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History of Mankind

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  • #91

    During the civil war, the citizens of Ethiopia who have never fully adopted the Christian religion started to distance themselves from any form of religious life. Since the country was divided, their citizens returned to their former idols and began to erect temples of the various gods whom they deemed protectors of their cities. The most of people became atheists and they started to believe in only one God – money.

    This terrible and widespread decadence prompted several religious movements that were aimed at the restoration of the traditional virtues and Christian morality. One of the movements was led by an Arabian priest called Muhammad.

    Muhammad was born in Mecca, a small city on the Arabian coast of the Red Sea, just across the great port Asmara. He was brought up in a Christian family and he became a Christian priest at the age of 18. He travelled to Frysia to get the best religious education in the city of Sneek. At the time he arrived there, the Frysians have completed the greatest Cathedral in the entire world and Muhammad was able to marvel at the beauty of this wonder of Christian architecture. His tutor in the matters of the faith was no one less than Saint Thomas Aquitaine, the founder of modern Christian theology. He was happy to teach young Muhammad in all aspects of the religion and after 5 years of study it was time for Muhammad to return home.

    Leaving Christian Frysia, he didn’t expect to find his beloved Ethiopia in the state of anarchy. The idolaters came to power in almost all cities and Christians were ridiculed and sometimes even prosecuted. They had to hide in the catacombs once again. Seeing this picture in the streets of Mecca, Muhammad pledged that he would return there one day and cast out all idolaters and heretics. He travelled to the distant city of Karnak, where he found fertile soil for his preaching. Soon the citizens of Karnak became the moral backbone of Ethiopia and a new kind of religion was formulated: One much more strict and much less tolerant than Christianity, a religion with many constraints requiring total obedience to the almighty God called Allah from that time on, a religion preaching the Holy War – Jihad – against all infidels and enemies of faith. This new religion, Islam, made Ethiopia strong once again and her armies eager to spread the faith all over the world.

    In memory of this era, a Mosque was erected in Karnak. In this Mosque, the first speech of Prophet Muhammad is kept, the one in which he first spoke of Jihad!!!!


    • #92
      End of peacekeeping mission in Europe

      Ethiopian army has stood in Europe separating the sides in the thousand years old conflict there. A succession of Ethiopian rulers has invested many resources in maintaining that army so far away from Ethiopia or any Ethiopian interest. And the Ethiopian army has proven worthy of such enormous burden, stood the test of time and never failed to check an attack no matter which side initiated it.

      However, the army of Panslavia that ran over Fryslân in recent years, during the reign of Consul Anwar Sadat, proved the illusion Ethiopia has had about the strength of their forces in Europe and their capability to prevent open hostilities there. Ashamed with the utter failure of his peace brokering efforts, Consul Anwar Sadat issues a general withdrawal command to all Ethiopian troops stationed in Europe.

      Thus ended the greatest peacekeeping mission in the History of Mankind. Abysmally.


      • #93
        Originally posted by germanos
        Very well, the Frysians will cede the city of IJlst (size 5, on a river in the central USA) to the Slav.
        We accept. We also express sadness for the whole conflict that has retarded the growth and prosperity of both our nations. We hope to make up twice in peace that has been lost in war.


        • #94
          Now if only the Chinese would accept my proposal the world can live in peace once more


          • #95
            The adventures of the Punished Brigade

            Dear mother!

            We lost two more to the heat today, and I have lost count of the ones that succumbed to malaria. Still is the current of new arrivals is greater than the losses, and our ranks grow.

            Desert tribes' attacks have gotten rare now that the Asmara portion has been built, and we have returned to vicinity of Libanonsk.

            The war passed us. In the desert, your only enemy is the sun. Frysk war prisoners seem happy now the war is over, they hope they can leave for home.

            Nobody really knows why we built this road. Some say it was to earn favour from Ethiopians, others say it was blackmail. Yet others hope we will use it to invade.

            Me? Every day I curse the day they caught me with that damned Noble girl. Every day in this cursed desert reminds me of her. Mother, do you think she would marry me when I come home? There are only a couple hundred miles more to pave.

            Our officer tells us this work builds character, and some of us may one day become real men, and do great deeds. Perhaps, if I live to come home, I will.

            Attached Files


            • #96
              Well guys, I never had though that quitting would give me so much as I have been promissed this session.

              The slav were not very happy when I gave in to their demands, but it proved that the city I gave them was doomed for conquestby barbs.

              They sacked Sneek the very same turn.

              But then, they started to give me first Sneek, then leeuwarden, and finally Dokkum. These gifts were cummulative, I must add. The fact that I started to sack some of his his cities does NOT seem to be a factor in this, I must confess.

              What a strange world I found myself in: A world where silence is prefered over talk, and a world where negotiation is abolished in favor of brutal extortion.

              I did not give in to these petty whims.

              What have we come to, when it is more profitable to quit, then to try to persue a just settlement for our differences?
              Where one is to squander the promisses made when they prove to be not that profitable as one previously thought?

              I must say that I have found the diplo world one of the most awkward worlds I have visited in a long a time.

              While I had allready decided to leave this world, hoping to leave it for a successor to thrive on the leftovers there could have been, I must bow to defeat, as the Slav pushed forth, and destroyed much. The Frysk, eager to retrurn to their nomadic life, as this so called civilization was nothing more then lies and prejudice and bigotry, left their cities in great numbers, and the Frysians would have all dissapeared from the intrusive rule of law imposed on them by the other civs, if it had not been for a sudden end of the session.

              I, germanos, ruler of the Frysk for many centuries, declare my abdication. I will never set foot here again in this thread, nor will my voice be heard in the other game-related thread where my abdication has been announced earlier this night.

              Anybody willing to take my postion will find my civ free to govern.
              "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
              "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


              • #97
                Too bad I can't do Euro evenings.
                Might be fun to try a diplo game...
                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

