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Subs needed for Diplogame....

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  • Subs needed for Diplogame....

    We need two subs for the History of the World Diplogame this comming Thursday, February 22nd. The game begins at 8:00pm EST (U.S.) We ask that everyone that wants to play is ten to thirty minutes early in case we run into problems, but I doubt we will.

    The last session went very well, despite the fact that Sun didn't show up. Until Sun contacts me I am assuming he won't show this week.

    We need a temporary sub for the Mali, and a temporary or permanent sub for the Chinese. If you would be interested in one of these spots please reply in this thread. I may find one on my own so if you want to play you must respond as soon as possible. Remember we are looking for one or two temporary subs and one permanent sub. Thanks a lot.
    Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


    RIP Bradley James Nowell

  • #2
    I will sub permently, or will be a temp. Please contact me via E-mail ICQ# 88942268, or just post here.


    • #3
      Well, maybe I'm in for a Temp sub, but I'm not too sure about it.


      • #4
        Alright, Prometheus, you can either play as a temporary (this is definite) sub for the Mali. Their leader has to go out of town this comming week so I am sure it will only be one session.

        Or you can play as the Chinese, which would be a permanent substitution unless you do not want it to be. Their leader hasn't shown in a week, and hasn't contacted anyone as to why he hasn't been around. So we are assuming he won't be back for a while. So its either the temporary Mali or the permanent Chinese. I will ICQ you as soon as I Can.

        My ICQ# is 101832697

        Thanks a lot.
        Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


        RIP Bradley James Nowell


        • #5
          I will take the Chinese as a full time player.


          • #6
            Heh i told capo today why i wasn't their last week.
            Here's a tip: Don't let your mom use your computer she'll just screw it up!
            Get the drift?
            My mom deleted some windows.dll files somehow and it wouldn't get on to windows so we had to take it into the pc shop that afternoon.
            So i've banned her from the PC until futher notice


            Bah! Can't use my sig


            • #7
              good on you :P
              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


              • #8
                Alright Sun, here's what I'm going to do. Keep in mind that everything I say is far from a personal attack on you, I really think that you are a good guy to have in a group and you are loyal and show up on time.

                But, there are a lot of times when you don't show up. There are also a lot of times when you show up to an hour late. I don't mind this too much, because your loyalty and "sticking power" easily offshoot this minor setback.

                However on that same note, there are at least three people (off the top of my head) that were denied a position in this game so we can keep you in. So I am under minor, but substantial, pressure to keep you in the game right now. Here's what I'm gonna do...

                You play this session this Thursday, which will be at 8pm EST, which I believe is 7pm Arkansas time. If something like this happens again I will heavily consider your replacement, but I doubt it will happen again, I'm just saying in the event that it does, I will consider your replacement.

                Prometheus will be filling in for Chris this Thursday as the Mali, Chris failed to E-Mail me what he intends on doing, but I have a pretty good idea (based on the last session) what his general plans are, hopefully I am not wrong. So I'll talk to Prometheus later, he's got all of the files in and everything so we should be set to go, remember...

                Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


                RIP Bradley James Nowell

