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A question

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  • A question

    I have noticed in various posts the 1x1x..or 2x1x...what exactly does this mean?
    Sethanon the Traveller

  • #2
    It refers to movement and production. I believe a 2x1x game would be 2x production (all terrain squares produce double) and normal movement. I gather that in order to speed the game up for multi-player, it is a fairly common practice to increase the production rates. Games would probably take forever otherwise...
    Novi Nomad


    • #3
      Ok..that is what I was thinking, just wasn't too sure.

      I see all kinds of people browsing the bb..are they playing too or just posting?

      Sethanon the Traveller


      • #4
        Lenth of game is not only determined by whether it is a 2x or 1x or not.
        You can play VERY fast 1x1x games with other players who limit their turn time lengths.

        Unless you are involved in the movement of dozens or many dozens of units like during a large war, or are a big time micro manager style player, your turns need not take very many seconds until later in the game, and then a few minutes is often enough.

        Small map sizes are also effective in accomplishing shorter length games while still allowing 1x1x.

        The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
        The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus


        • #5
          Don't listen to crusty

          1x1x games seem to take FOREVER to build anything! I much prefer 2x2x, with double production and double movement, you can do a lot more in a shorter period of game time
          Apolyton Empress
          "Tongue tied and twisted, just and earth bound misfit..."

          "Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative" --found on a bathroom wall


          • #6
            1x1x games can be played at a good pace, and I personally prefer them. However, it still takes longer to establish and improve cities, do tech research, and build Wonders.

            Crusty is correct that the *pace* of actual play is the same in either game, but progress toward A/C or advanced unit/city improvements *is* slower in 1x1x.

            On the other hand, 2x2x games create situations difficult to defend against. Attacking units can come from quite far away and one has no opportunity to be aware of an impending attack.

            Proud participant in GameLeague...

            Proud Warrior of the O.W.L. Alliance...
            Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
            Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
            Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
            Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


            • #7
     all have good points. I tried a mp game yesterday and found the 2x1x to be very fast paced. Cities that normally take a long while to grow to a decent size, were already at 8 in just a few turns, sooner than I had Contruction researched ya know.

              So I'm curious, what are some of your basic strategies when playing a Militaristic campaign?

              I ask that because I have only been here 2 days and it seems that people pride themselves on strong military power.

              I've noticed the New-Diplo posts about a game using more actual diplomacy. I think that's really cool.

              Sethanon the Traveller


              • #8
                Of course Empress & Cavebear are right in saying that 2x production is faster than 1x production. It is literaly twice as fast.

                Butttttttt... I will always argue that 2x2x is not THE answer to having a faster GAME, so long as there are those other mentioned ways that also speed up game play.

                2x2x would be the fastest way I could imagine to play a non war space race game where growth and science were the biggest factors. I am sure other advantages could be expressed by those who love this style of play too.

                Regarding 1x1x being able to be played fast, several of us played a game into the modern age with modern units and SS being built even in only 4 or 5 good evenings of play.
                (Am I remembering this correct Markusf & Wonderdog?)

                Well we all have our favorite style for whatever reasons, and that is one reason I think this game is so great because the flexability is there for many ways of enjoying!

                When I play 2x production I still end up with cities that are stuck at what seems to be forever at size 8!!!! It's like construction and sanitation should be the prime objectives!!!! But I understand this is because I am not experienced in balancing my civ as a 2x player.
                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Crustacian (edited August 26, 2000).]</font>
                The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus

