"Drake II Lives Glorious Reign and with it brings great happiness and pride to the people in his homeland"
-Great Explorations-
The great explorers of the Mongolian country have continued as their ancestors have for years before them. We have reached both north and east shores in our explorations. One coast is of grass and moss and the other of sheer ice. A city has been established on one and will serve as the countries first port. Plans to build a small water craft are in place.....
The Himalayas have been crossed by our explorers. On the south side of the himalayas lies very hilly terrain and jungle. Explorations beyond these foothills has not yet begun for we have agreed to let India have this territory.
-Domestic Success-
In the homeland many great things are happening. First and foremost, a great Oracle to help ease the peoples fear has come to our land and built a great temple in our capital. He will be consulted for knowledge in times of need.
Drake II has also been declared Consul by his people who have formed the Republic. This change from Monarchy brings a great improvement in science as well as income and will help lead the Mongols into the next age of discovery.
As proof of our superior intellectual ability, Philosophy has been discovered by our great thinkers. The people come from miles around to hear the opinions of the wise philosophers in Karakorum.
Lastly, to further establish ourselves scientifically, we have almost finished the compilation of all the scrolls and books of knowledge from around the kingdom. A great vault for their holding is almost complete.
-Diplomatic Front-
The Indians, who are seen by Drake II as a potential ally in the future are held in the highest regard, but have caused unnecessary tension to Mongolian citizens. Indian warriors have been seen in the homeland after borders had been clearly established. It is our opinion that they are people worthy of respect, but not complete trust. Not yet atleast.
Negotiations have begun regarding IndoChina. The people of Mongolia live in harsh lands and are looking to expand to more friendly terrain. This land is of utmost importance to the kingdoms growth and we will do anything to gain exclusive rights to this territory.
The Egyptians, whom we have just made contact with have desecrated the European/Mongol neutral zone just south of the Ural Mountains with their prescence. They were sent away by threat of force and informed of the borders that they had just violated. They claimed to have come in Peace, but word of their sneaky ways had preceded them and Drake II's men did not trust them. If seen again in Mongol territory, justice will be swift and very harsh.
The Americans: Through means of an embassy established in our home land, we have made contact with the elusive Americans. Their peaceful ways were immediately evident to our diplomats and we saw no reason that we should live in tension considering we are thousands of miles away. A Treaty was signed with haste.
Through conversations, The mongols learned of two other great civilizations across the ocean: The Brazilians and Canadiens. Plans of an ocean crossing to meet the Americans face to face will be planned in the near future.
Relations with our brothers the europeans have only improved. We have made a fairly significant trade as a sign of trust and faith together. Details cannot be discussed, but as a result, trade routes between Mongolia and Europe have begun. Both peoples have much to offer the other and this could only be the beginning in the start of a great partnership. Although the europeans still seem to feel they are superior to us and make what they call "jokes" about us occasionally, we will tolerate it. Europes army, next to ours, is the finest in the land, and we do not want to disturb the nice balance that we have established.
-Drake III-
The intellectual son of Drake II will soon recieve his right to rule the kingdom. Drake II grows weary from traveling his expansive country. Drake the Third is still young and it is unclear to the people how he will rule the nation, but they fear not. His fathers before him have served Mongolia with honor...and it runs in the blood.....

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