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any opponents here?

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  • any opponents here?

    Hi all!

    First I have to say that I consider myself as the best player ever!
    I hope that is enough to lure some pros that want to fight me hehe!

    But I can't find many enemies so if there is someone feel free to mail me about it. I have the CIV2 Gold edition and would like to play scnearios AND standard games... the Napoleon scenario for example is very balanced for the Austrians and Russians. Or at least we could discuss that later.

    So if you want to get teached by me how to play that game (hmm, I think that is too much now) just contact me or post here. I hope I won't forget to read ur answers.

    Master Mika
    Probably the best player ever
    Master Mika
    Probably the best player ever ;)

  • #2
    Do you have an ICQ number so we can contact you?


    • #3

      here it is 26704976

      but give me some days... I borrowed my CD to a friend to persuade it to buy it too then we have another enemy

      But in the holidays I would like to kill ya all

      Master Mika
      Probably the best player ever
      Master Mika
      Probably the best player ever ;)

