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New Multiplayer Game

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  • New Multiplayer Game

    Im thinking about starting a New Civ 2 MGE game.
    And I just want to see how many would like to join... it would be nice if you lived in Europe, Im in Sweden.
    Let me know if you can play, how often you can play too and when it would be a good time to start the New Game.

    Post a reply here or give me a msg on ICQ, 17441012, Im online 26h/day

    /For all Mankind
    Last edited by Sir Ronn; June 1, 2001, 18:47.
    /For All Mankind

  • #2
    Germany here

    ICQ# 77849402


    • #3
      MP Game

      The New MP Game will start on Friday
      /For All Mankind


      • #4
        deity and ecthelion didn´t you want to join us? We were 3 germans me, Willi and Hendrik the Great and one Swede, Sir Ronn . With you it would have been more interesting.

        Sir Ronn has an interessting way to play. It looks like a kind of OCC without OCC Rules adjusted to a Multiplayer Game. He has chosen a big Map to avoid contact with us. And with his 3 Cities and the Kolossus he got the most techs so far.
        The pitty is we can´t talk too each other until we got contact. In the last turns I build Marco Polo... and now everybody wants to talk with me. We should chance this in the next game.
        ICQ 119383464 Berlin. Let´s play a game


        • #5
          We should chance this in the next game.

          Maybe next weekend? I'd like to play Germans
          Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
          And notifying the next of kin
          Once again...


          • #6
            hi hueij,
            I think I will go sailing this weekend if the wether is fine. But I would like to play agaist you an other time. Leave me your ICQ or if you don´t have one, and if you can read and write german don´t miss this forum:

            you don´t need ICQ there.
            people make appoentments there and they post the IP so everyone can enter the game at any time.
            And don´t miss the chat:

            People meet there befor they start playing.
            ICQ 119383464 Berlin. Let´s play a game

