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The way of the apolyton brat

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  • #31
    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
    </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Eyes Of Night on 09-27-2000 10:29 PM</font>

    Why do you want me to post it so bad?

    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

    Well for one thing it shows what the real purpose of this thread is, and I imagine with hindsight that was also the purpose of the lopsided games we played - namely, just a chance for you to slag off at apolytoners. It also shows a few other interesting things too

    Does anyone know how to get the log back? Eyes clearly won't post it, and I think we all now know why.

    If you don't post it Eyes, your credibility is yet further shot to pieces. I guess my prediction to you on the chat of what would happen if you posted a thread like this is coming true You can't say you weren't warned.


    • #32
      LOL, Well it's not like EoN could lose any credibility around here. Don't sweat it AH, everyone here knows the type of guy you're dealing with. You don't have to prove EoN was cheating; it's up to him to prove he wasn't cheating.


      • #33
        Thanks Spider. In the icq chat log Eyes clearly offers to post the King Chat. He brought it up in fact. Now he won't. How interesting..............


        • #34
          I don't know him, but I've read his posts over the years here, his lame excuses when he was caught cheating a year ago and all of his tirades since. He's one of those creeps who just like creating controversy. You know the type: Little kid, no power in real-life, "I'm gonna be a *****, and you can't stop me!"


          • #35
            What are you trying to say AH? That this is some intricate scheme of mine? Fine, here it is.

            To Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.): Yes or no. Do you have evidence or not?
            From Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.): if I have evdience, I'll keep it to myself for now
            To Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.): Here's what I think, I think this is complete bull****. You have no evidence.
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): even your eagerness to find out makes you look sus
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): No, I just like to argue. Why do you think I cheated in the first place a year ago?
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Because I needed to win? lol
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Why would I need to cheat when I already play like a god?
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): if you cheat you don't win
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): hehehe Do you have any idea how man forum posts I got?
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): HA! I already play like a god, I don't need to cheat.
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): I had tons of forum posts dedicated to me. Arguments were everywhere!!! I LOVED IT!!!
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): I don't think your worth arguing over
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): I don't think you have any evidence.
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): he he, we'll see
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Yeah, I guess we will won't we?
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): have your turn, and I hope you haven't counted these games for GL
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Why would I? You have no points.
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): I can only play the top 3 players right now for points.
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): have your turn brainiac
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Aren't you having fun arguing?
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): yes
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): I know I am. I'd rather exchange words with you than play.
            From Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): so why do you cheat?
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Espeically since I'm the one doing all the arguing and you're just throwing out meed replies.
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): I don't cheat.
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): That was a stupid question. Come on, get some intelligence. You have to be sneaky about it.
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Ask something like "Have you ever felt the need to cheat before?"
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Because then you're subtly hinting to the fact that you suspect me.
            To Emperor Horsie (1450 B.C.): Now try it again.
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): yes but why would you if you are such a good player
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): I don't now. I did that a full year ago one time. And I already explained to you those reasons.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): See, now you're being dumb again. You're beating a dead horse. You have to take a different angle of attack.
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): You must be the luckiest player I ever met then
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): How about the fact that you don't go out and explore enough?
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): How about the fact that you go for polytheism instead of feudalism?
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): How about the fact that you don't build enough settlers?
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Maybe it's you?
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Maybe you're not as good as you think?
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): But of course that couldn't be the case. After all you apolytoners are the best right? Obviously there is some more sinister reason in effect here.
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): how can I when you uncannily find my cities by 3500 BC, 3 games in a row - people would think you were looking at the map
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): I don't believe I found your cities this game by 3500BC>
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): I don't think I found them the first game we played either, especially since it was 2x1x.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): I must have some pretty fast horsemen.
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): yes you did - 3 games in a row, you also knew by 3950 BC that you were on a small island - go figure
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Continent number moron.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Come on!! Give me a challenge here. These questions are too easy to answer.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): I really expected more from you.
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): he he, there are other things - I've looked at your maps, noted lags, etc. etc. C'mon Eyes, you can tell old horsie
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Other things huh? Tell good old eyes about the "other things".
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Oh 'cmon Eyes, you play these crap settings - hardly the setting of champions
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): No, you play beginner settings. No fighting, just building. It's a race for happy wonders.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): You don't ahve to worry about being attacked..
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): You dont' have to worry about anything but getting the happy wonders first.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): On these settings you have to get out and start fighting, be agressive. You can't just sit back and build.
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): ha ha ha - settings where you don't even have to garrison cities are hard? Come on!
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): You have to build, explore, expand, and get advances all at once.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Why are your cities garrisoned then?

            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): build expand explore, gee, wish I had a chance to do that in any of these games
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Tell me something, what's the first thing you build in your city?
            From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): How do you know if my cities are garrisoned or not!!!!!! (oh yeah - you checked the map on your other computer)
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): Actually, I can see 2 of your cities right now.
            To Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): WOW!! Holy **** are you smart!!
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): You're going nowhere, you're not even putting me on the defensive.
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Maybe you need your apolyton friends to help? Wouldn't that be nice? Think of it. The entire forum vs me? Wouldn't that be fun?
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Go make a post. Come on, do it.
            From Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Why? do you have a trail of enemies?
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): I make enemies on purpose. I would rather have enemies than friends. I have a select few friends.
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Your lack of conviction and your refusal to make a post on this thus bringing in better judgement simply illustrates your lack of evidence.
            From Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Oh give me a break
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Then why refuse to do it?
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): You say you have evidence, prove it.
            To Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): You said you'd make me "look stupid and a cheater to boot", prove it.
            From Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): no point, your self-defeating
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): If that's so, feel free to copy this conversation and use my words against me.
            From Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): what for?
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): To prove me a cheater, what else? You said I'm self defeating.
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): What did you hope to prove by hosting the game yourself? That I am a horrible player if I'm not host thus showing that I cheat as host?
            From Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): he he he, give it a rest
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): Let me put it into simple terms even you cna understand. If you don't make a post on it I will. And that will give me an advantage. So it's best you go do it yourself.
            From Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): no you go ahead if you must
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): Ok, fine I will.
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): Unlike you, I'm not bluffing.
            From Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): mind finishing your turn first?
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): God damnit. My cities are getting mad now at size 1.
            To Emperor Horsie (1300 B.C.): That's real good, disconnect.
            To Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): I lost a turn I saved before I retired. I'll send you the save.
            To Emperor Horsie (950 B.C.): I think maybe I'll just get stealth this game.
            From Emperor Horsie (950 B.C.): okay, I concede. Go post your thread.


            • #36
              Tut, tut, Eyes - this is just an excerpt Why don't you post the whole conversation, HMMM??????

              But it does clearly show my point - you practically begged me to accuse you of cheating, and then you practically begged me to post a thread here about it So why were you playing me? Even from this excerpt I think it will be clear to most that the games were just a set up. Look at it, post after post from you goading me. But Horse kept his cool Where is my accusatory diatribe? THERE ISN'T ONE

              My only regret is that I wasted 3 mornings of my leave playing you I think many players will benefit from this however. As one respected player icqed me when we were playing, "why do you bother with him?"

              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Alexander's Horse (edited September 28, 2000).]</font>


              • #37
                Guys don't argue about settings. It is simple. 2x2x king is player vs. player. Whomever is better will win 9 times out of 10. 1x1x deity is player vs. the game, in a time race to build wonders. Everything else falls somewhere inbetween.

                Tribe of the Divine

                Pain is just fear leaving the body
                To fail to try is the only true failure...
                "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


                • #38
                  That's all I could get of the conversation the rest got cut off.


                  • #39
                    Kaak, it was the boxing in extremely early in that game that was most sus. I never got out of the blocks. He has one unit and finds me every time? Eyes must be a friggin psychic

                    Settings, well, that's a whole other story.



                    • #40
                      Who do you think I copied that strategy off of AH? KAAK!!! Dip****, you're talking to someone who is the master of it. You really think kaak is going to say "yeah, you're right eyes is obviously cheating". Get real. And I had units going off in all directions if you bothered to look at the map. I don't just send a group of units in one direction, I send one out in each direction.


                      • #41
                        Alexander' 27/09/00 9:36 AM am I in?

                        EyesOfNigh 27/09/00 9:57 AM

                        EyesOfNigh 27/09/00 10:15 AM If I"m so lucky why do you need a larger map?

                        Alexander' 27/09/00 10:16 AM okay, play small again

                        Is there a reason why you cut that out AH? I didn't say "If I"m so lucky why do you need a larger map?" just out of the blue. Why don't you put the whole thing in there.


                        • #42
                          AH, this is the way it goes. If you hit 2000 BC, and you don't have 20 cities and most of map uncovered, you are running behind. I have played eyes over and over, and either you get the best of him, or he will get the best of you. He doesn't cheat, he doesn't have to. It is a proven strategy that will beat anyone not using it. It is not sleezing, and it is just like real life. Control the map, control the rescources, you win. A growth strategy will never beat an expansionist strategy. If you guys expect to have a prayer in the upcoming tournement, you better start changing something. And don't worry about the settings, it works on 1x1x as it does on 2x2x. It make take us longer to get there, but our guns will be bigger when we do.

                          Tribe of the Divine

                          Pain is just fear leaving the body
                          To fail to try is the only true failure...
                          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Kaak (edited September 28, 2000).]</font>
                          "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                          "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


                          • #43
                            Ha ha ha ha - I went into Eyes side of the last save and this is what I found on just a quick inspection:

                            . 30 of his cities immediately went into disorder when his turn started even though he has HG. Looking at them, I don't see how they ever could be in order

                            . He's built 5 cities on the arctic/ocean border fringe of the map on tundra squares, all of these cities are producing 3 wheat and one shield

                            Is this all just coincidence or were we using different versions of the rules.txt

                            If anyone wants to see this, God knows why, I'm happy to send it to you.


                            • #44
                              AH are you saying you can modify rules for your civ only?


                              • #45
                                All I'm saying is his civ looks weird, it doesn't make sense. Of course I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation But 30 out of 51 cities go into disorder when I open the save??? What's that about???


