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Someone finally did it....

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  • Someone finally did it....

    Yes, it has finally occured. Go read it yourself.

    Someone tried to frame me for cheating, not very well. What's funny is it was a honorable cifanatic who did the doctoring. 2 civfanatics to be exact. So go on over and tell your fellow civers how honorable and what a great place civfanatics is. So nice to play with honest players.

  • #2
    Why would anyone cheat at Civ2? Winning is so completely inconsquential


    • #3
      And which honorable civfanatic doctored your cheating?


      • #4
        TheShrew and Tact. You know, the two you openly supported! HAHHAHAA!! How amusing. I think the only moderator on there with any sense is Smash, I'm not sure why he wastes his time on civfanatics. From what I've seen he could be a pretty skill player, hardly fitting for him to be on a beginner's site.


        • #5
          I don't understand what anyone has to gain by framing another person as a cheat. Sean has been caught and named before so it could not be a warning as everyone already knows to watch him closely.
          There is more to this than meets the eye, perhaps in time all will be revealed until then I will remain

          Time share holidays are cool

          Hydey will be away again soon
          The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

          Hydey the no-limits man.


          • #6
            Hands up those who think Eyes is a few soldiers short of a platoon?

            Founder, Dear Leader and Great Helmsman of PROT -the People's Republic Off Topic

            If you're happy and you know it, spam a thread.


            • #7
              I've seen the saves and if that is cheating then Eyes is the absolute worst cheater around.4 units and 2 techs by 3650bc..big deal..I played it and had 2 techs and 5 units by the same turn.It was a 2x2 and he was on a dinky island with a couple huts.I got an archer and Horseback Riding.
              The early save is 3900 with 2 cities built.Looks like he started with 2 settlers.Built on turn 1-moved 2nd settler 2 spaces.3950-he moves 2nd settler 1 square-revealing a whale and builds.

              I don't see anything unusual at all.

              I'm not being paid or endorsed in any way
              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


              • #8
                obviously people never forget that he once did cheat and now are always out to get him, leave it alone , he said he doesnt do it anymore, so stop pestering poor sean ..
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #9
                  and eyes, as you are probalb ywell aware. using the code maker you canchange anything with a number , so size of city is easy too.....
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #10
                    Could someone go into detail on cheating? Is it like saving a game, open cheat mode look around and continue the saved mode?



                    • #11
                      oh much more than that,
                      there are hex programs that allow you to change the hex code of the game to add gold, build bigger citys etc...

                      for loohole exploitation see mings list at civ 3 forum
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #12
                        Eyes might be socially incompetent and fornicate with small animals, but I'm quite sure he doesnt cheat. He has that boring formula of his down pat.
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • #13
                          Smash youd idn't look at the saves properly. It shows me having 2 size 1 cities at 2950BC with no units. 3900BC it shows me having 4 units, an archer nearly completed and both my cities are size 2. Trust me, that explanation I gave fits it perfectly and the guy already admitted to editing the saves to make it look like I cheated.


                          • #14
                            This is what I wrote on civfanatics, it got closed down for some reason...

                            Recently today The Shrew and Tact found files of me cheating. ALl this can be found on the other thread. I have evidence though that either the Shrew or Tact, or both of them, doctored the save to make it look like I cheated.
                            1. How it works

                            About 4 years ago, when there was only classic civ, a programmer identified the hex code that turned off the cheat flag (the Red message that says "CHEAT MODE"). By using this simple program you can remove the cheat flag thus you are able to cheat without evidence. However, this was designed for .sav files, not .net. To do it in civ MPGE first save a multiplayer game. The format is currently in .net. Next go on the main menu and load the game as a .sav file. Now you can enable the cheat mode. Do all the editing that you want, create units, change gold, change city size, what not. Next, use the program to remove the cheat flag. Whola! You have a doctored game without evidence. Now for the finishing touches. Load the game as a multiplayer file and change the production back to 2x2x, save the game again so it is now in .net. Now you understand how the files came to be that are against me.

                            2. In game cheating

                            One of the flaws in the logic of my accusers is that they say I did this IN GAME. That means all cheating went on in the game. Besides being blatantly obvious, which only a complete moron would do, units have appeared out of thin air, city sizes increased in 1 turn and production occured that should not. There is NO WAY to do this kind of cheating in game. You can't hex edit it because you are not changing values. That only works for changing gold or something with a specific value. The only way to do this is to enable the cheat mode. Now you might say I probably enabled the cheat mode in the game. HOwever, to do this I would have to located the hex value that turns it on and off. I am not sure this is even possible, I have never heard of it. A serious flaw in their logic born of ignorance.

                            3. Evidence of doctoring

                            No matter what you do, you're going to leave something behind. In this case alot was left behind. Load the files in question as .sav. The first thing you should notice is that it goes straight to the Germans, you don't get a chance to choose your civ. This is because the cheat mode had already once been enabled and when you save it again as .sav the computer automatically sets the civ you are as the default player. The next evidence is the fact that all the units are on the "go" command. THat means that the computer had a chance to move them and the AI took over. Next is the killer. When you start the game as .net (or a multiplayer game), when you first start it comes up saying "The germans of knowledge of warriorcode, horsebackriding, roads, etc." THAT NEVER HAPPENS IN AN MP GAME UNLESS IT'S BEEN TAMPERED WITH IN THIS FASHION!!! Try it yourself and run a few experiemtns and you will see. Next is the fact that they didn't change the movement and production back to 2x2x, instead it's still on 1x1x production!!! Exactly as I explained up there!!!


                            Rasputin, the way you change city size is not by actually using a city size number. To do it you have to input the amount of grain you gain each turn. Then change that number to say 100 or something, that will make you grow one per turn. However, in order to do that you need about 3 turns so a hex program can locate the changing code. I did all this cheating in just 2 turns according to the saves. It's impossible. You have to have the cheat mode enabled to do it. It's all explained.


                            • #15
                              Your point would be better taken if you didn't so completely know the ins and out of cheating, Eyes.

                              Random thoughts.
                              I myself purposely have avoided reading about bugs and that,
                              and I'm sure not going to sit down and do a statistical analysis on every little aspect.
                              In the long run all the theories on milking a grain extra isn't going to matter much when your troops are unprepared for battle.

                              I don't:
                              like duels, they're b.s.
                              care much for diplo games either, b.s. for the opposite reason.
                              like excessive use of diplomats, which I think III will fix.
                              care much for strategic alliance with the masses.
                              believe most people when they offer peace treaty.

