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Wargames part 1

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  • Wargames part 1

    I want to get a game together with 4 or 5 players.

    1x 1x
    Blood lust (no spaceship)
    no alliances
    no tech stealing
    no tech trading

    The only way you can win the game is by killing off everyone else.
    Moker nappy and carnide say they are up for it. I am suggesting a sunday game and i think we have a opening for one more person.
    Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
    and kill them!

  • #2
    Moker? hmm ain't you playing in the Eurodiplo on sunday?


    • #3
      Real hard settings.
      How about also: no caravans/trucks to other Civs?
      The tech /money bonus can be so huge.


      • #4
        Done no caravans to other civs... Still can't believe arii was getting over $2,000 for some caravans.


        next sunday... Everyone post your playing times
        Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
        and kill them!


        • #5
          I can play from 2pm est til midnight est. That's 10 hours. I hope we will work something out.
          My life, my rules


          • #6
            i got the whole day saturday and sunday free... So as long as i plan ahead scheduling won't be a problem.
            Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
            and kill them!


            • #7
              Smartfarts hours of availability works for me. I would like to suggest using Cavebears map that was drawn up for the 4th round tournament seems to be very balanced. What level of barbs do you want?? I also want to let you know before we start that I will be in Maui Oct. 20th-28th.
              " First France......then the WORLD!"


              • #8
                Do we allow city bribery?
                " First France......then the WORLD!"


                • #9
                  No bribing... I think everyone prefers that...
                  Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                  and kill them!


                  • #10
                    sunday ive got the eurodip game. no bribing is fine but i would like one exception to that rule. cities built on 100% defense or better can be bribed. that makes it so you cant build an invincible wall of cities.

                    Im here to play civ. Screw all of this political BS. Give me a game of civ with good players, that are more than just robots, and im having fun. I bet everyone else is too. Who cares who wins or loses? Its better to make friends than make enemies. Who knows you might run into a very important person on here.

                    Oh yeah EyesOfNight is the most pathetic person i have ever ment in my life.


                    • #11
                      I prefere no city bribe at all. In x1 production you cannot build your core cities on mountains because you'll find yourself overgrowed by others very quickly.
                      I also rarely see the mountains on Markus' medium sized maps.
                      Besides,there are other ways to cripple mountain cities,like pillage or vet spies.

                      Since Moker have Eurodip on sunday,are we going to play or not?
                      My life, my rules


                      • #12
                        Eurodip doesn't go all day, and since most of the players i see here are PST time i don't see much of a problem getting the game going...

                        Moker what time can you play on sunday? Also can everyone play on saterday?

                        Also would you guys like to play with the MDL rules? Oracle doesn't expire dips expensive courhouse cheap lighthouse goes till computers etc.
                        Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                        and kill them!


                        • #13
                          Saturday is also fine,anytime from 2pm est til midnite est.
                          You guys decide and drop me a note. MDL or not,i don't care. I only insist on deity,x1 move. I am pretty much flexible about anything else.
                          My life, my rules

