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WHEMDD Diplo Game (WinzityHydeyEpikMakeoDangimeDeity)

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  • WHEMDD Diplo Game (WinzityHydeyEpikMakeoDangimeDeity)

    I thought it would be best to start a new thread rather than continue to add to the thread where we discusssed the start up of this game.

    Let the stories begin.
    Last edited by Epik; April 1, 2002, 12:01.

  • #2
    The Japanese people first settled along a great river amongst the trees by the great lake of our ancestors, but what awaited for Japanese settlers who moved outward from our home was years of toil. The settlers chose a location that was heavily forested and had to be cleared before settlement. This investment took time, but may prove to be worth it. Explorers went out beyond these lands to seek out other peoples, but they were few and far between. Some of the first people our explorers came upon were quite impressed and joined the Japanese empire, founding the fortress city of Edo which has protected the empire from the barbarians of the horned coast for hundreds of years. In the west, things were less encouraging. The land was harsh and cold, hills and mountains yeilding occasionally to the forests and plains of the coast. Then contact was made with people known as Victornians, their warriors rode wild animals and moved swiftly. The Victorians were reasonable people. Peace was made and maps exchanged showing that after a harsh strech of territory the land improved in the west, that land being the homeland of the Victorian people. Japanese warriors contined their explorations in the south, as they quickly found Japan proper to be filling quickly with the settlement of Satasuma along the southern coast. The warriors pushed through the harsh swamps to find a fertile river valley, lush grasslands and green forests. The natives here were agreable and helped with the construction of the new province's capital of Kagoshima. Later settlers from the north settled Nagoya, while others challenged the west clearing the land along the coast to found the city of Nara. There are other adventureous men in Japan who plan to build ships and explore and settle across the sea. The tales of warriors from long ago have not been forgoten, who claimed to see the distant profiles of far away the residents of Satsuma these tales flourish in site of the one small confirmed islands. They believe they can survive the rigors of the sea to settle the other side.


    • #3
      THE DEITIANS: deitigod

      Most excellent idea Epik, thanks. May as well delete my bit in your post to save confusion later on ...

      [posted again to correct typos]



      deity looked out upon this lonely planet and wondered who of his proteges would be best suited to dominate the land.

      It was good land. Fertile plans and rivers. Surely even Captain deitigod, son of Lord deitigodfather, could handle this challenge.

      He was appointed.

      Oh dear. From Day One he screwed things up!
      A capital with some useless squares in its radius.
      Lack of thorough exploration before siting cities.
      Poor yields from the local hutties... and so on...

      But he stayed on a steady course. Made friends with the Greeks and agreed borders after a terrain map exchange.
      Made peace with the Borg Collective but no maps were exchanged.
      He settled the key cities needed but remained a despot.

      When the yellow menace predictably appeared Captain deitigod was threatening and unfriendly to say the least but then again, these universal tyrants were even more nasty. They left our shores and sought land farther afield. It was believed they had new forms of Government and with ships were expanding, unless they were preparing invasion...

      At the end of this session the DEITIANS were languishing in last place virtually... Much needs to be done on this planet, a far cry from the previously aborted mission


      pg attached...
      Attached Files
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • #4
        In the begining there was Borg...

        From the begining we were of one mind. However we also sensed that there were induhviduals somewhere out in the blackness. The Collective decided that Locutus Epik would be our voice to the induhviduals, and we would allow them to call us Borg.

        On the first day we found the land to be barely acceptable. There was fish, green fields and trees. Hive 01 was built on the first day. Settler drones were sent to find the better land. There was great frustration in the Collective when after hundreds of years no trade specials were found. Hive 02 was built near a bird rich forrest, far from Hive 01. Finally in 1700BC a group of horsedrones discovered whales, and a third group of settler drones built Hive 03.

        Hoards of barbarians came out of the north to attack Hive 02. One group of warrior drones was lost, but the Borg horse drones saved the hive. Seven barbarian units were killed and 2 of their leaders were ransomed.

        The lack of trade specials and slow hive building delayed the Collective's technological progress. The one mind felt that a better government was needed, but a mysterious force refused to allow the choice of Code of Laws.

        During this time the horse drones discoved a tribe of induhviduals that called themselves Aztec. They were strong and shot pointed sticks thru the air. Their leader Makeozarcoatl offered a peace treaty and Locutus Epik informed him that the Collective accepted.

        It was then that the Collective decided to build the first great Assimulator. The Assimulator was sent out to the Aztec lands to the east. The city of Xochicalco was found, and without warning the first great assimulation took place. It was the greatest event in Borg History... Monarchy was now part of the Borg technology. The growth of the Collective began to move quickly, and to date 8 hives have been built.

        Makeozarcoatl became angry at what he called the theft of technology. The Collective wished to remain at peace with the Aztecs, so Locutus Epik gave maps of the Borg land in exchange for a peace treaty. Let it be known that the Collective will assimulate technology whenever it is needed.

        Another group of induhviduals was encountered in the southern Borg lands. These called themselves Deitians ( they seem to worship themselves ). The Deitians offered a peace treaty and Locutus Epik accepted.
        Last edited by Epik; April 1, 2002, 14:43.


        • #5
          Victorian History begins

          And the Victorian history begins.
          2 groups of drunken settlers bump into each other in a small river valley and a city was formed on the site of a huge party, this first city was named in honour of the best drinker Hydey and thus hydey city was formed. The second group headed east and found plains full of buffalo and a lake with mobies living in it and thought what a good spot for a hotel and the city of Tintagel was established. On there journey the group had met some friendly villages who rode on horses and they agreed to scout further east and discover new lands to settle, in the far east this group of horseman found the Japanese peoples and signed a peace treaty , later on borders where agreed to and a long lasting peace has continued. The horseman returned to Victoria and began heading south into the darkness. An evil looking bunch of Aztec warriors jumped from swamps and startled the horses, the Victorians kept there cool and a peace treaty was signed . The Victorians felt that those swamps formed a natural border between Victorian and Aztec lands. The Aztecs did not see it this way as they sent there warriors deeper into Victorian lands , The Victorians sought the peaceful removal of these forces but the Aztecs wanted our land. The peace treaty was torn up and war started, the grass turned red from the blood of the Aztec warriors and our horsemen veterans of the earlier barbarian wars were heralded as heroes, the Aztecs tried a counter attack but our warriors in there forest defences proved too much and after our horsemen destroyed another warrior brigade the Aztecs asked for peace and a new treaty signed. The Victorian people hope never again to see there lands covered in the blood of war.
          The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

          Hydey the no-limits man.


          • #6
            The Aztec civilization sprang forth from the nurturing valleys of the Tenocha River.
            The cities of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco were quickly founded on the banks of the quick flowing water. Food was plentiful and the cities grew in size. Soon more cities were founded nearby. Xochicalco and Tlaxcala.
            Jaguar Knights exploring the Aztec territories encountered some Chichimec but ignored them as below their contempt.

            The people known as the Borg proved to be cunning thieves and stole sacred texts from the temple pyramid in Xochicalco. Huitzilopochitli cried out for vengeance but the time was not right. To ease Huitzilopochitli’s anger Makeozacoatl demanded reparations from the Borg and received maps of the Borg territories as tribute.

            The Tenocha empire grew and with it Huitzilopochitli’s hunger. The Chichimec to the north yapped like the little dogs of Makeozacoatl’s wives and were therefore honored with the blessing of xochiyaoyotl. The Eagle and Jaguar knights blessed with this holy task are remembered by the Tenocha and sit with the heroes of Huitzilopochitli.
            Huitzilopochitli’s hunger was sated for the time being and the white Chichimec were allowed to continue with their daily lives.
            Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


            • #7
              100 BC pg and cities/units

              Captain deitigod is earning the favour of deity as things improve for THE DEITIANS - the peaceful ones...

              The new Govt of Republic is proving to be most useful... more to follow.
              Attached Files
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • #8
                The Glorious Greeks

                The first Greek city was founded 3800BC in a fertile flood valley. In the nearby area, 2 sister cities were established. Many explorers were sent out to scan the land. They found good land to colonize, the West particularly ample with plains and whales.

                We first expanded out to other parts of the flood valley system. We put some special items in use to get tech fast, mostly we used the rich gold mountain. We had iron too so we could swiftly hurry production. We didn’t meet anyone for a long while. Many cities were founded. We chose a solid research path, in turn creating a solid Greek empire.

                Many more cities were built and we understood that other civs on this continent must be to the east and we met a friendly Archer. Our Warrior agreed to peace with him. A border was soon agreed upon, and we live a friendly life.

                We developed Monarchy and winzity become King of the Great Greek empire.
                Our researchers completed an important tech to expand and develop our empire. Map making was found in a friendly hut, talk about tech assimilation. It was quickly used and we found a nice island we could use later. We first needed to build more cities on our main continent, and make them good. After some 100 years we send a trireme back to check the island for good city locations.

                But now our island had been colonized by unhappy yellow people. We don’t know much about them yet. They have pretty small cities and looks like they are undeveloped.

                We will now contact them to get our land back. We thank the rumor that gave us a tip of the risk of yellow people, who might be building on our land.

                We plan on doing more exploration and of course we will find out more then...
                Attached Files
                winzity ICQ 30339567
                Please note I don't longer use the mail address
                Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


                • #9
                  Borg Progress Report

                  The Borg were not pleased to discover that Japanese induhviduals had built a village in the far north of the Borg continent. The Japanese promised to go no farther south, so the Collective has decided to allow them to stay. However the Collective may demand tribute in the future, since they are using land the should belong to the Borg.

                  The Borg have also agreed to a forrest border with the Aztec induhviduals that occupy the lands to the northwest. These lands are not considered part of the Borg continent, but the Collective is concerned about their use of Republican government. The Collective considers it dangerous for so many induhviduals to be making decisions.

                  Three more hives were built and many improvements were made to the land.

                  Barbarian archers were seen walking on water near Hive 01. The hive is well defended and we will be ransoming their leader in the near future.

                  The Borg Collective is expanding to the south and east, so all induhviduals are warned to stay out of the way.


                  • #10
                    Victorians progressing well

                    The Victorian people continue to grow in both number and strength. Our super scientists (the people who don’t drink) have been making many new discoveries. Our homelands are just about full so it was decided that new lands must be found for our mighty country to settle. A group of settlers were formed ( dragged out of the pub when they fell asleep) and along with some mighty elephant troops (the people who drink the most) got loaded onto a trireme boat thingy and headed out to lands unknown.

                    We noted with interest the many Greek warships passing our shores headed for the lands of the Aztecs, it was very surprising that some Greek Dumbo troops landed by mistake on our lands and called into one of our cities to ask directions , we told them where to go and as they left our lands it was noted that our Elephant troops found the Greek dumbos very sexy.

                    In the distance we can here the drums of war beating as disputes over land become more frequent, we urge to world to live together in peace and not squabble over bits of rock .
                    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                    Hydey the no-limits man.


                    • #11
                      Golden Age of Borg Philosophy

                      The Collective did alot of thinking and came up with a golden philosophy.

                      Assimulation is good. Resistance is futile.

                      Besides all of the hard thinking the Borg Collective, also built 4 new hives, built many roads and irragated many fields.

                      The barbarians, who walked on water, attacked Hive 03 but were easily defeated and their leader was ransomed.
                      Settlement of the south eastern lands was begun. Some whining was heard from the Deitians, when Locutus Epik informed them that it was part of the Borg land.


                      • #12
                        620 AD

                        The Greek war machine could not reach the homeland of the Aztecs. They seemed to have a valid claim on the island near Greece that was populated by Aztecs - or so it appeared but subsequent reports suggest that false information was supplied to Capt deitigod.

                        What ensued was that one Greek attack on an Aztec tri failed and King Winzity declared that all was lost and that it was all Capt deitigod's fault!

                        Having 'allowed' the Greeks to land on DEITIAN shores for rest from their long sea voyage deitigod stood aghast as the Dumbos systematically destroyed DEITIAN cities! This shows how trusting and peacable we really are.

                        deitivorg and udaleiti all fell and much damage was done to several others. Obviously the treacherous King Winzity had not heard of the DEITIAN prowess in dealing with such matters.

                        Within one year the cities were recoverd and a Greek city destroyed, with Thermoploye captured by Capt deitigod himself in the following year. A few counter offensives were launched by the Greeks but they were streadily pushed back as DEITIAN forces push toward the Greek capital.

                        Winzity's original foe, the Aztecs, attacked in the North and several cities were captured or destroyed. The DEITIANS and Aztecs have forged a new friendship and peace agreement, sharing much knowledge about Greek defences and incompetence!


                        Now let's step back a bit and analyse the Greek strategy:
                        * They built up a huge army of Dumbos
                        * They stole Aztec and DEITIAN techs
                        * They claimed the Aztec island near Greece
                        * They prepare an invasion fleet of tris with Dumbos headed for Makeo's Aztecs
                        * They depend on peace with DEITIANS and fooled us with propaganda
                        * As their tris approach Aztec land they suddenly turn around and rush back
                        * Aztec tris appear along the same stretch of DEITIAN coastline
                        * Greeks unload Dumbos near DEITIAN cities and attack the Aztec tri - it failed
                        * Trigger-happy and with Dumbos all over deityland AND totally frustrated with their own incompetence in not being able to land troops in Aztec land King Winzity himself orders the attacks on his 'friends' the DEITIANS

                        Now, I ask you - How smart a strat is this?

                        He now has two strong enemies right on his doorstep....

                        Greece will be gone next session...

                        (Maps to be posted once I talk with Makeo but basically DEITIANS claim Southern Greece and Makeo the North)
                        Last edited by deity; April 21, 2002, 08:08.
                        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        icq: 8388924


                        • #13
                          The Wonderous Borg Collective

                          In the year 500 AD the collective completed a wonderous chapel in Hive 03. This chapel allows the Borg to focus the energy of the one mind on the vision of perfection. The result has been a dramatic increase in the contentment of the Borg.

                          Only 1 new hive was built, because of the effort required to complete the wonderous chapel. Many new hives will be built in the future, thanks to the new contentment among the drones.

                          The Deitian induhviduals still were making claims to Borg Land, and Locutus Epik has warned them that any cities built on the Collective's land will be assimulated.

                          Two Assimulator drones were sent out and successfully assimulated Masonary from the Aztecs and Construction from the Deitians. The Aztecs considered the assimulation of Masonary to be an act of war. Locutus Epik has warned Makeozacoatl that if they do not want to remain at peace with the Borg, then a preemptive strike by the new Borg Crusader drones, may become necessary. Peace negotiations with the Aztecs have begun. Peace treaties with the Deitians and the Japanese remain in effect. No contact has yet been made with the Victorians or Greeks.

                          Rumors have reached the Collective of the aggressive Greeks and their war with the Aztecs and Deitians. The Borg are disturbed by the rumor that the Deitians want to eliminate the Greeks, without giving the Greeks a chance to be assimulated into the Collective. The idea of dividing the Greek land between the Aztecs and Deitians is not acceptable to the Borg Collective. It was written in the begining.... Alliances Are Forbidden

                          Locutus Epik asks that the Aztecs, Deitians and Greeks to resolve their dispute peacefully. Locutus Epik asks the Victorians and Japanese to add their voices to the call for peace.
                          Last edited by Epik; April 22, 2002, 15:13.


                          • #14
                            Huitzilopochitli looks upon us with satisfaction. The Jaguar runs freely amongst the sheep, while the eagle soars above, free, unchecked.

                            He who seeks to steal from the Tenocha must face the consequences. The Chichimec Greeks have been blessed. Through their sacrifice the the blood debt is repayed and the sun will rise tomorrow.


                            It is the Chichimec's place in the world to be inferior. There inability to improve their place in the world through cultural and technological development makes this so. They reveal their base nature through theft and aggression. It is unacceptable to allow the theft of Tenocha property, be it intellectual or otherwise. The theft of Aztec property by the Greek Chichimec is unacceptable and therefore will be stopped.


                            The Greeks somehow managed to construct crude floating vessels upon which the theives came to Aztec lands, therefore the Aztec navy was increased five fold and all reserves called to either Tzintzuntzen or Calixtilahauca. A naval blockade of our homelands was to be set up to prevent further thefts.

                            The southern fleet has engaged the enemy and crushed them. Outnumberd four to one our advance trireme was ambushed by three greek triremes which were defeated. The remaining greek sailors were so awed by our battle prowress they immediatly pledged allegiance to our cause. News of our victory spread throughout the greek navy and no less than three more triremes have deserted their former homeland.


                            The soldiers of Greece were now stranded on foreign although friendly soil. Makeozacoatl is unhappy that the greeks were aided by the Deititians in this manner however they reaped the reward of such aid. The greek army again show their base nature and attack their friends. Rather than consolidating their position they foolishly ran wildly into the heartlands of the Deititian lands looting and pillaging as they went. Separated as they were they were easily defeated by the unprepared but newly awakened Deititians. In hindsight perhaps if the greeks had of been more cautious on their Deititian campaign they may still be in posession of deititian lands.

                            It has become clear that not only were the Chichimec Greeks stealing from the Tenocha they were also planning an invasion of our sacred homelands. The greek navy defeated off the north deititian coast were apparently carrying an invasion army. When our naval defences proved too strong the army had no where left to go but to attack the deititians. While we must salute the greek commanders for their devotion to Huitzilopochitli we can only laugh at their complete lack of any kind of military intelligence. Initially it was thought that the greeks may have some ability in warfare however this notion was squashed when the deititians, (known to be little more than farmers and merchants) defeated them easily.
                            Their inability to wage war is however not in question, their desire to embrace the flowery death is. Not wishing to deny them their wish we have sent a number of Jaguar Knights to the greek mainland so that we both may bask in Huitzilopochitli's happiness.


                            The Jaguar knights destroyed Ephesos and captured Herakleia. News of these victories reached the barracks on the mainland and the Eagle Knights demanded to be allowed to join their brothers on the campaign. Makeozacoatl agreed and the knights are enroute.
                            Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                            • #15
                              Subject to negotiatin

                              The front!
                              Attached Files
                              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                              icq: 8388924

