I played Matthew and Makeo in deity 2x1x game.
I inherited an AI civ (Chinese) about 3000bc with some useless techs and fair ammount of units. We also had a 4th player (I forgot which one) but he leaved early on and M&M were allied.
I went straight for GW,more because of my habbit from single player than because of some real strategy. However,I got Mono from it and build some non-vet crusaders to force my way out from relatively small peninsula.
Makeo didn't liked my idea and my cities started to fall quickly,but I managed to build MC. Then I got an offer from him: 'Give me MC and I'll give you your cities back.'
I had no choice but accept a deal,but next turn Matthew bribed my MC city (it was size 2 and therefore cheap one).
Then Makeo offered me a money to bribe back my city,but that wasn't easy because MC-city supported a settler and Matt used it to block my diplo. I spend about 300 gold to bribe a settler and about 40 to bribe MC back. Of course,Makeo haven't informed his ally about our deal
Anyway...Matt figured it out and declared a war to pity Chinese and soon I surrendered.
I also remember some dialogue from the game.
After I bribed barb trireme I set sails to find some huts (found Matt instead).
-What do you want for MapMaking?
-Sorry...I don't have MapMaking yet.
-I can see your trireme nearby.
-Oh thats my single one. I bribed it from the barbs.
-Yeah...I believe you.
Well,this is the 1st MP game I ever played.
Whats yours?
I inherited an AI civ (Chinese) about 3000bc with some useless techs and fair ammount of units. We also had a 4th player (I forgot which one) but he leaved early on and M&M were allied.
I went straight for GW,more because of my habbit from single player than because of some real strategy. However,I got Mono from it and build some non-vet crusaders to force my way out from relatively small peninsula.
Makeo didn't liked my idea and my cities started to fall quickly,but I managed to build MC. Then I got an offer from him: 'Give me MC and I'll give you your cities back.'
I had no choice but accept a deal,but next turn Matthew bribed my MC city (it was size 2 and therefore cheap one).
Then Makeo offered me a money to bribe back my city,but that wasn't easy because MC-city supported a settler and Matt used it to block my diplo. I spend about 300 gold to bribe a settler and about 40 to bribe MC back. Of course,Makeo haven't informed his ally about our deal

Anyway...Matt figured it out and declared a war to pity Chinese and soon I surrendered.
I also remember some dialogue from the game.
After I bribed barb trireme I set sails to find some huts (found Matt instead).
-What do you want for MapMaking?
-Sorry...I don't have MapMaking yet.
-I can see your trireme nearby.
-Oh thats my single one. I bribed it from the barbs.
-Yeah...I believe you.

Well,this is the 1st MP game I ever played.
Whats yours?