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How do I start?

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  • How do I start?

    Can someone tell me how I start or enter a multi-player game over the internet? It doesn't seem obvious to me...

    Do I need to arrange something in advance with friends? I've got Gameranger (for the Mac) which appears to support Civ II, but I've never seen any activity on there.

    I'm using Civ II Gold for the Mac.

    (Sorry if I'm being a bit dim...)

  • #2
    Get the patch first.

    icq is free.
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #3
      Welcome and have a look at this thread


      • #4
        You can use Gameranger but there aren't very many Civilzation gamers there. Though I have played a few games that way.
        Otherwise you might want to check out the ICQ player list and add yourself to it.
        If you have the latest version of MGE you will be able to play whit PC players.
        When you play whit Gameranger you wont have to worry about joining, it will do it for you., but when playing a regular TCP/IP game you will have to get the hosts IP number.
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!

