Some of you may have seen a kind of electric relationship that exists between Eyes and myself.
You may have seen him speak with venom in another thread about my past, and how he felt about that past.
It's time for acknowledgments.
When he spoke of my past, Eyes only unveiled a portion of the truth that he now knows.
During this rough phase of my life, a young woman and I conceived a child.
Through the fog that had become our world, we realized we could not make a good home for this child, so we gave it up for adoption when only days old.
That child was Eyes, who came to be raised by the Night family.
I apologize Eyes, for never having contacted you during your youth.
Hopefully, we can put all behind us, now that I've written the truth.
You may have seen him speak with venom in another thread about my past, and how he felt about that past.
It's time for acknowledgments.
When he spoke of my past, Eyes only unveiled a portion of the truth that he now knows.
During this rough phase of my life, a young woman and I conceived a child.
Through the fog that had become our world, we realized we could not make a good home for this child, so we gave it up for adoption when only days old.
That child was Eyes, who came to be raised by the Night family.
I apologize Eyes, for never having contacted you during your youth.
Hopefully, we can put all behind us, now that I've written the truth.