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Why are the Zone Players so stupid?

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  • Why are the Zone Players so stupid?

    The game crashes. Fine. Let's continue. No, there's a problem with the host, he has to restart. Fine, no problem...


    1 hour after the game got frozen for the first time... we're still hanging around in the fucking chatroom, waiting for a continuation of the game. but the buggers don't get it sorted... 90 minutes over since we started the game, and still not even 1000 years done, with only 4 players!!! it's so stupid, I don't get it... the host is starting small talk with females in the room instead of starting the freaking game, someone#s still missing, will return in 2 HOURS(!!!)... bah, it's all so stupid and unprofessional!!!!


  • #2
    why bother even trying to find a game there? its not worth it....
    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


    • #3
      I've tried to play with the bastards quite a few times now. Nothing ever happened, I'll really give up trying.


      • #4
        shucks I like the sound of that chatting up the girls beofre playing, if civ ever comes before a girl I will burn my CD .....
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #5
          LOL that's right, mate -- glad to see ya got yr priorities in order!

          I think the question would be: Why are YOU still hanging around for two or three hours waiting on a bunch of doofuses? There's someone comes on there at least once every 15 minutes looking for a game. I'd've bailed first opportunity. Cause there ain't nobody there serious about actually playing a game


          • #6
            The zone is a great place to pick up a game if you are interested in short game that won't be continued, and you don't mind people dropping out like flies when they aren't doing well.
            For beginners, and people that want to try new strategies... it isn't that bad as long as you know what you are in for.

            Yes, there are some good people over there that continue games and take it a little seriously, but overall, your complaint is pretty typical

            Oh... CW... nice thread title
            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Ming (edited February 15, 2001).]</font>
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              I've usually had good luck at the Zone. I haven't played much civ recently, but today I stopped in at the zone and started up a game with four other people. Two people did drop, but the other three of us had a good gaming. Five or six hours later I finally had to pull out (girlfriend needed to use the computer, and it was getting to be dinnertime) but I still had a blast.



              • #8
                absurddoctor... yeah, many people have reported similar experiences. Many people whine about the zone.
                But it is a good way to get an evening of civ in.
                No, you aren't going to find "a well structured Diplo game"... but you will find some good hours of civ.
                People will drop out, but the people that are doing ok will give you real opponents to play. I see many newbees posting here asking how to play. The zone is a great place to get some practical experience.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  The best way to play the zone is to go in packs (muwahaha!). Make sure you host the game yourself and take a friend or 2. Then it doesn't matter if other players drop out.

                  Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.


                  • #10
                    I've finally managed to find a multiplayer game,right on The Zone.
                    I had several good hours,but next day only 2 persons out of 5 showed themselves to continue.
                    One more thing,double production and double movement isn't type of games i used to play in single player mode nor in hotseat,but nobody wants to play normal games there.

