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Vote in 1645 AD Mongol Election for HOTW2. All can Vote.

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  • Vote in 1645 AD Mongol Election for HOTW2. All can Vote.

    Candidate Profiles

    Genghis Khan - Asian Unity Party
    Disatisfied with the restraint showed by the Conservative Party over the last 20 years the Asian Unity Party has nominated General Genghis Khan. General Khan led the war against Europe in '26 that liberated the territories of Savona and Orsoni from the Europeans. Khan is regarded as a national hero.

    Khan has been a vocal supporter of increased military spending and that a more resolute stance taken internationally. Many voters are upset with the treatment of ethnic Asians by the mostly American dominated Chinese government and demand something be done by the government.

    Mao Tse-tung - Labor Party
    With the nation moving right the Labor Party has responded by taking a hard left, nominating radical socialist Mao Tse-tung for President. Tse-Tung was arrested in '19 and '24 for advocating armed revolution. After stewing in federal prison for 7 years Tse-Tung has turned slightly more mainstream and decided a political course of action is best.

    Tse-Tung supports raising taxes on the rich and expanded welfare programs to benifit "the victims of capitolism" Stable Labor party issues of increased factory production, infrastructure and workers rights are still important. Because of his environmental concerns the weakened Green Party has thrown support behind Tse-tung and decided not to run their own candidate.

    Kang Kukjin - Conservative Party
    After the passing away of Bogd Khaan Vice-President Kang Kukjin fufilled the last 6 years of Khaan's term. The Conservative party has been taking much heat from the increasingly hardline populace over their failure to pursue the Europeans past the Urals and the President's inability to secure any significant agreements with China.

    Kukjin is relying on Khaan and his record over the past 20 years. Driving the Europeans out of Asia, starting construction of a strong Mongol Navy, plans for Siberian colonization, and driving the Chinese away from the rich Pheasant land near Yakut SSR.

    Rinchinnyamiin Amarjargal - Liberal Party
    After a few years of bitterness over the "time limit rigged" election of 1625 the Liberal Party has finally sobered up and realized they need to do something other than whine to hold onto their slipping power. Amarjargal has been the politically moderate governor of the planet's 5th greatest city, Western Mongolia.

    Amarjargal is more moderate than previous Liberal party candidates reflecting the more conservative and warlike nature of the country. Amarjargal supports realigning UAS with the Australians and promoting a tough but peaceful stance on foreign policy meanwhile continuing to foster trade with all nations.

    Wei Fengsi Khan - Asian Sunrise Party
    Wei FK now approaching his later life is once again his parties' nominee. A popular science fiction writer and chief fellow at Kashmir's University of Technology and Science. Originally from Shanghi Wei FK has done much for the growth in UAS' scientific knowledge over the past few years. His research team were the key developers of rocketry and are now working on the Laser. He promises a moon landing if elected.

    Wei FK has made his intentions for space exploration and technological development clear saying, "Progress is man's only lasting goal on this planet. To leave this planet will demonstrate this progress to all mankind"

    Liu Xiaobo - Libertarian Party
    After a solid defeat in the last presidential election, carrying only 2% of the votes the party has taken the last twenty years to reasses the parties' strategy and has nominated the more moderate Liu Xiaobo this year. Lui Xiaobo served for the last 6 years as one of the few Libertarian congressmen.

    Xiaobo supports individual freedom both personally and economically. Xiaobo also calls for an end to all international aid and overseas "meddling" calling for complete neutrality and the canceling of all alliances. Xiaobo supports dramaticly reducing taxes and cutting the size of the UAS government.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah