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Starting a game!

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  • Starting a game!


    I have Civ2 Gold and am looking to start a game!
    *Warlord or Prince
    *Raging Hordes
    *Small, random map
    *2-4 players (if 3 or 4, then we probably need to move to a larger map)

    I am looking at Saturday night (tomorrow) from 8 to 11 or so, U.S. CST.

    E-mail is

    "Success is never final"
    ---Winston Churchill

  • #2
    good to see the release of civ 3 has brought some new civ 2 MP players
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #3

      When you own your own business that operates out of your home, are trying to earn a masters degree in Business Marketing, a doctorate in theology, a law degree, and a CPA, plus also enjoy playing golf once in a while, and reading through the entire Encyclopaedia Brittannica, sometimes you just never get around to beating a higher level of Civ 2. Those of you who play Diety (and think you are) are intitled to a little respect. However, I do not have that much time to waste.

      Ugh. Good to get that one out of my system.
      Last edited by Igor_Davidovich; November 14, 2001, 22:43.
      "Success is never final"
      ---Winston Churchill


      • #4
        Originally posted by Igor_Davidovich

        When you own your own business that operates out of your home
        yep do that , plus a full time job as well
        are trying to earn a masters degree in Business Marketing, a doctorate in theology, a law degree, and a CPA,
        now thats jsut too much study at once, my three kids keep me fuklly occupied teaching them
        plus also enjoy playing golf once in a while,
        always hating FLOG (golf played backwards) I usually stick to 3 days at gym at 2 sessions of Squash a week
        and reading through the entire Encyclopaedia Brittannica,
        hey my kind of dude, i just finished the complete History of the United Kingdom Encyclopedia by Oxford.
        sometimes you just never get around to beating a higher level of Civ 2.
        i never won a SP game at higher than king
        Those of you who play Diety (and think you are) are intitled to a little respect.
        no repsect necessary for most of them they are LEgends in their own lunch boxes
        However, I do not have that much time to waste.
        well glad to see you come here and offer to play and then say you too busy.... !!!

        But welcome anyway to the Mad world of MP !!!!!
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #5
          Originally posted by Igor_Davidovich
          Those of you who play Diety (and think you are) are intitled to a little respect. However, I do not have that much time to waste.
          Why do you think you waste your time in deity and you don't in warlord?
          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


          • #6
            Because . . .

            It isn't that Diety wastes more time than Warlord. It is the fact that I have only so much time to devote to Civ 2. If I had more time, I would be able to beat Diety (or at least not die before 1AD). I happened to have time Saturday, so I decided to try something new and play an MP. So, I posted here. As if it helped.
            "Success is never final"
            ---Winston Churchill

