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Have You Ever Seen This (Bug?)?

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  • Have You Ever Seen This (Bug?)?

    Since I'm behind a firewall I can never host and always play with a lag of varying lengths. My horse was next to an ai's settler and when I tried to move away, I was prevented by the ZOC from the host's city. I moved off in a different direction and then next to the city to
    ask for a peace treaty (who says I'm a warmonger?). After negogiating the treaty my horse was left with another move - a third move! Have you ever seen such a thing? I was suffering from an excessive lag during this game, could that have anything to do with this? I cant recall ever getting an extra move inspite of always playing with a lag. So what happened?
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Berzerker (edited December 11, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    I experienced something similar with a camel-caravan moving 5-7 squares on a normal road. This effect happened only in one game only on that special route. I was not hosting, and this effect happened about two or three times unregularly while all the other moves were done normally.
    Strange indeed, I am sorry I didn't save it in time...

    greets from the Warrior of sky


    • #3
      Wow! Double the normal movement, cool!


      • #4
        Here are some other strange things, at least to me.

        4 player game, I'm not hosting. I move a settler along a river and press "b". Game freezes and I lose connection to the host's machine. I hotjoin, my slot is free and when I get back in the game everything seems fine first (except AI played a turn). But when my turn starts I'm completely ignored by the game. I get the pop-up "It's your turn to move", but when I click "ok" someone else's turn starts. This happens the next turn too.

        We reload the save when I was booted. Everything looks ok, the city is where I built it and no AI mess with my other cities. But the settler that built the city is still there, alive and kicking?! It didn't disband when founding the city...



        • #5
          <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
          <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
          </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Carolus Rex on 12-12-2000 06:23 AM</font>
          Here are some other strange things, at least to me.

          4 player game, I'm not hosting. I move a settler along a river and press "b". Game freezes and I lose connection to the host's machine. I hotjoin, my slot is free and when I get back in the game everything seems fine first (except AI played a turn). But when my turn starts I'm completely ignored by the game. I get the pop-up "It's your turn to move", but when I click "ok" someone else's turn starts. This happens the next turn too.

          We reload the save when I was booted. Everything looks ok, the city is where I built it and no AI mess with my other cities. But the settler that built the city is still there, alive and kicking?! It didn't disband when founding the city...

          <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

          I had this problem frequently about a year ago: whenever I tried to build cities in certain spots Civ2 would freeze or shut down. For some reason it hasn't happened in many months. I think it actually may have had something to do with my monitor resolution, but I can't say I remember for sure. It might also have been the sound card drivers.

          Curumbor Elendil

          ICQ 56126989
          Curumbor Elendil

          ICQ 56126989


          • #6
            Hm, I think there is something strange going on with my sound card actually. It works (the sound) when I play games, but when I run applications like ICQ or Realplayer etc there is no sound... And no, I haven't forgotten to enable sound settings in ICQ etc...



            • #7
              Yes, I've seen units gain extra movement. I don't remember any other details, though.

              Another MP question: after years of single-player, I was accustomed to the idea that attacking an undefended size 1 city would remove that city from the map. I've seen at least three cases in MP where the city was not eliminated, but captured as a size 1 city for the attacker. In many more cases, though, the city has been wiped out as I expected. Is this another lag issue, or is there some other factor that determines whether a city is captured or destroyed?


              • #8
                DaveV i have noticed the same thing, especially with barbarians and captured cities. I have no clue why this happens and it annoys me when barbs destroy a city because then i cannot bribe it back

                Carolus and Berzerker, it must be some sort of lag issue where the game "can't remember" moves or actions just prior to your disconnection. I experienced the "watching" of a turn as well as the ai having played a turn. The latter being far more frequent.

                Once I was in a game where i had a revolution just prior to losing connection to the host, we could not restart the game as i was in anarchy and the game kept crashing. Has anyone experienced this before?????


                • #9
                  I had a settler made one turn, moved one square out along a road, then off the road to grassland, and he was still active and built a road all in the same turn.
                  Must have been the "missing link" in settler-engineer evolution hehe.

                  On the size one city thing, It may be the amount of food in its food box that has something to do with it. I have noticed the same thing. Also not always do you even get a tech or plunder when you take a size one. Seems like if there is a unit in it and the city is destroyed without moving in you get nothing, but when you move into a size one you do.
                  The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus


                  • #10
                    I think you're right Crusty about the food box. If the box is full when you take the city, it acts like a size 2 city. What I really hate is attacking a small city I want to destroy if not capture driving the population down to a size 2 or 1 then seeing the city jump 1 in population before I can resume the attack the next turn.

