Rich, I was saying I was amused, nothing more. But now I'm...
Drake calls you out for a mocking tone, you deny it, saying "I didn't mean for it to sound mocking..."
I say it sounds like my daughter being sarcastic, and you deny it by saying "that WAS sarcastic" ???
Hmmm, uhh, OK, yeah. Got it...
* -Jrabbit walks away, muttering. "...guess I was gone longer than I thought..."
Drake calls you out for a mocking tone, you deny it, saying "I didn't mean for it to sound mocking..."
I say it sounds like my daughter being sarcastic, and you deny it by saying "that WAS sarcastic" ???
Hmmm, uhh, OK, yeah. Got it...
* -Jrabbit walks away, muttering. "...guess I was gone longer than I thought..."