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Tales from the Diplomatic Front IX......

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  • #16
    I went to the chiropractor this morning, he said I shouldn't try jumping back into the Hop Ki Do until next week. So, I am now free to Sub if y'all wanted to try playing tonight or Thursday.

    No one wants to play with a Charlie in the Box.
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mr Dimbleby (edited June 20, 2000).]</font>
    Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

    Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


    • #17
      The Roma Tribune
      950 b.c.
      1 Gold

      Top Story

      Peace Treaty Signed with Zulundi!

      Damascus, 1600 b.c- The Zulu and Roman nations have ended their one hundred and twenty-year long struggle for power in central asia. A land pact signed in Damascus garunteed Roman holdings in Persia but gave Zulundi territory on the western coast of India. Defense minister Marc Antony said "The main problem between our nations was that the Zulus wanted viable sea ports, there were hardly any in central asia except for along the Caspain coastline, but that wasn't sufficient for the Zulu goals, since Rome had nothing planned to do with western India, we decided to cede it to the Zulu land claims." With this new pact signed with the Zulus, the Romans have fully siezed Persia with the surrounding nations, the territory has been deemed an official Prefixture, and the Imperial Capital was created in Pisae.

      Domestic News

      Irsraeli rebels in Judea cause civil strife!

      Jerusalem, 1000 b.c.- Israeli rebels in Jerusalem today caused civil panic, the main cause of displeasure is the fact that the Saudi Arabian lands to the south have been added to the Roman empire, said rebel leader Assma Bental "The Roman empire should not expand to include Muslim lands, the Jews and Muslims have a storied past, this will only cause more problems in the Roman middle east." Said Roman defense minister Marc Antony "I understand Bental's issues with the addition of Arabea into the Roman holdings, however, the Israelites can rest assured that Centurion's have strict orders to protect our citizens, whether they are Jews, Muslims or Polytheists." A garrison of Legions from Antioch were sent in to suppress the civil disorder.

      Turkey added to Roman holdings.

      Byzantium, 1500 b.c.- The state of Turkey, formally a muslim sheikdom has come under Roman control. The new capital of Byzantium has been established in the north western straights has been deemed an Imperial captial, meaning the area has become an official Prefixture. Citizens in Damascus were outraged, as they have been pulled from the the territory of Judea, and their surrounding lands ceded to the Prefixture of Turkey. Constantine, a former advisor to Julius Caesar was appointed royal governor of the prefixture.

      International Report

      Julius Caesar and Easthaven of France strike land deal in Europe!

      Rheims, 1000 b.c.- A Roman garrison in Gaul has made contact with French ambassadors, impressed with Romes might and gloriously armored Legions, France agreed to meet with Centurion Marcus Areileus. The peace talks went well, the land pact called the Rhemis Pact garuntees Rome the territories of Norselund, Britannia, the Balkan states, and Italy. France was given Spain, Gaul, Germany, Poland and the Ukraine. The signees of the pact agreed to defend its stipulations with war.

      Poland breaks Damascus Pact!

      Pisae, 950 b.c.- Roman legions reported today that the Polish Kingdom has broken the outlined rules of the Damascus pact. When asked what route Rome will take, Julius Caesar said "We had great trust in the Poles, when we attempted to inform them that they had broken the rules in the Damascus Pact they did not respond, they can rest assured Rome SHALL respond, very quickly!" The situation does not look good, and if this is any indication, Marc Antony has called a military meeting in Pisae, the capital of the Persean prefixture.

      ~950 b.c.

      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • #18
        Perhaps you should have informed the Polish sub of the conditions of the "Damascus Pact".
        Poland was never contacted by the Romans from 1700bc - 950bc; in 1000bc when the Poles attempted to contact Rome they were sent away.

        No one wants to play with a Charlie in the Box.
        Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

        Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


        • #19
          Outside of Pisae....

          Julius Caesar: People of Persea, I have heard your comments. I have taken into consideration what has transpired between Poland and Rome. I can only assure Poland's great King that we made many attempts to contact the Poles, and I am sure the Zulus can confirm that we reported that the Poles were ignoring us. Be that as it may, Persea is Roman land, and despite the fact that a Polish city lies in it, we will defend our land decisivley. This is our last warning to Poland, and we expect them to take it into consideration. I will now turn things over to my foreign minister, Scipio.

          Scipio: Thank you mighty Caesar, your wisdom trancsends earthly boundries. Caesar is a very strong and powerful man, and he talks big. But this situation will not be handled militarily until we are sure Poland has ambitious plans against Rome. The plan at this time is for an ambassador to meet with Poland and iron out the situation. We do not wish conflict with Poland, loss of Roman life is not what we are interested in, nor are we interested in loss of Polish life. We simply want our rightful land returned to us as was outlined in the Damascus Land Pact. We signed this document with Casimir the Great of Poland, we expect his predecessor to live up to the great Casimir's promises. Again, I must stress, we do not wish to fight a war with Poland, but I will turn the floor over to Marc Antony, our great General, Marcus....

          Marc Antony: Thank you, people of Rome. While we are not sure how the political issues of the problem will be handled. We do know that if the Pax Romana calls upon her mighty Legions they will respond quickly and with no remorse or mercy for anything not Roman. They are currently on call in the continent of Lybium (Africa), but will be very quick to arrive in the Persean theatre as soon as they are needed, reserves in Europe will not be called into the struggle if one were to arise, as they are defending land holdings promised to Rome by Easthaven of France. Let it be known that Rome holds no grudges towards any nation, we simply do what we must do.

          Crowd: Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!

          Caesar: (holding up his hand) Please, I beg of you, I am but a man!

          Crowd: Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar....
          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • #20
            I had the King Chat window closed, and it was not activated by any messages. So, if you did not send a message via the foreign minister menu (which you didn't)I did not receive. I talked to both the Sioux and the Zulus, they seemed to have no problems contacting me. If the treaty is that important to you should have informed me what its parameters were Monday night. Lastly, there are no Polish cities in Persia, El Paso (the most westward city in the Polish empire)is located in northern India). Assuming I am still ruling (subbing) in Casimir stead the next time we play, I will not remove any cities on the Empire's western frontier, nor will I expand further west. Take this as the Gospel according to Dimbleby, Peace or War it is up to Rome.

            No one wants to play with a Charlie in the Box.
            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mr Dimbleby (edited June 22, 2000).]</font>
            Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

            Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


            • #21
              Message from the office of Roman foreign minister Marcus Arieleus.

              To: Polish Governing Body.

              Dear Poland,

              It has come to the office of Marcus Arieleus of Rome that you have broken the Damascus Land Pact. Two cities that were promised to Rome by Casimir the great of Poland are subject to the treaty, the cities of El Paso and Austin are transgressors upon Roman lands as is outlined in the Damascus Land Pact. Furthermore, I would like to reiderate that the Damascus Land pact denies any Polish holdings west of (70,60) on the map, and likewise denies Rome any holdings to the east of said point.

              The Roman ministry is very sorry that you do not seem to have had any contact with Rome, however I can assure you that Rome did make attemps to contact the great King of Poland, and even made remarks to the Zulu king in that regard. If you wish you may contact the Zulus, I can assure you Rome was very displeased with having its comments recieve no responses. Regardless, Rome feels that military action is not needed at this time, as we expect Poland to turn over all cities transgressing the set borderline between Rome and Poland.

              However, we would also like to note that Rome is not a nation to be toyed with, and if the statutes set in the Damascus Pact are not abided by, Roman steel may be the only answer to this problem.

              Justicia et pax.

              Viva La Pax Romana.

              M. Arieleus.
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • #22
                TO: ROME/EMPEROR
                FR: POLAND/EMPEROR




                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mr Dimbleby (edited June 22, 2000).]</font>
                Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

                Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


                • #23
                  Excerpt from the International Conference of 3082 A.F.
                  (917 B.C. to use a more generally accepted dating system)

                  Minas Tamaron, Defender of the Northern March, Arbiter of the Kubrach Canal, Lord of the Western Sea, Sovreign Protector of the Kelset Valley, Revelator of the Great Wilderness, Great Lord Ithil of Lunia, for whom the world stands in awe, greets the ruling councils of the represented Empires of this world.


                  Perhaps the greatest indicator of the rise of the Lunian Republic is the tripling of the land area and population we have experienced in the last 750 years. Colonization and defense are the primary aims of the senate, with always a mind to the wisdom of the ages. We have had no disputes with our neighbors, and we expect none. The Senate urges Consul Ike of the English to consider the exchange of wisdom, for we both gain much and lose nothing.


                  (I know this is short, but not much happens in South America in relation to the Old World in ~1000 B.C.)


                  • #24
                    From the Offices of Marcus Arieleus

                    To: Polish governing body.

                    In regards to your memo, we thouroughly enjoyed your cooperation with Rome, however feel the disbandment of the cities will take a very long time, and will result in loss of funds from the Polish coffers. We suggest an ulterior method, there can either be money exchanged from Rome in exchange for the ceding of these cities to Rome, or we can replace the settlers lost to create this territory.

                    Either way we feel the disbandment of these cities is an un-neccessary method. As for the exchanging of ambassadors the Roman advisors to Caesar feel this will be a neccessity in order to garuntee further relations between our nations. However we also feel that a meeting between Rome, Poland and Zulundi would also be needed to avoid all future conflicts in Asia, and to set up peaceful national borders that will help all of our nations coexist in this fertile and beautiful continent.

                    M. Arieleus

                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • #25
                      Here is a map of the Civilizations:
                      <img border="0" src=",ap.gif">
                      I didn't know it was a Penis when I bought it.

