War4ever, your pathetic excuses for armies will be wiped off the face of the earth by the mighty Romans!! Resistance is futile! Small map, just me and you. The rest of the settings can be chosen by you. Name the date and time and I will be there!
No announcement yet.
The Mongols WILL fall!
I forgot you're from vancouver... my dad was there a few days ago, he said it was the most beautiful city hes ever seen. I'm probably going to go there next year...
Anyway, I'm probably available tonight and a slight possibility tommorrow night. From then on any night. Take your pick. Do you feel... lucky?
Lol do you really think your weak armies are a match for me? i am good to go any evening..... ANY evening and i will show you what the real reason for a hearse is all aboutmy troops are moving towards Rome!!!!
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!