Due to lack of interest, the all-night game last weekend was postponed to this weekend. I'm getting more excited about it, as the way things have been turning out in the New Millennium game have gotten me to think of ways to tweak the Europe modpack so that it is even more realistic and provides more balanced gameplay. One problem every long-lived multiplayer game has is that everyone goes straight for Mono, then Republic, then Invention, then Democracy. Sometimes you get Democracy before 500 AD, let alone 1800 AD as is realistic. Also, techs like Iron Working in no way reflect their real-world significance.
So...I've changed the Europe modpack in some important ways to force people to develop evenly and to make units like Legion (and hence the Iron Working tech) and Catapult more useful. You can download the new modpack at http://bestofmetal.net/EUROPE1.zip . Feel free to play it as much as possible to familiarize yourselves with the rules changes - all the rules changes are also documented in a readme file. To ensure fairness, I will let everyone else choose his civ when we start up the game before I choose mine (but all the civs are really about equal).
I'm shooting for this Friday at 9 eastern - we play till we finish! Or if we are absolutely dead on our feet by morning and the game isn't over, we can schedule one final session. As mentioned before, it will be simultaneous moves the whole way through, with no reloads for any reason (except, obviously, lockups). If you drop you better rejoin as fast as you can.
This is just supposed to be a fun and FAST-moving game. Not a diplo game - the only house rule is no city bribe.
So who wants in?? Milo & SunTzu: are you still in? Post here or ICQ me. All are welcome.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
So...I've changed the Europe modpack in some important ways to force people to develop evenly and to make units like Legion (and hence the Iron Working tech) and Catapult more useful. You can download the new modpack at http://bestofmetal.net/EUROPE1.zip . Feel free to play it as much as possible to familiarize yourselves with the rules changes - all the rules changes are also documented in a readme file. To ensure fairness, I will let everyone else choose his civ when we start up the game before I choose mine (but all the civs are really about equal).
I'm shooting for this Friday at 9 eastern - we play till we finish! Or if we are absolutely dead on our feet by morning and the game isn't over, we can schedule one final session. As mentioned before, it will be simultaneous moves the whole way through, with no reloads for any reason (except, obviously, lockups). If you drop you better rejoin as fast as you can.

So who wants in?? Milo & SunTzu: are you still in? Post here or ICQ me. All are welcome.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989