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History of the World 2.2 - V (Cuz 2 just wasn't big enough)

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  • OOC

    Originally posted by deity

    Be warned that any nation building Manhatten will be immediately attacked.
    unless of course Asutralai builds it
    We require that the city of Athens be ceded to us as compensation for the loss of life sustained in the attack on the peace-keepers. If the EU co-operates they will be rewarded in the future... But this measure is necessary now to build confidence in the peace processes.
    I'd like to see that!!!!
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • 1648 AD: Paul is in a feverish state.. China starts to panic

      He is delerious and is disturbed. He hears voices and is muttering...

      "Oh my dear Medici, how we have failed. Oh Oh..... NO! Oh my God....
      My dear Prometheus, you never knew, I'm so sorry.
      Medici, what's that? Your line prospers? Oh no. Mine dies with me. I have no descendants. I have failed you. I have failed myself. I had such plans. Together we were to conquer as in the days of old but the Mali changed all that. They polluted your minds. Oh my dear Medici..... Oh no no no...... not that..... I have seen it and... no...... The Zulus helped you build Central America? They gave it to you?? You trusted them? You betrayed me. Oh no no no no..... My heart loves you but fate has dealt us a cruel blow.... "

      Paul sank into a deep sleep.
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • Turkish Peninsula

        President Auldinksy looked around the plains, many Arabs were lying in the gutters at the side of the road. He saw movement and saw some WAAR soldiers adminsistering first aid to the injured Arabs. Good thought the PResident we are starting off on the right foot, helping our fellow man.

        He looked further round and saw many more soldeirs, all they knew was fighting. He wondered if this recent uprising may have been caused by the fact that without war soldiers get bored. He wondered if to maintain an army in readiness really involved always finding an enemy. He was wondering these thoughts as he walked and saw that all his soldiers were much happier now they had tasted blood again ,even if it was fellow WAAR citizens.

        As he returned to camp HQ he had come to the conclusion that he had a decision to make, either disband the sizable army that WAAR had or put it to use. LEaving it idle was too dangerous to the WAAR.

        Inside the Camp HQ tent he studied the maps of the area surrounding him and looked for where to lead his amry next. He could go west and take on EU soldeirs agin, but they were already being attacked by Australain and UAS. He looked east and wondered whether he could justify a war against the polluting Chinese, but they had shown much improvemnt lately.

        In the end he decided to talk to his allys. They would know what to do.
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • The world that Prometheus knew was gone, he was in a state of panic, and worse yet it was not just him it was the entire country. Land grabbers all of them… they would think of any reason to take our land. He should have listened to his generals all those years ago and conquered N.A. during the Mali-Israeli war.

          He had dug his own grave… the Zulus were right…. the years of inaction have now come back to haunt him, the Mongols would attack, and therefore so would the Israeli. Perhaps even the Aussies… He could not run to anyone now, not the Europeans, not the Mali, they were all but dead in any military since… he would turn to the Zulu’s but he knew they would just laugh in his face, they would tell him it was his own fault.

          He did not argue with that, it was true…still he thought all he wanted to do was live in peace, all the Chinese people wanted to do was live in peace….

          That no longer seems to be an option, Prometheus thought with his head in his hands…. No longer an option…

          Slowly he raised his head from his hands his eyes red with the reflection of the fireplace in his eyes…. We will give them a fight, when they come we will fight to the last man… and if they drive us to the sea we will fight on. There would be no surrender, no peace treaty, no defeat for the Chinese…. They would fight on till the end….

          Sad though he thought….all those lives lost the millions that would die…yes this will be the most costly war that the world has ever fought, even the Israeli-Mali war will seem like child’s play to the blood that will spill over the Asian and American plains, glaciers and mountains. And they will come, that now seemed almost like truth and all he and China could do was wait.
          Last edited by Prometheus; October 21, 2001, 02:27.


          • ooc

            such a pity so few apart from oursleves take much interest here anymore, the number of views approximatley equals the number of players multiplyed by the number of posts

            The game is getting ready for the greatest session yet (Yes I know we keep saying that , but this is truly big).

            As we truly approach the end times (sounds like a religous term) it will be interesting to see who stands by who.

            For a bit of background....

            The EU had been one of the major forces in the world unti ldevasted by an overly aggresive Israeli palyer looking for cheap land. Hard to see them being a major player by themselves, but they have at their helm the best Propoganda machine in the game, and many a time they have made others fear them even though they are now a spent force.

            The Mali too were devasted by an aggresive Israel (interesting that it was the Mali that originally stopped Dimbleby expanding and so revenge is sweet to the Israelis) . The Mali hav ethe oppurtunity to be thorn in the side of any nation that fails to guard agaisnt them, But they too are in danger of extermination if they choose the wrong side in coming war.

            The Zulus probably stand the best chance of winning if the Australian & Chinese allaince can be broken. (allaince I hear you say, well that is the strong rumour that the aussies have been using the chinese but now find the ally is too big) The Zulus have great leadership at the helm and are looking to form an alliance against China/Australia, but would this simply lead to a Zulu win??

            Mongols are looking good for an invasion of China, if they demolish the Chinese that wopuld make them a foe to be reckoned with, surely then Austrlai would be forced to attack them to keep them from winning. Mongol wil lbe hard to fight if WAAR and Zulu join them.

            The WAAR hold the key to this next session, if the yjoin the Australians who could stand in their way? If the yjoin the Mongols then the Chinese are dead! If the WAAR joins the Zulus then it would be a tough fight for Aussies.

            Australia ar ealso a bit of a wild card. Are they trying to goto space, are they ttrying to dominate the world, will they join WAAR and crush all comers. Will they come to the aid of China in a big war.

            Well all will be revealed this Friday/Thursday night.......

            I for one cant wait to see the culmination of months of treachery come to a head !!!!!!!

            The only interesting thing to come out of all this is will people make judgmnents over peoples palying styles based on this one game, what will people think of the other players as we head towards th enext Diplo Game,,,, Do palyers care about what people think????
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • Latest save

              looks like bels is further along...
              Last edited by Rasputin; October 21, 2001, 16:50.
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • I have a save.......

                I saved about the time we called the game so here's what I got:
                (hope it goes on here alright)
                Attached Files


                • EUSSR Transmission...

                  Venice, Italy; EUSSR.
                  11:10 GMT
                  (Chairman Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)

                  The European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics refuses to abide by the wishes of the Australian President Paul Keating. He is a vile man, a man of distruths and a man of greed. What he has done was dismantle any sovreignty Europe, and in the process, the world has over its own territory. The Australians contend that Europe attacked their troops unprovoked, that our armies clashed with theirs out of rage and tyranny. This could be no further from the truth, Mr. Keating has twisted the reality of the situation into an abomination and an excuse to use Australia's advanced power against a nation who's lot has become less than pathetic.

                  These are the facts of the matter; Australian soldiers were not invited to "keep peace" in European territory by Europe at all, even the past government of Alessi admitted to this, no European wanted Australian guns pointed at their heads. Australian units sent for peace keeping were not proper peace keepers, they were full artillery, as stated under Alessi's administration they were capable of taking Bosporus (Holy City to many people around the globe) and proved so by their recent actions. Further the WAAR Council and its President stated that they rescinded their approval of Australian presence, and asked that the Australians leave. Now, with these facts in mind one must be ignorant (or as hellbent on conquer as Mr. Keating) to condone the actions taken by Australia, further to even entertain the notion that WE hand OUR people over to these capitalist swine.

                  The only solution that is acceptable is a return to status quo, Australia should have left the area, they were told by BOTH nations to do so and warned by Europe on numerous occasions that they would be attacked if they did not. Will the world sit back and watch this blatant imperialism? The EUSSR asks that a global comittee is established to discuss Australian imperialist motives, just think what it is like to have peace keepers who topple your Holy City!

                  The Communist party is fully prepared to go into a prolonged war if that is what it takes to squash the Australian juggernaut. If you are a truly peaceful and fair nation you will return Bosporus and leave Turkey, but if you are in fact the imperialist swine you appear to be the Communist party is ready to deliver the world from any more of your wanton invasions. We will never surrender, we WILL bury you...
                  "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                  One Love.


                  • Paris, France; EUSSR

                    Lazlo looked at the chaos and destruction, the streets were covered in debris, there were little to no people walking around, the mood was somber. Every now and again a truck would drive by with 'Hail Comrade Lenin' blaring over the speakers. Lazlo approached a bar and checked his pockets, he had money.

                    The bar was dim and smokey inside, amazingy it was packed; a contrast to the desolate Parisian streets. He sat upon a stool next to a large old man and a middle aged woman who smiled at him immedeately and motioned for the bar tender.

                    "What can I get ya there slick?" the barkeep asked wiping out a mug.

                    "I'd like a draft, your darkest German." Lazlo said as he gave money to the bartender "Keep the change."

                    "So?" said the woman next to him, an akward smile told him that she had been drinking for a while "Do you come here often?"

                    "Um, no I actually just arrived here. I am meeting someone here, its rather important." he responded.

                    "An Italian huh?" the woman said, he could see that in years past she may have been attractive... at least after a few drinks.

                    "Yes, I am Italian, Venetian actually." he replied.

                    "I like Italians, they have nice accents." she said.

                    "Well, that's great." he said nodding as the bartender gave him his draft, he quickly took a large gulp "How can things be so bad here?"

                    "What do you mean?" she asked.

                    "I mean look at his place, this is Paris. This is one of our great cities, Venice too formally our capital is pathetic. Buildings are collapsed there are bullet holes and grifitti all over the walls." Lazlo said.

                    "Honey," the woman replied "That's how its always been."

                    "No, it hasn't, my father Cosimo told me that we were once a great nation, we were once very strong." he said sipping his beer.

                    "Your father's a damn good liar, I've lived here my entire life and things have been the same, every few decades some idiot with a gun takes over until the next idiot with a gun decides to do the same - Jean gimme another Vodka shot, better make it a double - its an endless cycle." she explained.

                    "Well, I've got to get on my way-" Lazlo began as the woman grabbed his army.

                    "Where do you gotta go honey?" she asked "I'm sure I can show you a much better time."

                    He smiled and gently pulled his arm from her hand "I'm sorry, I really have to meet this gentleman, thanks for the invitation though."

                    "You men are all alike, you think you're such a big gift since you're young, but just you wait until you get to be my age, then come back and turn THIS" she said pointing towards her crotch, she was obviously a cultured woman "down!"

                    He simply waved and nodded and left the bar, he then pulled out the peice of paper that read; 501 Marsielles Street, Suite 4C...
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • The only solution that is acceptable is a return to status quo, Australia should have left the area, they were told by BOTH nations to do so and warned by Europe on numerous occasions that they would be attacked if they did not. Will the world sit back and watch this blatant imperialism? The EUSSR asks that a global comittee is established to discuss Australian imperialist motives, just think what it is like to have peace keepers who topple your Holy City!
                      At the time Australia took Bosporous, Arty Interim had once again grabbed the reigns of the EU, as he has gotten into a quite regular pattern of doing, and he failed to contact the Zulus with the hows whys and whens of the attacks. Therefore we were not in any position to aid at the time.

                      An orange flag flying in Europe is not acceptable in the Zulu eyes. The Australians were ordered to leave by both Israel and Europe and did not do so. They were attacked because of their disregard for this order. Their purpose in Europe has expired, and now they should leave. Israel and Europe should assure this happens for the stability of the region.

                      The Zulus cannot help but look deeper into Australias motives and look to ourselves. The Aussies paranoia is at incredible levels and it seems they have been itching for an excuse to start a war with the Zulus. They bait us constantly. And attacking Europe is simply more bait. It seems they kill Europeans blatantly just to bait us.

                      Well it will not work. If Australia does not leave, the Zulus will NOT need to get involved for the EUSSR will take their cities back singlehandedly. If Israel has any brains, they will aid the Europeans, for they too have been double crossed by Australia.
                      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                      • President Auldinsky is also unaware as to what caused the Australians to attack but based on historical wars in the area he is not surprised to hear that General Arty Intelli once again attacked. THe EU was warned by WAAR that incursion into the DMZ would incur the full wrath of the WAAR army, however as they were seemingly only entering to attack Australai the WAAR will not retaliate agaisnt the EU. The WAAR however does wish to see the Australians withdraw from Europe and hopes that whoever takes over the running after the ill Paul passes will take heed of this.

                        Once this situation is resolved we reiterate our stance that ANY incursion of EU forces into the DMZ will mobilize a full armed response.
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • "Mr President, the Australians, as predicted by our analysts have increased their activity in world affairs, latest news is that they have shotdown Zulu tranport planes arriving in South america."

                          "Damn those Aussies gettign aggressive, they will get a reputation like the WAAR next."

                          "Sir I think their latest activitys have already surpassed ours"

                          "Well perhaps we will improve our standing in the world with them being so agrresive."

                          "Only in the eyes of some Mr PResident, I am sure there are some people who will never regard us with the respect we deserve."

                          "Well I jsut hope the australians dont start shooting in our direction"

                          "On that we are all agreed"
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • Just in case anyone is going to build the Apollo Program

                            I need to let you guys know that there is a real strong possibility that this event (when the map is completely opened), will cause the host computer to lock up.

                            It happened in the monday night game I was playing and I imagine theres a good chance it could happen with our game. To get through this we had to save right before the apollo was built. Then the person building apollo had to load up the save, build the wonder in sp mode, save the file and then send it to the host. The host can then restart everyoe else back in.

                            HOPEFULLY, in the event Apollo is built, the host will not crash and we can move on. But I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of this possibility. Thank you.
                            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                            • ooc - apollo bug

                              well another good reason not to build it then !!!!
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • EUSSR Message to Israel

                                European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
                                Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                                Ambassador Leonid Trotsky

                                TO: The chief ambassador of WAAR
                                FROM: The representative of the People of the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Ambassador Leonid Trotsky.


                                It has come to our attention that rather than continue to support an Australian presence you have seen the error of your trust in their presence as peace keepers. We thank you for this act, and hope that while this was not one in support of Europe, rather one in support of our sovreignty over our territory, because we appreciate any support you give us, but feel at the moment that we will be unable to pay you for your respect in this regard.

                                The last government of Europe may have held you in hate and mistrust, but the Communist Party sees differently, we see your nation as a state created into a devil by the capitalist powers that be. Betrayal of a Monarchy should not be held against you, as was the case with the old Adriatic League; how could the last European government despise the traitor of monarchs when they too were formed out of betraying these same tyrants?

                                Therefore the EUSSR is fully prepared to enter into discussions with your nation to help mend the bridges burned behind us. We do not require any military assistance in forcing the Australians to leave before they wish to, they will leave one way or another. Therefore your political support is our only request of you, hopefully we can secure our territory for ourselves after this menace forever is gone from our sacred lands.

                                For the safety of your Republic and ours, we have arrested and will execute all leadership and membership of the Ottoman Jihad. Hopefully no splinter organizations will form out of these pigs, they attempted to use strict religious teachings as a backdrop to control the people of Turkey; religion is the tool of Kings and Capitalists to sway public view from reality, therefore the EUSSR is more than happy to free the world of these terrible people.

                                Hopefully you will feel free to contact us about any other matters. As for an update on Mongolia, which is your ally; we will not offer them an out until they return the land they stole, WHEN we capture it back in the event that they do not return Uralsky we will punish them to the ends of the Earth. They are capitalist swine, they oppress their people and send their soldiers on struggles to steal more land and oppress more people. Their scourge is like a cancer and it will be delt with quickly. This dictatorship of capitalism in the world shall cease and the people will truly be free once more.

                                Thank you for your time Comrade,

                                Leonid Trotsky
                                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                                One Love.

