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The Battle for deityland

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  • The Battle for deityland

    Against all the odds I achieved a HUGE moral victory today.

    I woke up this morning wandering around like Russel Crowe before the attack in Gladiator. Steam wafted from deity's nostrils. Never think you are dead. Churchill faced the odds but the Battle of Britain turned the tide. It sured up confidence in other nations to take on the aggressor.

    Now, The Battle for deityland: Part One

    Having exhausted most troops in the Spanish Onion campaign deityland looked ripe for the plucking. But careful strategic planning and sheer iron nerves steadied the nation - with combustion and Magellans.

    Intelligence suggests that Markus of the Vikings held off researching the Mobile Warfare to allow the Dangime Persians to get as many vets as possible with Sun Tzu.
    Persia is to the West of deityland.

    Winzity's Spanish and Markus are to the East over the sea (about 8 squares).

    Todays start
    1756AD (oedo year): deity has 14 cities and 15 units and 15 gold.
    This is concede territory for most players.
    Conscription is 2 turns away so all gold is now going into that tech limiting rush buying plus I've just picked Democ after 4 turns of Anarchy...
    Our submarine force is all that stands between deityland and disaster. Markus invasion is imminent because unless he acts quickly he knows it will be impossible, until nukes.

    1758AD (I think)
    Dangime's Persians attack defenceless cities in the West. deitipersisa sucumbs to the might of Persia. They get a tech (in this no alliance no tech steal game).
    This is Markus manipulation to get a diversion in my West to make sure of his invasion in the East.
    BTW, I believe Dangime has been attending Markus training Academy for sucker-uppers. Dang's excuse for this unfair play in this no alliance game is that they may as well kill me off to get on with a new game. BUT this is where SO MANY people here miss the point of really good CivMP. You must play these endgames out. It's always different to just conceeding and writing up a fiction

    Then the teacherous Raz, who is subbing for the Romans, attacks me in the SOUTH out of the blue ##$%^**(( !!!!
    That's EAST, WEST, and SOUTH!!!!

    Markus lands his first invasion force of cannon and riflemen near deitigodfather- all killed by deity, inc the Transport which still had 4 unlanded units in it
    Many of his destroyers went down too as did several of my subs.

    Dangime continues to attack and explore my West.

    Raz finally takes one outlying small city, called sorrytown, in 1762AD I think.

    Dangime sounds the retreat as his invasion crumbles.

    deity kils more Markus Desroyers and sinks a Transport full of EIGHT units.. LOL

    deity kills many more Markus Destroyers and sights the first Viking Battleship!

    ... end of session but more ego-tripping and pix to come
    "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
    icq: 8388924

  • #2
    Yes, pix please.
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


    • #3
      The trouble with posting pix is the strategic info that might be given away but I'll post a few.. This is WEST.
      Attached Files
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • #4
        This is SOUTH after Raz took sorrytown.
        dIEty Hill is empty
        Attached Files
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • #5

          I opened the 1762 save and moved my units to where I attacked at sea - all Markus units dead, inc Transport, not entirely sure about Destroyer in the South or North...
          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
          icq: 8388924


          • #6
            Attached Files
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • #7
              That last one reminds me a bit of the Battle of Tsushima

              You little Togo you Deity
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • #8
                the word maggallans comes to mind.
                Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                and kill them!


                • #9
                  The phrase Dead Markusf comes to mind

                  *glug, glug, glug*
                  Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                  Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                  • #10
                    The Mad monk Returns

                    After centuries of abuse from the Republican Leaders , the Senate appointed the once Mighty Great Raz Dynasty t oresume control of the pitiful Roman Empire.

                    And so it was that Rasputin XV became leader of the New Roman Empire. His first tasks were to cancel all scientific research , slash taxes and raise the amount spent on luxuries. Immediatly the people returned from all out Rebellion to we love the Emporer Days.

                    The second phase of Rasputin XV renaisance involved the formation of Publc Works departments and the construction of national highways was commenced.

                    Rasputin XV looked around his new empire and saw much evidence of terrorism from outside forces. The Roman people had been held back by 'RULES' that the Roman inteligence agency discovered to have been made by the Carthos Fundamentalist Terrorists.

                    Most of these Terrorists were located in the desert region between Rome, Persia and the Carthginains.

                    Rasputin XV quickly negotiaited an end t othe Persian Roman war, but informed the Persian leader that the ownership of the Desert region was historically Roman and that one day the resident s would be returned to Roman control.

                    Terrorists attacked eventually led to the Roman peopel calling for action and the Terrorists main centre of activity was found and so the Roman Legions went t owar. Unfortuantly the Terrorists were lcoated within Carthoginain citys, but the resultant deaths of Carthoginas was jsut collateral damage.

                    In one foul swoop the city of "Useless Town" was captured and renamed "Deity Highway" as it lead straight into "Sorry Town" which was subsequently renamed "Terrorist Camp". As the last remaining terrosists fled to the neighbouring city of "DeityHill" the ruthless Roman legions continued their crusade and eventually captured all remaining Terrorists.

                    Rumours abounded that some terrosists had fled to Persia but this seemed unfounded at present.

                    From the west came word that the mighty Spanish were harbouring even more terrosists that had undertaken attacks on our major trading partner the Japanese. The crys of the Noble Japanese reached Rasputin XV's ears and he ordered an immediate response. The Roman High commision demanded inspection rights o f the Spanish / Japanese border but was refused information. In retaliation for this affront the Roman legions advanced on Spanish Northern Borders town and captured hundreds of Fundamental Terrorists harbouring there. Again unfortuantly there was some limited collateral damage sustained by Spanish population.

                    With the war on terrorism drawing to a close. the Roman legions from both the Eastern and Western Fronts were withdrawn back to pre war borders.

                    And so ended the reign of Rasputin XV...........
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • #11
                      Don't forget that RAZ can beat Eyes so he must be considered the outright favourite in this group of players
                      The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                      Hydey the no-limits man.


                      • #12
                        Here's the best bit!

                        I hope Markus appreciates the under-lying humour in this, so I post our icq chat after the game yesterday


                        deity 14/06/20 1:38 PM OK, same time next week guys it's too late now and it's hanging on the pick screen

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:39 PM Well there is a good chance i may not be able to play anymore..

                        deity 14/06/20 1:40 PM you can't quit.
                        I'll make mince meat of you in the forums!


                        Markus 14/06/20 1:40 PM i got a bunch of interviews next week and might get a job.

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:40 PM why do you think i have had all this time to play?

                        deity 14/06/20 1:41 PM you have to finish it though

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:41 PM i can't finish if the earliest i get home is a hour and a half after our normal start time

                        deity 14/06/20 1:42 PM deity rocks again
                        Markus talking about conceeding defeat now

                        deity 14/06/20 1:42 PM I'm not letting you off the hook mate

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:42 PM well then we have to move the game to another day

                        deity 14/06/20 1:42 PM you know that won't work

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:43 PM well nothing is for sure yet.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:44 PM OK, we start next week maybe an hour later IF markus gets that job.. please all show

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:44 PM lol, this game isn't as bad as the others. there is a whole string of games i got to cancel

                        deity 14/06/20 1:45 PM we will finish this Markus..
                        I'll show you what Aussies are made of

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:46 PM bla,

                        i have a 17 tech lead, its just a matter of cruising to the end now.

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:47 PM and in 3 turns all my trade tripples.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:47 PM you think? I trained with Makeo, we play till loser video

                        deity 14/06/20 1:47 PM you all talk mate

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:48 PM allready done. i kicked makeo's ass most of the time.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:48 PM but you say he's one of your best opponents...

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:49 PM only when both civs are on equal footing.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:49 PM yeah, i got 4 civs against me!

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:50 PM whatever.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:50 PM Even with 4 civs against me I still only lost one city to Persian, one to Rome and destroyed Markus invasions at sea... now he wants to get a real job all of a sudden LOL

                        deity 14/06/20 1:52 PM Raz just said he's doing me a favour!

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:55 PM you don't believe me, as war, i told him about it before we even started the game today...

                        deity 14/06/20 1:56 PM huh? what's that mean?

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:56 PM about the job thing.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:57 PM yeah yeah...

                        Markus 14/06/20 1:57 PM well like i care what you think, civ isn't the most important thing you know.

                        deity 14/06/20 1:57 PM LOL@!.


                        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        icq: 8388924


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hydey
                          Don't forget that RAZ can beat Eyes so he must be considered the outright favourite in this group of players
                          WEl las per usual i have added a little sometihng to the game, what started as a lets al lkil ldeity session has turned into Raz declares war on all Game... !!!!!
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #14
                            In any case I would assume deity would prefer me to play out to the end and not quit. But these game settings have caused great dispairity between civilizations. And while deity is grandstanding for the right for his civilization to live.........the rest of us are subs......or can look around and tell, that we're non-factors in the grand scheme.

                            So I played the game. I took the only steps I could to influance the game with out breaking rules.

                            I couldn't issue a threat, demand technologies, or use any of the normal middile ground civ diplomacy applies. I just took the active road instead of hitting the "enter" button once every 20 or so minutes untill markus and deity are done having their fun. So SUE ME.


                            • #15
                              My money is on Raz.

                              Go Raz!
                              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?

