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Fresh, NEW Unknown World Diplo

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  • Fresh, NEW Unknown World Diplo

    OK! Hear ye, hear ye!

    We have the beginning Fearless World Ruler Wannabe's lined up.
    Thursday is our nite to all shine (it on)!!

    This will be the "Official Posting Place" for the Adventureous Leaders of unknown peoples on an UNKNOWN planet.

    We welcome 1, possibly 2 more intrepid rulers to COMMIT if ye can DO IT over the long haul.
    Let's start with your final choices / votes for:
    A> exact time Thursdays. Let's use Central US time as benchmark.
    B> map prefers
    C> peoples / color U desire
    D> special rules / understandings that need clarifying

    And, as usual... Remember the Prime Directive:
    " KEN WINS! "

    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited February 14, 2001).]</font>
    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"

  • #2
    My choices are...
    A>20:00 CST

    B>large(obviously), archipeligo with large land mass, all else = defaults

    C> the Golden Aztecs

    D> no city bribe,
    no FREE wonder loans,
    none of this caravan give-&-instant-delivery stuff (don't even know exactly what it is so / how it's done... so CAN'T DO IT,
    1st SS that GETS TO A-C is main judgement of winning, but a rollcall of all other stat's carrys nearly as nuch bragging rites.
    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


    • #3
      Good show milo....will be online Thurs. Feb.15th at 8pm PST. On succeeding Thurs. will be ready to go by 6:30 pm PST. See you then...
      " First France......then the WORLD!"


      • #4
        same as last time works for me
        (were those roving barbs? sure seemed to be a lot of them)

        why would I want to give/loan anyone else caravans or wonders? LOL

        I take it we are starting late tonight
        Always after, 20:00cst works for me -- gives us four hours (give or take)

        I think we should have a time limit -- say 3 min. until 2000 BC and no one denies requested time changes after that

        No saving in the middle of someone's turn! If/when we stop, should be at the END of a turn.

        I like to take the green (Japs) but I ain't picky

        see y'all this evening


        • #5
          Can play most Thursdays.

          Prefer medium or larger random map.

          Color me Orange.

          No city bribe is fine.
          Prefer higher levels of difficulty and barbarians.
          Prefer simultaneous except during combat turns.

          A sigh is just a sigh...
          A sigh is just a sigh...


          • #6
            Darn, ICQ has been off all evening, sorry folks. It keeps showing green/on but nothing works. I hope you found someone to play the Romans...


            • #7
              Berz....if you are checking the threads please stand by...we will post IP# here in a bit
              " First France......then the WORLD!"


              • #8
                Bezker: good to hear from thee.
                We are restarting NEW, as i type this, we'll post the IP & hope U can jump in.
                "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                • #9
                  Berz...if you are around the IP# is
                  " First France......then the WORLD!"


                  • #10
                    Berz...if you are still out there we had to restart....try again at
                    " First France......then the WORLD!"


                    • #11

                      I am pissed off and about to shove this !@#$%^&*(
                      computer out the window! !@#$%^&*$%^&ICQ
                      Its taking me forever to do anything on this piece of !@#$%^&*() and the ICQ won't work


                      • #12
                        Bezerk... I was just gotta tell TacNuke he needs to get ICQ, then U & your computer go... well, bezerk!

                        I know how U feel tho. Isn't it weird, ICQ works like a champ for weeks or months, then all of a sudden... U can't get it to communicate with anyone = ???
                        Then 2 or 3 days(& many reboots & even an occasional re-install) later, it just as suddenly decides to start working fine again.

                        Hope U can both make to next Thursday's kickoff.

                        TacNuke, i saw your "pager" or something come to me via ICQ(?) but had NO IDEA had to respond. Suggest U get regular ICQ if U want to play outside the (Kids) Zone.

                        Would be glad to have U jump in, we are just starting & the more the merrier... especially at the start.
                        There are several experienced, semi-level-headed guys in here that can "mentor" U (& any other new-to-diplo) contestants. That is, until U get bigger than your teacher, then watch out!
                        "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                        • #13
                          Bump this back, so we can have another run at it. Tonite, Thursday has been a hit & miss for all of us.
                          Stating w/ me. Thot i couldn't be here until lte & clients rescheduled.
                          Lost out on both ends, business & pleasure (well, fun at least).

                          If we restart (so we ALL get better terrain) & we DO NOT do simul... will U join us Belinda?

                          If we don't have at least 5 or 6 humans to start, then there's not much fun trying to diplo... not enuf civ's & people to inter-act.

                          So psot again here if U are interested in the real thing, next Thursday or if there is a btter day for U, say so here.
                          "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"

