We wellcome the involvement of King of Africa and Asia in this matter. His mayesty's spotless reputation ensures us that his intentions are not to aid one side against the other.
We acknowledge war is not in anyone's long term interest.
We also maintain that war has served someones short-term interests.
We claim this side has been the Frysians.
As such, we refuse to enter a permanent peace agreement with them until we are payed a just compensation for the losses we have suffered.
We consider an absolute minimum in this regard:
- three settlers
- a payement of 300 gold
- equalisation of tech rate with Frysians plus the tech they are now researching
- vacating of one of these three peninsulas by Frysians: Iberia, Britain or Scandinavia
If these conditions are met, we are willing to sing a permanent peace treaty and promise never to treat Frysians different than their treatment of ourselves.
If these conditions are not met, we remain at war.
In any case, we do not object to an international peace keeping force in Europe as long as it is not positioned anywhere within our city radii.
Duke Mrzimir, empowered envoy of King Vojnoslav I in these negotiations.
We acknowledge war is not in anyone's long term interest.
We also maintain that war has served someones short-term interests.
We claim this side has been the Frysians.
As such, we refuse to enter a permanent peace agreement with them until we are payed a just compensation for the losses we have suffered.
We consider an absolute minimum in this regard:
- three settlers
- a payement of 300 gold
- equalisation of tech rate with Frysians plus the tech they are now researching
- vacating of one of these three peninsulas by Frysians: Iberia, Britain or Scandinavia
If these conditions are met, we are willing to sing a permanent peace treaty and promise never to treat Frysians different than their treatment of ourselves.
If these conditions are not met, we remain at war.
In any case, we do not object to an international peace keeping force in Europe as long as it is not positioned anywhere within our city radii.
Duke Mrzimir, empowered envoy of King Vojnoslav I in these negotiations.