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Tales From the GIGA front (restart)
Tales From the GIGA front (restart)
"The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de BottonTags: None
--- The history of the great Aztec civilization, By Me ---
After 2000 summers of long walking (from russia(before the game)) and constant searching for a place to settle, tribe leader Montezuma finnaly found a place good enough to be called home. Here, tribe leader Montezuma, founded the Aztecs first city, Tenochtitlan. It was truly an amazing city, houses of clay, streets of nice hard-tramped sand and a enormous beutiful river with fresh water for everybody. Times were good, plenty of food and water, little diseases, great warm weather and of course a strong leader with great visions for the tribes future...
The years went by and the city size had grown to an impressive 30´000(!) humans. Tribe leader Montezuma, decided that now was the time to expand the Aztec empire so he sent out about 10´000 settlers with a mission to found a new city; Techonihuan. Techonihuan became also a great success, plenty of food and water, no diseases, and an astounding night life..Often people were out drinking mead, "dancing" and eating exotic fruits from the jungle, the night long..
Both cities grew as the time went by, and the entire Aztec empire now concisted of 60´000(!) people. Montezuma and his people was verry happy about what he had accomplished. The "minister of expansion" suggested that now was the time for further expansion, and, with 2 settler teams, found 2 new cities on the same time. Blinded by the thought of beeing the largest empire in the world, Montezuma (despite strong objection from the "minister of defence") ordered the needed training and preparation to send two settler teams.
A few decades later the happy days where over. Evil "barbarians" suddenly showed up from the djungle and in a swift maneuver they managed to sieze control over Technoihuan.. Panic broke out amongst the people, and in the government palace noone really knew what to do.. The people started to distrust the "great" leader Montezuma. In panic, and by advice from the "minister of foreign affairs" and "minister of defence" he ordered a full scale counter strike against the "evil" barbarians. The streets where filled with anti-barbarian propaganda, and everywhere miltiary recruiters tried to get the bypassing people to join the "Aztec Miltiary Peace Army" - AMPA.
A few years later, as planned, the military recruiters and the miltiary "experts" finally managed to present the "Peace Army" in a grand military show. The army was truly grand, and noone had ever witness such a perfect army. Their weapons were super-light spears made of carefully carved bamboo sticks, their dicipline was amazing and the generals shone of pride. The entire cabinett voted for the army to stay in the city and defend it from any more barbarian attacks. But the "anti-barbarian" propaganda appeared to be more effective than earlier thought, everybody wanted the horrible barbarians dead. "The only good barbarian is a dead barbarian", people shouted in the streets. And since Montezuma wanted to be a popular leader again, he decided to once again ignore his cabinett of ministers.
With great confidence and after a grand "we will win party" (everybody was sure the great Aztec army would win), the entire army was sent of to reclaim Technoihuan. After a few years of marching, the army finnaly reached the goal. The strategy was to besiege the barbarians by hiding in the surrounding forrests, killing everybody that went out there. The plan was a success. After 2 major attacs by strage barbarian warriors on "horses" (aka. "horsemens"), the Aztec military generals ordered a strike, because they knew that soon the barbarians would train more warriors.
To everybodys surprise the AMPA lost(!).. People once again paniced, and in despair the aztec cabinett tried to gather a new army, but everybody was too afraid to join the AMPA now.. Noone realy trusted the government anymore and not even gold helped "convicing" people to join the AMPA.
Suddenly the barbarians did the unthinkable - they did a massive counter-attack against the Aztec city.. Since the government had failed in gathering a new army, the Aztecs suffered great loss. 20´000 people died in that war, but only a few barbarian "horsemen". The Aztec leader Montezuma was, after a long chase, captured and hanged on a 20 meter wooden pole in the town center, where he died a horrible death, eaten alive by the crows. Right before he died it is said that he said: "Montezuma will return".......
Soon after the death of Montezuma, the horrible facist barbarian dictator forbid any writing, talking, remebering and even thinking(!), whatsoever, of the Aztec civilization. The entire Aztec greatness, great leader, beautiful and happy cities, cabinett of ministers, AMPA, their culture, way of life, etc, was quickly to be forgotten, and everybody lived in horror for the rest of their lives..
..the end..
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by ml_4da3 (edited October 30, 2000).]</font>
The Paris Mercury
Home news:
Great Gardens of Paris is nearly completed, according to Marcel, Mayor of Paris, this project nicknamed the "Hanging gardens" is the centre piece of Emporer C0ckney III civic works program, "it is a great day to be French" Commented one Parisian Merchant.
Empire news:
Inital Borders:
The French Foriegn Minister, Tallyrad, has announced that France has agreed borders with 3 of the great powers, To the East the sea of azov is now recognised as the border with Russia, the Cusacus mountains will be under Russian Military control, but the French will have escorted passage through them, Russia will control no land south of the Causacus, Turkey, Iraq, Northern Syria and Northern Iran are also considered French possesions, Lands south of Iraq and the city of Basra are considered Cathaginian, East of the zargos mountians and south of the Caspian is Indian territory.
Minister Tallyard said that these arrangements were "good for France and good for international peace".
Baltic states created:
With the founding the city of Riga France has now gained access to the Baltic and Scandiavia, the city was officaly dedicated by Emporer Philip Augustus.
Foriegn news:
Barbarian attacks!:
Barbarian revolts in Sycthia and Hungry have cost France two of its best and most ancient units, the 1st Parisian warriord and the Royal Horsemen were both routed by barbarian forces, nobody from the defence ministry was alvalible for comment, the leader of the reactionary party said "these incidents prove that France needs to think it military strategy"
"The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
The great Indian civilizations was founded in early prehistory - circa 2900BC, by common reckoning. Our development was relatively slow. At the end of the first session, we only possessed 6 cities. From the indeginous locals we received the secrets of Bronze Working, Alphabet, and Warrior Code. We also found a unit of study horsemen and a unit of charioteers willing to join our great civ. These led in turn to the founding of an advanced tribe, and our first unfortunate encouter with the dreaded Red Men, who slew our chariot and Horsemen, then retreated into the depths of the Himalayas, no doubt to return in greater strength.
Contact was first made with the Japanese, who helpfully explored most of the surrounding territory and checked all the huts around - no doubt to ensure that we didn't succumb to barbarian hordes. We agreed that our boundary would be the Mekong river.
Contact was next made with the French, who ambitiously declared all territory west of the Zagros mountains in modern Iran as theirs. No sooner had we agreed upon this with the French than we made out fateful contact witht he Carthaginians. The Carthagenians had plopped down a city, Basra, at the site of the modern city of Basra. Despite centuries of negotiation, a border couldn't be agreed upon. About this time, contact was made with the Russians, and modern Georgia was the agreed upon border.
Thus we were squeezed in between 3 powers, and feeling very uncomfortable with the Carthagenians - who had the whole continent of Africa to themselves - who we felt to be making unfriendly gestures and attempting to squeeze us even further.
This issue was complicated by the appearance of a Carthagenian chariot to the east of their city. India was moving a diplomat over to the area to act as a scout; with the 3 movement in this game it comes in handy. The Carthagenian Chariot explelled the diplo, which was closer to a carthagenian city than a Indian one, it is true, but we felt this, along with the refusal to set a border and Carthage's response "why can't I take the territory if I'm first to get there?" to be the final provokative act. I had also repeatedly warned Carthage that I couldn't let them any further East than Basra. India then destroyed Carthage's chariot, prompting the Carthaginian player to first protest, then quit. I'm sorry that he quit, and I wish he would stay. He did come back for the remainder of the session, however. After a few more skirmishes, we did make peace.
Maybe it was my fault, but I didn't think that the idea of a diplogame was to rush over and build cities as close as possible to your neighbors, then declare all the territory between them and your capital to be yours, THEN demand a 5 hex buffer zone for security purposes, which is exactly what I felt the Carthagenian player to be doing. As far as I'm concerned, a diplogame means you try to negotiate rather than just attack at first contact. I have not been attacked by any other players, and all other players I have contacted have been willing to discuss and agree upon mutually satisfactory borders. I feel that Carthage is BEING GREEDY and felt he could push because it was a diplogame, and not suffer the consequences of his provokative acts.
If any other players feel this is overly-aggressive play on my part, feel free to let me know."The power of Christ compels you."
The Imperial Palace, Athens
Philip Augsutus: How goes the preparations for the festival good duke
Philip II of Macodonia: Well sire, tis a shame about Riga
Philip Augsutus: Tis indeed it will be rebuilt
Philip II of Macodonia: I dare say it will, pray tell how goes the building of Ro...
enter Tallyard
Tallyard: sire forgive my intrusion but I have some urgent news
Philip Augsutus: Tell me what is it good sir?
Tallyard: Tis the Carthaginians they have annexed Iraq
Philip Augsutus: WHAT!!
Philip II of Macodonia: This is terrible news sire
Tallyard: They were most insitant as were their chariots...
Philip Augsutus: Greedy swines, I thought they could be trusted, bah! so much for our Southern "Brothers"
Philip II of Macodonia: What are we to do sire?
Philip Augsutus: hmmm, well now so they want Africa AND Asia and if we are not in a position to dispute the latter, the we will take the fight to the former
Philip II of Macodonia: I don't understand sire
Philip Augsutus: I think our navy will have to take some colonists to Tunisia, so while those greedy pigs are gorging on the middle east we will taking their country by stealth.
Philip II of Macodonia: Briliant sire, I'll check on the status of our settlers right away
exit Philip II
Tallyard: Are you sure this is wise sire?
Philip Augsutus: tis a risk worth taking, for the glory of France
Tallyard: What if they go to war
Philip Augsutus: Then good sir, we fight they will never be able to dislodge those units we have in the causacus
Tallyard: Still it may be a wise precaution to increase our military strength
Philip Augsutus: Good idea, we must go to prepare, none of this must leave this room.
Tallyard: Of course sire, au revoir
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!"The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
The Paris Mercury
Domestic news
Great Gardens delayed:
The great Gardens of Paris have been delayed due to pressing military concerns said a spokesmen for the defence ministry Mayor Marcel is said to be outraged by the delay, saying "This is what happens when goverment interferes with city goverment" However a goverment spokesmen said that there was "no rift bettween Marcel and the goverment and that any suggestion is just plain silly" he also confidently predicted that the "hanging gardens" would be complete within a matter of years.
Paris cenus results:
The new Paris cenus results have shown that the city now has over 100,000 inhabitants, of these most said that they were content with life in the city.
Empire news
Riga sacked by barbarians:
The story started when Finish tribes rose in revolt against the French protectorate imposed upon them, the massacured the local French garision and marched south laying waste to the coutyrside as they went, when they entered Riga Panic ensued,
Riga resident Marko Popolivov takes up the story "it was terrible they came down from the hills and saw them tear through the cities army,
many people paniced and fled the city then leaveing only around 10,000 brave citizens left to face the horror that was to come. It started at day break on the
15th of December 100's maybe thousands of barbarian horsemen entered the city, the few brave citizens who tried to fight were quickly killed, house were burned, goods destroyed, men killed and the women were rounded up in the market square for transport to an unknown destination, just when we thought all was lost we heard the sound up trumpets and saw to our relife and amazement the imperial chariot corp of the Armee' del Nord lead by none other than King Philip Augustus himself they
chased the barbarians to the out of the city and slaughted them before they could make their escape, however despite their victory the city was ruined, it churhces, great houses and markets all lay in ruins"
and you can read more of this chilling account in his forthcoming book "my Strgule" priced at 1 gold piece and avalible from all good book sellers
Turkey given Imperial charter:
The long time colony of Turkey was given dukedom status by King Philip Augustus following the founding of its capital Sinope, the capital is built in the Greek style and the work of Athenian arcitects can be seen all over the city, Interior minister Robespierre said "this secure our holding in Asia against hostile forces" Speculation about the mean of this statement was ended when General Bonapart said "hostile forces of course meaning barbarians and not our friends the Carthaginians....
" although he was wearing a rye smile when he said this.
Turkey is one of 4 former colonies to be given dukdom status the other 3 being Italy, Spain and Tunisia.
Tension in the Causacus:
Some months the new Russian king was insatlled the Russian goverment fell into the hands of the mysterious ruler know only as "AI", AI refused to allow the French "it's rightful access" said a spokemen for the defence ministry, the denfecne minister Carot added that "as a result of this a perminant French military presence has been established in the Causacus", This move has angerd king Ozzy of the Russians but Foriegn minister Tallyard was uncomprimising
"the bottom line is we must have access to Turkey and Iran and if that requires troops then so be it!"
The denfence minister is due to give a full staement to the Barional council later today.
Foriegn News
All change in the middle east:
The new Carthaginian king Magnus the Gluton claimed all the middle east as Carthaginian territory, completely ignoring the agreement made with his predecesor Emperor Coldwizard, after long and hard negocations the French have agreed to limit their middle eastern territory to Turkey, eastern Iraq and Iran "this is a reasonable compromise, however because of the limits in Asia we may have to seek land for our expanding population elsewhere..." said foriegn minister Tallyard, however a spokemen for the reactionary party said "this is tantamount to surrender!"
Only the gods know what the future holds for this troubled region.
Russian Troubles:
Following the illness of king eastheaven X which his doctors decribed as Couldn't be arsed to turn up for the game despite knowing what time it was and then not even bothering to tell me the fact that he couldn't make it and the short reign of the mysterious "AI" a new king has come to the throne, celebrations were held all across Russia following the popualr kings rise to power, Minister Tallyard said "we hope we can work well with this new goverment and have high hopes for the future""The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
The graet indian empire continues to expand!
With out newest achievement, the Great Library, we will now become the benefactors of every traded tech! The deficiencies of India's wise men will be remedied!
A new agreement was reached with carthage. Rumors abound of a new wonder under construction in secret. Almost forgot - everyone thought Japan was going to reach philosophy, so we all madly traded techs to get into the race, and it was those sneaky carthagenians who discovered it first! South america is ruled by barbarian tribes, two of whose cities are in the top 5!"The power of Christ compels you."