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History of the World III - The Story Begins

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  • #31
    Double Post

    Welcome to Page 2. OOC Thread is:
    Last edited by OzzyKP; April 4, 2002, 15:29.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • #32
      60 AD

      Here is the world map. Still just the old world. I think I'll include the Americas and Oceania after next session. I have some great progression maps too, but here is the final map. India lost some land, Russia grew a lot.
      Attached Files
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • #33
        60 A.D. Stats


        Native Tribes (AI) 20 Cities 66 Units
        Indians (AI) 9 Cities 15 Units
        Russians (Prometheus) 19 Cities 28 Units
        Arabs (OzzyKP) 18 Cites 52 Units
        Chinese (Dangime) 16 Cities 26 Units
        Germans (Chris) 17 Cities 26 Units
        Amazulu (Berzerker) 23 Cities 66 Units
        Attached Files
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • #34
          The Chinese people entered an unprecidented period of building in the years following the creation of the fuedal Dangime Dynasty Monarchy. Large groups of peasants were conscripted to improve the land irrigation systems and roads crisscrossed the Chinese empire. The most ambitous project is the "Silk Road" and is still underway. Portions of the road leading out of China to Ulan Bator are already completed, and the road is streaching out the west to meet the portion of the road leading to Russia. Already huge groups of merchants carrying silk, beads, trinkets, wool, hides, (and lets not forget the sake!), are already heading to Russia and perhaps beyond into Germany and Arabia, but these are said to be troubled and dangerous lands. Elsewhere in the Empire intepid seamen set out on voyages of discovery, carrying settlers to far away islands to colonize them. Already serveral off shore settlement sites are being prepared, and more are planned. New settlments within the Chinese empire also challenged the harsh plains of Manchuria and deep jungles of Vietnam.

          Government officals have been working on various ways to promote trade and the growth of the merchant class in order to bring prosperity to China. Many are suggesting that local control of trade be deligated to land owners in the region to encourage trade and development. The final decision will be Lord Dangime's of course, and for now the Chinese people are pleased with the current polacy of trade and the huge Silk Road project.

          Barbarian activity is dropping off, as China's versitile Zhuang Shi horsemen have destroyed each uprising to date, and many within China believe that a new age is dawning and soon will arrive.


          • #35
            City Growth Chart

            Ok, I have gone over the edge and have done all sorts of stat stuff now with this game. Enjoy these two charts of our City and Unit progress. Each number along the X axis is a different session.
            Attached Files
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • #36
              Unt Growth Chart

              Unit numbers on Y, Session on X.
              Attached Files
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • #37
                History of the formation of the Muslim State
                by Buwayhid Abu Kalijar

                In recent years the Holy Flame of Islam has enveloped the whole of the Arab empire in the mideast and Africa, now the faith is spreading to cultures beyond our borders. I will attempt to provide my scholarly contemporaries with a brief overview of this dramatic revolution and its affect on our culture and the culture of men around the world.

                The history of Islam begins with the history of Judaism, but that can all be found in the Noble Qu'ran, so I'll skip it. The Jews lived in the Arab city of Jerusalem. Many years ago a prophet by the name of Jesus emerged among the Jews and proclaimed himself the Son of Allah (praised be his name). His followered founded a new religion called Christianity. This spread like wildfire across the region, his Disciples traveled all around Arabia, and even left Arabia to spread the Gospel of Jesus all around the world. This new religion gained its strongest foothold in Europe. The Apostle Peter, established a base for the new religion in the German city of Germania-Magna.

                After the time of Jesus, and during the time of the spread of Christianity a new religion developed right here in the heart of Arabia. Allah (praise be his name) came down from heaven and spoke to The Holy Prophet, Mohommed, in the cave at Mt. Hira. He is commissioned as the Messenger of Allah (praised be his name). Later The Holy Prophet at Mt. Sara invited the general public to Islam. After several years of persecution at the hands of the Arab authorities the new Muslims gloriously conquered the Arab capitol of Mecca.

                After securing their base the Muslim armies raced across the former Arab empire, establishing a new Holy State in its place. Mohommed ruled initially and then other Caliphs took over the general administration of this Holy State. Caliph Mu'awiyah finished spreading Islam to the far reaches of the former Arab territory. The passion of the believers did not cease though, and people signed up in great numbers to join the elite Janissaries that were critical in Islam's early success. By the grace of Allah (praised be his name) our army swelled enormously and glorious devotees amassed on all of Arabia's borders.

                Finally the floodgates were let loose and the glory of Islam spread to other nations. The Christian Germans and the Hindu Indians resisted the new faith. Rather than treating our messangers as saviors they mistakenly felt we were a violent nation intent on domination. Of course not! Their mistake of judgement cost them dearly as we were forced to conquer Southern Spain and raze the German city of Cadiz to the ground. They forced us to crush their defiant military. In India the walls around Komodo were strong, but the followers of The Holy Prophet were undaunted. Our noble warriors are giving the Indian people a chance to submit peacefully before we march into their defenseless city.

                The experience of spreading the faith south was much different than North and East. Our messengers approached the land of the Zulu, spreading the great news of The Holy Prophet and the Word of Allah (praised be his name). Rather than resist as the other hethen cultures did the Zulus gracefully submitted to the glory of Islam. All of Africa now will soon be spirtually united under the righteous arms of Allah (praised be his name).

                With North and South Africa united with Persia, Arabia and the Mideast this is indeed a glorious time for Muslims all over the world. As I write this our great armies are closing in on the unbelievers to the West and East. Soon all the world will be united by one common spirtual heritage: Islam.
                Last edited by OzzyKP; April 6, 2002, 18:19.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • #38
                  Moscow – Tensions, which have been building since first contact, erupted 60 years ago as the Indians demanded Russian troops off Russian Land. King Ivan the III refused and thus the Russian-Indian border war began. A number of Indian units were destroyed and a town violating the border was destroyed. King Ivan pledged not to change the border just drive the Indians from it. A cease fire was promptly signed but hostilities continue as Indian Units and Russian unit remained fortified in the mountains south of the Border until a peace treaty is signed with a respectable (Human) Indian Leader.

                  GREAT LIBRARY BUILT
                  Ivangrad- A library built in dedication to Ivan the First has been built in Ivangrad; scholars from around the world have come to read study and share.

                  Berlin - In a surprise sneak attack on the Indians and Germans the Arabian kingdom has taken a number of cities. The Germans are outraged at this attack as is the Russian Empire. The Russians have called upon the Arabs to withdraw from there holdings immediately or face the wrath of the Russian Empire. The Russians have also called on the Zulus to reign in there crazy allies in the interest of peace. Moscow has stated that not only have the Arabs attacked Russia’s allies but they have settled a city in Indian Territory. It is rumored that the Indians and Russians will sign a treaty soon so that both can turn their attention to the Arab threat.

                  King Ivan has called upon presents from the great forests to start sending pikes to the front line to repel the Arab hordes as fear of an Arab attack on the Empire starts to grow. King Ivan has stated that the Russian Empire will do everything in its power to run the Arabs out of Spain and the Greater Germen Kingdom.

                  When and where will the Arabs attack, is on everyone’s mind.


                  • #39
                    While trade had been on the agenda for the latest ruler of the Dangime Dynasty, events in the west have been detering progress. In a formal visit to the royal palace in Beijing a Russian offical informed the emperor that due to the war the west, the promised Russian road could not be used by Chinese trade caravans, since russian military forces must have priority, and the massive Chinese caravans could easily block the roads.

                    Lord Dangime understood this, however it was disturbing. China's largest focus was currently that of foreign trade and this war was interfering with Chinese interests.

                    What's more is later Indian diplomats came pleading to Lord Dangime's court for assistance when the Arab hordes ruthlessly destoryed the Indian forces protecting western India. Although Lord Dangime did not commit militarily he assured them that India's long term goals were important to China, and he would not allow undue Arab influance come over the lands not in their sphere of influance.

                    Indian leadership has been poor the last few decades, nothing in comparison to the Dangime Dynasty, but the determined warlords in India vowed to fight on in face of Arab tyranny.

                    It is in the best interests of China that this war end quickly, to reopen trade routes to the west, and insure the safety of the Indian nation, which peacefully exists with China, keeping the boarders calm. Lord Dangime sat on his throne, examined his huge empire map then looked out on his assembled guards. Dangime does control a vast empire....where should he throw his chips? What is the intention of this Arab Empire who had troubled the Chinese like none other in the past, who ignore most diplomatic means? What was the fastest way to end this war....


                    • #40
                      I am more than willing to be a permanent sub if a few things are worked out to give this ****** civ a chance of survival. Frank and Prometheus, I have to talk to you before the game starts


                      • #41

                        Mecca Gazette

                        "The Mecca of Print Journalism"

                        60 AD
                        .25 Gold

                        TOP STORY

                        Janassaries Spread Faith

                        Caliph Mu'awiyah has declared this a glorious day in our history. The rapture of Islam has spread quickly through the former Arab empire, and now the devoted followers of Allah are bringing the faith to other cultures.

                        General Tarik crossed over to the land of Al-Andalus, named "Spain" by the Germans. His mighty men, devoted followers of Allah in the tradition of Mohommed, invaded and destroyed the hethan city of Cadiz. General Tarik looked back across the narrow channel he crossed and named the large mountain there the "Rock of Tarik" which in Arabic is pronounced Jebel Tarik. Word is that the Europeans are now calling it Gibraltar, in honor of our great General.

                        In the East our troops have had success against the Indians. They are taking to the new faith with interest, it is possible the campaign in the east will be short.

                        INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS

                        Russo-Indian War

                        After many years of border dispute between the Russians and the Indians the situation finally errupted into war. Russian troops crossed the long agreed upon border and destroyed the Indian city located there. Details are sketchy, but it is rumored the Russian thugs massacred the innocent population of farmers at this isolated Indian villiage.

                        DOMESTIC AFFAIRS

                        Islamic World Honors the Ka'ba

                        With the rapid spread of Islam all followers of the one true faith recognize Mecca as their spirtual capitol. Centered at the holy shrine of the Ka'ba. This cube like building is said to be as old as Adam & Eve, and one of humanities first structures. In prayer Muslims turn to the Ka'ba no matter if they are in Zimbabwe, Casablanca, or Tehran. Its glory pleases Muslim followers around the world, and discontent has subsided as people rejoice in the glory of Islam.

                        The Noble Qur'an is Written

                        The Noble Qur'an detailing the revelations of Mohommed and recording all the events of Allah and the earlier prophets has been written and has begun distribution in Baghdad. With the word of God written down in a form easily readable by followers all throughout the Arab kingdom the faith continues to grow stronger. Religious ferver grows, fanatical devotion has become the norm, with Allah on our side our troops in the Jihaad fight with the strength and tenacity unseen before in the world.
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

