I remember about a year ago a successful all-night Civ game with me, Berzerker, Markus, Empress, and somebody else whom I've forgotten.
Anyway, I'd like to resurrect this idea for this Friday. The game would start at 9 Eastern and run until morning, say, 6 AM. Hopefully we could get the game finished playing in simultaneous mode. If we didn't, we'd continue at another mutually agreeable time. To speed the game along, we would not reload under any circumstances. If you drop you'll have to let the AI take over for a turn and then rejoin, as simul mode usually requires.
I'm looking for 6 more players for this game, so post here or ICQ me if you're interested. This would not be a diplomacy game: just a large game. The only house rule is no city bribe. I'd like to play on the Europe Modpack, as it contains a lot of useful changes to the rules.txt that I think are really essential to a quality multiplayer game (e.g., Oracle does not expire, all non-expiring happy wonders require more shields to make them less attractive, howitzers' power are reduced, etc. - I've really tried to make all the changes to the rules.txt that people seem to have found necessary with long experience).
You can download the main game files at www.bestofmetal.net/EUROPE1.zip . If you want to grab special sounds too, they're at www.bestofmetal.net/EUROPESOUNDS.zip . There's a readme in the pack detailing all the rules.txt changes. To install, create a directory called "EUROPE" inside your "SCENARIO" directory and dump the files in there (verify exact spelling of those directories).
The game settings on the game file are Emperor, no barbs, no huts. We would of course be playing 1x1x.
Curumbor Elendil http://pantheon.yale.edu/~jps35/
ICQ 56126989
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Curumbor Elendil (edited February 14, 2001).]</font>

I'm looking for 6 more players for this game, so post here or ICQ me if you're interested. This would not be a diplomacy game: just a large game. The only house rule is no city bribe. I'd like to play on the Europe Modpack, as it contains a lot of useful changes to the rules.txt that I think are really essential to a quality multiplayer game (e.g., Oracle does not expire, all non-expiring happy wonders require more shields to make them less attractive, howitzers' power are reduced, etc. - I've really tried to make all the changes to the rules.txt that people seem to have found necessary with long experience).
You can download the main game files at www.bestofmetal.net/EUROPE1.zip . If you want to grab special sounds too, they're at www.bestofmetal.net/EUROPESOUNDS.zip . There's a readme in the pack detailing all the rules.txt changes. To install, create a directory called "EUROPE" inside your "SCENARIO" directory and dump the files in there (verify exact spelling of those directories).
The game settings on the game file are Emperor, no barbs, no huts. We would of course be playing 1x1x.
Curumbor Elendil http://pantheon.yale.edu/~jps35/
ICQ 56126989
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Curumbor Elendil (edited February 14, 2001).]</font>