Gobi Press) A key city on the Silk Road fell to Mongol forces under General Techodei yesterday. Beshbelik is the gateway to the northern Kara Khitai provinces. General Techodei indicated that it is one further step in creating opportunities for a free trade zone which will benefit the Khwarizm Empire and the new Monarchy of Mongolia, as well as the empires of the west.Attached Files
Official Announcments...
The Sultan of India is pleased to hear this from his Khwarizmian brother and apoligzes for a potential offence.
Furthermore, India is aware of the fact that it may have possibilities to support the kingdom of the Kara-Khitai in the north against the barbarous and bloodthirsty invasions of the Mongols.
Rumours of their invasions have spread as far as Deccan, and reports tell of monsters half man, half horse with the courage of a lion and the fury of dragons, that sneak up in the night, set cities aflame and eat the citizens, who will live through the painful process of digestion.
India's leading explorer and scientist, Dr. Med. Vet. Mustapha Rama Bohrami has given an official statement concerning these rumour:
I believe this to be possible.
(-Dr. Med. Vet. Mustapha Rama Bohrami, 22nd Jan. 1213)
We fear the worst.Follow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
Discworld Scenario:
POMARJ Scenario:
---------------------Karakorum Times--------------Jan. 1213---
------------------------Special Edition-----------------------------
Beshbelik(Gobi Press) In a surprise visit, newly crowned Khan, Genghis the First, visited a new daycare centre opened by the new Mongol government of Gobi Province (formerly Kara Khitai). In a move clearly designed to squelch unfounded rumours that the Mongols are ruthless conquerors, Genghis spent nearly an hour with the children, telling stories and making fudge, before returning to Karakorum.
Great posts guys! I'm going to have to try a lot harder'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
Originally posted by techumseh
---------------------Karakorum Times--------------Jan. 1213---
------------------------Special Edition-----------------------------
Beshbelik(Gobi Press) In a surprise visit, newly crowned Khan, Genghis the First, visited a new daycare centre opened by the new Mongol government of Gobi Province (formerly Kara Khitai). In a move clearly designed to squelch unfounded rumours that the Mongols are ruthless conquerors, Genghis spent nearly an hour with the children, telling stories and making fudge, before returning to Karakorum.
The Chin empire has been saded today with the loss of its great leader. The emperor had been ill for several months and the invasion of the empire by the Mongols was all his heart could bear.
The emperor died at the age of 167 years.
In other news the new emperor was crowned in the palace of the late emperor. The new emperor Civfan, son of the late emperor made a small speech to the government of the empire.
"I have grave news, the city of BESHBELIK was taken by the Mongols. Its strategic importants as a prostitute capital will be missed but no worries I have securried new ladies from the land of the Sung empire for our troops on the frontiers. I have created new military units and will begin laying seige to several important posts of the Mongols."
In news of the frontiers, we have confirmed that several soldiers perished in an attack against the Mongols near Dading. Several Mongol units perished and it could be the first victory for emperor Civfan. People cheered of the news but its the beginning of a long road to destruction of the Mongols.Attached FilesCivfan (Warriorsoflight)
Civfan, can you increase your attitude toward the Sung in the next turn? I sent you some techs but couldn't ally.Attached Files