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ICQ Phone..Anybody else using it?

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  • ICQ Phone..Anybody else using it?

    When we got our new computer, I downloaded the lasted and "greatest" version of ICQ. The version I was previously using was so old that I couldn't convert my contact list. (I didn't try real hard) While some of the new features annoy me, the pc to pc phone option is kinda fun. And the price is right.

    I have used it a little in four person games with a buddy of mine and found it fun and it added a little interest to the game during some of those slow sections.

    Last Friday I was setting up a Duel with War4ever and I mentioned ICQ phone and we agreed to use it during our DUEL.


    It was like a whole different game. For starters, I only knew War4 virtually. Having an actual voice to connect to what previously had been left to my imagination was GREAT. So we choose an small world Island setup and started. Having a voice connection made it even easier on the restarts due to host techs. Even though it was an island world, we both started on the same island and met within the first 10 turns. As a result we had a lot to talk about.

    It was such a novelty that we even said things that you normally wouldn't tell your opponent. (i.e) As we were opening our first few huts, I'd hear "damn, warrior code" or I said "POTTERY!!!! NO"

    There was one hut that I triggered that was only a few squares from one of each of our cities, (neither had investigated on either side of it) that produced an early LEGION. He destroyed my horse and both of showed the appropriate concern when legions are loosed on the board that early. We were betting which way the legion would move on the next turn. It went his way, and a few turns later I asked him what happened and he said that he had bribed him.

    The game turned into more of a friendly chat than the normal cut throat game that we usually play against each other. The races to the wonders were enhanced by the chatter. When someone would time the tech steal perfectly to leap frog, the swearing was hilarious. And then when the person that did the stealing wasn't given the right tech choice, the howling would begin. We both had embassies with each other so we both knew exactly what was happening.

    He was slightly ahead when we retired for the night, but all in all, it had been the most entertaining duel that I had ever played. (and I'm not a big fan of duels)

    I also now consider WAR4 a little more than just a virtual friend.

    It was strange at first when he referred to me as RAH. Voice is so much different then print. Rich is much better by voice.

    HAS anybody else started using this feature during games? It would be real useful in 2 on 2 games.

    Please feel free to relate any other experiences.

    or better yet, Rich

    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

  • #2
    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
    </font><font size=1>Originally posted by rah on 04-09-2001 02:23 PM</font>
    I also now consider WAR4 a little more than just a virtual friend.
    or better yet, Rich

    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

    Sounds like the start of something.......

    Great another tool to make the slowpokes slower

    Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
    and kill them!


    • #3
      Not slower, actually quicker. Diplomacy without typing. No annoying popup chat windows while you're moving. You can be doing something even though you're talking.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        What do you need(nuts and bolts) to make it work?
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          rah and I tried it the next night, but unfortunately it wouldn't connect with me. Kept disconnecting immediately after connection.
          "I think the advantages by the proposal which I have made are obvious and many, as well as of the highest importance."
          Jonathan Swift


          • #6
            icq v2000b

            speakers and a mike. That's it.
            On my contact list, if it shows a little phone headset next to their name, it means that they are phone enabled.
            I bought a real cheap headset to use. ($10.00)

            I've only had problems with two people, and that was MING, go figure.
            It connected and I could hear him, but he couldn't hear me. AND with Bird, Bird is the only one that didn't have a cable or dsl connection. Don't know if that had anything to do with it.

            Don't be sidetracked or concerned if it wants you to set up and icq phone account. That's just if you want to call land lines. PC to PC is free. So you can ignore it.

            If you have a icq dialog window open with a person, just press the talk button and that's it. Or left click on their name and select the phone option.


            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by rah (edited April 09, 2001).]</font>
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              We forgot to try it later Bird.

              I'm wondering if it was caused by your ISP. They may not allow that type of thing.

              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #8
                if your a dialup user, its going to slow the game wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy DOWN.
                Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                and kill them!


                • #9
                  I used it in one 4 man game for 5 1/2 hours straight.
                  Of course I was hosting with a cable modem and the person I was talking to had a cable modem. The other two people, one had a cable modem and the other was dial up.

                  No one reported any lag problems. And it was a reasonably clean night. (only one person dropped twice over a six hour game)


                  markusf, I figured you'd love this option so you could tell the person you were playing just how badly you were beating them more easily. j/k

                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #10
                    rah, diety comes to mind....

                    hurry the **** up diety and finish your god damn turn!
                    Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                    and kill them!


                    • #11

                      Only had that pleasure once. (I think) It's been so long, I may have forgotten.

                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                        </font><font size=1>Originally posted by markusf on 04-09-2001 05:47 PM</font>
                        rah, diety comes to mind....

                        hurry the **** up diety and finish your god damn turn!
                        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                        Don't forget that Deity has 2 tins and a piece of string for a phone line so we do not wish to slow him down any more .

                        The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                        Hydey the no-limits man.


                        • #13
                          don't forget his sheep. we all know every aussi has at least 1 sheep
                          Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                          and kill them!


                          • #14
                            <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                            </font><font size=1>Originally posted by markusf on 04-09-2001 06:23 PM</font>
                            don't forget his sheep. we all know every aussi has at least 1 sheep
                            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                            You're confusing him with a New Zealander.

                            Founder, ACS Pedantry Institute
                            Founder, ACS Gourmet Recipe Exchange
                            Horse and Hydey Wrangler
                            Mono Rules!
                            " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                            "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                            • #15
                              <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                              </font><font size=1>Originally posted by rah on 04-09-2001 02:23 PM</font>

                              or better yet, Rich

                              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                              Well Rah or should i say Rich .... I too very much enjoyed our duel and must admit that putting a voice to the name was great! Now that i also know your real name..... only figured that out now .... and am over the initial jitters of first time calling (felt like i was talking to my long lost pal) i think we should use this option every time.

                              In fact... anyone with a pc phone whom i play regularly should feel free to call me pc to pc whenever we play civ....

                              This means you too Ming

                              BTW Rich that was a fairly even duel.......... would be nice to finish it ....say Saturday is easter dinner for me on Friday !
                              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!

