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Civ3: Unique civ attributes: Another blow to mulitplayers?

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  • #16
    Personally I don't see this as an issue.

    I don't play civilization for sport, I play it for fun. If a tribe has an advantage on the water while another has an advantage as far as irrigation goes, I don't see the issue with Multiplaying.

    I could understand that people want everything even from the start. I guess that's fine but in the end its all just a game for entertainment purposes. And if attributes added to the game totally ruin the entertainment factor for civ I think you are playing the wrong game. The AI has specific attributes to them. Even when you play MP certain tribes get certain techs and certain tribes get an extra settler, it may be random as far as when it happens, but its built into the game. This game obviously wasn't meant for seven totally similar tribes to begin in optimum-fairness as far as terrain goes. So why bich and moan about something like this?

    I am pretty sure you will have the ability to turn any type of attributes off, or make them random, or customize them, or whatever it is you want to do to them. I doubt they'd force this down our throats. So arguing the reasons why it hurts MP is kind of pointless.

    You should argue how it will hurt MP for sport. Anyone that plays MP for fun won't give a **** if the Vikings get an extra movement on their ships, or if the Egyptians have better irrigation...

    But I could be wrong.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

